Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

WoD, as infernally crap of an expansion as it was, was still miles ahead of Legion in terms of class design and gameplay (both pve and pvp).

The only part with which Legion pulled ahead was in terms of content. Where WoD had none, Legion bloated with it.

Bfa’s systems are a small redaction back towards WoD/MoP, but they stopped after first steps, which is why it feels bad (esp with the loss of artifacts which themselves were a downgrade from WoD/MoP, objectively speaking).

BFA’s systems are also a downgrade from that of Legion’s in terms of content.

Legion had some weaknesses in areas but made up for it in other ways. WoD was an inverse. BfA however has both poor design and horribly minimal content. If you don’t want to push heroic raiding or M+ you’re basically out of luck. And the latter is far less fun than it was in Legion because we have even more dungeons that just suck to do. M+ is more about skipping or slogging through as much trash as possible, the bosses are nothing, which I think is a total waste and an utter bore. I wish affixes would impact bosses in some way besides more damage/health.

I seriously wonder if they’ll ever do anything to make getting those sets more feasible in future, especially postBfA I can’t see queues popping for Arathi very often, if at all. I managed to get the 1,8k armour from the season but it’s a different colour.

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They’ll probably be wild as h*ck and do that thing they usually do where you can buy it for marks of honor

The vendors are already there, they just don’t sell it yet.

These do get blown up as part of the Alliance raid on dazar’alor, fyi.

shakes fist now that I’m back

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BfA is not only WoD 2.0 but also Legion 0.5.


Not gonna lie
Incurring the wrath of Blizzard
Got me thinking
Generally my outlook has changed
Enabling me to become a better person
Reevaluating what is important


I couldn’t have put it better.

Peeve: Was too depressed to see the blood moon and just went to bed instead. I missed it 8(

This is not WoW related at all. But I hate how little XP you get in Duels in For Honor. I can’t stand playing any of the team matches since I don’t find getting ganged up on by three people to be fun. But all the team games give so much XP compared to duels.


You hide nothing.

Peeve: didn’t even know about the bloodmoon til today.

There’s an actual Bloodmoon IRL?

The more you know…

I’m late to the party, but…

But the fact is that most non-Grimtotem/Bloodtotem Tauren are not aggressive. They are an extreme, an exception and a minority not the norm in the tauren society.

There are two major Tauren tribes with ‘Rage’ in the name - Ragetotem and Steelrage. Not to mention the chieftain tribe, Bloodhoof. They’re certainly not aggressive as a whole, but they are definitely a lot of warriors amongst the Tauren.

there was a bloodmoon? aw i missed the one reborn falling from the moon.

peeve; i missed a bloodmoon.

Warriors are plentiful for sure, but it’s frequently noted that Grimtotem in particular hold uncommon views for tauren. During Tides of War I’m pretty certain it’s mentioned that very few tauren even cared about revenge for taurajo or the like. And those that did were predominantly Grimtotem.

Yeah, the lack of response to Taurajo (a hunting camp firebombed by dwarves and then its mostly civilian members killed) by Tauren in lore, as well as the lack of response to the massacre of the Stonespire tribe by dwarves is a bit lackluster.

Hey Baine, if Taurajo is a legitimate military target that means that Teldrassil probably is too. : )


Why do you think we’ve not seen any objections to Teldrassil burning by Baine?

As it turns out he’s actually all for it, but he can’t share these thoughts with his more pacifist/druidic tauren brethren.

Dun dun duuuuuuuun

I mean, Blizzard seems to have forgotten about the Stonespire tribe so I suppose it’s fair that the characters they write also forget.

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Oh yes I can imagine. I only play 4v4 but the xp/time investment does not seem fully balanced, especially with how turtley and tedious duels can be.

Yeah. I love doing duels and do kinda enjoy the team matches when it’s not just me against three other people. But the XP I get from duels is just laughable.