Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

The fact that we STILL do not know the exact release date for the Zandalari.

Who do I need to boink to get my god damn prelate?


On BFA’s release, Blizzard said so themselves.

Oh wait.


The infamous loot specialization system. It’s been a hot topic in my guild recently also, that even while there’s that nice menu where you can specify which spec you’re going to want loot for, you’re absolutely NOT going to get loot for that spec! Prot Paladins are getting intellect maces… and my Marksmanship hunter has 325 gun due to very bad luck with RNG, so I go for an Emissary quest for 360 weapon cache… Well, what do I get from it…? A 365 Polearm! But I’m not Survival, damn it! And yes, I specified my loot spec to MM just to avoid getting off-spec loot. It’s been like this for weeks. Currently the loot spec selection is just a nice visual menu in game, but when something is in game, I want it to work! Shouldn’t be that hard to fix! pokes Blizz

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The fact that character concepts with a slight bit of nuance to them are often just classed as “Edgy” which is enough for folks to say “I just don’t want anything to do with that character.”

And yet, while a Death Knight or Demon hunter who is particularly enthusiastic about their craft is seen as Bad role play, what is my real pet peeve about this is that it is considered A-okay to base medal designs, ranks, names, guild concepts and what have you on the ideology of a particular National socialist party of Germany shortly before World War 2.

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I don’t think we are allowed fun or discussions on the forums anymore. Suspended again, now I am starting to wonder if it’s worth being on the forums anymore.

I mean, if I am going to get suspended for posts that realistically should not offend ANYONE, was not vulgar nor did it hold any violent or threatening content, then what is the point of being on the forums?

I wonder what will my girlfriend think of this when I tell her this (And she also finds it crazy, I was typing fhis up yesterday). And me and my parents had a bit of a laugh about it for how petty of a reason it was.

I missed out on quite a few discussion pieces yesterday because of it. You know, it doesn’t feel like it’s worth being on the forums anymore, and I may end up post less frequently here, and probably even quit at it.

Which I guess will make a few petty people happy here.

And it wouldn’t surprise me if this post ends up getting me flagged for another visit to the freezer even though the worst thing I said could be the word “Vulgar” a second time.

Anyway, a Pet Peeve for the morning. I see Anthem, and I can’t help but find it morbidly curious. I feel ashamed to say that I may very well end up be interested in trying it out.

Well if anything, there is a demo coming out for it, and I can give it a testdrive then with my girlfriend. Hopefully I won’t end up wanting ti play it further.

Yes , for the 50th time, WE KNOW you have a girlfriend . And perhaps people just dislike your endless whining in whatever thread you’re poking your nose in, that’s why flagged?

Peeve : Missing Raiden and Kung-Lao fights in SW. Raiden’s mog was on point.


Imagine getting reported for complaining in a thread made for complaining.

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This doesn’t really make anything I said untrue however. All tauren tribes have braves in them. Ragetotem has the best warriors. Doesn’t change the fact that they aren’t aggressive as a majority.


Daily reminder to be mad at Blizzard for removing Zandalari Warlocks instead of Monks for the sake of Paladins

Zandalari locks have been confirmed/leaked/rumoured/shown as playable, which made the lock and general playerbase content.
They even had lore mentions in Vanilla and there’s a quest NPC in Vol’dun who is a Zandalari Warlock.
The following is the way warlocks pop up in ANY culture: Scholars getting interested in occult and dark magic, trading in morals for knowledge and power, or simply learn from other warlocks.
Darkspear Trolls and even Hearthstone reference loa as a gateway drug to become practicioners of dark magic.
We have race choices like human, dwarf, nightborne and troll warlocks because they were exposed to Fel via other races and learned from them.
The Zandalari have an entire region of exiles and remnants of blood trolls / Hir’eek worshippers which would be viable breeding grounds for warlock covens or individuals.
On the flip side Zandalari Paladins weren’t touched on or revealed, making the paladin and zandalari player community seethe on every social media outlet possible.
Even at Blizzcon Warlocks were shown as playable! Yet a day after Blizzcon a confirmation comes through that “btw zandalari cant be warlocks because reasons lol :)”, leaving no time for the same crapshow the warlock community could have conjured that the paladin community made all the way to Blizzcon/8.1
The Zandalari have loa like Bwonsamdi, Hir’eek and Shadra who use bloody Death and Void magic or whatever they are meant to be. Their followers can be literal warlocks in all but name.
“nah Zandalari dont have the culture for warlocks”

This peeve of mine will live on forever in my shriveled stone heart not simply because I wanted the class/race combo, but the diabolical, horrible way they were simply removed.


Big truth.


To be fair, neither make much sense.

“She goes to another school, you probably don’t know her” - Tubri


I kind of agree. Demoniacs really are more demon hunter than warlock, so we should’ve had Zandalari DH instead.


I’d rather have Outbreak remade. Could have three players, but you were free to wander off for the most part.

So I have been watching this Netflix show… Carmen Sandiego and it was very enjoyable, chillax and occasionally educational. Would recommend.

Only bad side and it mostly comes from the wounded pride of a Frenchman… Is that the inspector chasing Carmen is not only french but also incompetent, a bully to his partner (even the show acknowledges it at the last episode) despite being a guy who rose to even be part of Interpol (also reminding me that french elites really become stupid buffoons once get there). The only time he’s funny is when he sang the National Anthem to cloud his mind.

I feel like they’re more Warlocks with the Grimoire of Sacrifice.

Sounds like someone feels envy…

“Endless whining”? Huh, I tend to “Whine” on the Pet Peeves thread, as that is its purpose.

No. The reason I am getting flagged, is the same reason other people on this thread/forum are getting flagged: Total bologna.

A handful of people on this thread already get flagged often, so it wouldn’t come as a surprise.

You’re gonna have to make more sense than that.

Maybe. Either way, you’d think the hexxing race would get the cursing class…

Edit: actually that song was a bit lewd for the forums
“My Girlfriend who lives in Canada” - Avenue Q.


lmao imagine only having one girlfriend from canada. I have a whole harem of them and they’re all 10/10s and super kawaii


And they all think I’m super cool and they’re super hot and give me lots of kisses. Did I mention that I have a girlfriend?