Pet Peeve: The Undying

You have to actively add it, it is not present by default.

I find it a handy warning flag for who to avoid.


Absolutely agree with everything that you’ve said.

Finally one of few people with proper views on things, thank you!

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Yeah, baiscly a red flag.

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A system like Lotro would honestly be better according to me. Most of the rep is gained by BoP items thats drop from certain enemies in certain zones, depending on the faction, and there is no daily limit to what you can reach, so you can grind up rep how much you want whenever you want. Atop of that there’s also a couple of daily quests.

Honestly, if lotro would (could?) fix its stability and lag issues, would probably never leave it.

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That was basically the pre-MoP system for WoW’s rep grinding. Take Hydraxian Waterlords and Argent Dawn of classic for example. You could control how much you wanted to grind per day. Scourgestones dropped from mobs and you could pace yourself depending on how many were going to drop per day for you.

Similar situation in TBC with the Obsidian Warbeads and Netherwing Eggs being collectables that complemented daily quests. Wrath introduced rep tabards to create a consistent grind that you could do any time through dungeon content.

Fast forward to MoP (although arguably started with the time-gated Molten Front) You have a system that not only has locked entire reputations behind other reputations, the dailies give much less rep and the daily limit actively blocks your progress, forcing you to prioritise content heavy reps (Golden Lotus) over the others.

By the time the restrictions were lifted in 5.3/5.4 the damage to the overall experience for MoP had been done.


I wish they’d make the lunarwing owl form an extra form. Would be nice to have it so I can give people a lift but still be able to retain my actual flight form.


It has many flaws, but it also has many stuff I like, such as the rep, and the housing. And overall adventure feeling when questing. The deeds are nice too.

I only started playing in late wrath, so I didnt reach max level until cataclysm came out, but I do recall things like scourgestones a bit, and the tbc marks. And combining that with repeatable daily quests is a good thing to be honest, cus we then dicate our own terms of the game and our enjoyment from it.

I also recall Molten front’s rep being quite steep, the quests didnt give much and it took forever to unlock the next part. The pandaria rep while slow, i didnt mind as much when they introduced the zanda rares and rep bonus items for the account.

But since the wqs, its been very very dull.

Peeve: PDFs that use tiny, near-illegible text. Are you trying to conserve pages? In a PDF? Why?

Edit: Second peeve: Always confusing the meaning of “unreadable” and “illegible”.


The fact that we still can’t have both hats and hair showing when npc’s use these very same hat/hair combos showing that it’s no longer an engine limitation.

I also get the feeling that the unnecessary, inaccessible mountains of Zuldazar are the corpses of cut content as they serve no real purpose besides conveniently blocking off 40% of the zone, shrinking questing and terrain space.


When I was running around for the goat pet, I came to realise how barren Zuldazar is compared to its scale. A third of the entire zone was just mountains, and empty, flat hills behind them that you acessed by wall jumping, but had no purpose other than filler.

I find it a bit wierd that you seem to be suggesting that the allied race grind unlocks nothing bar allied races, whilst insinuating this is inferior to prior rep rewards which offered account goodies like titles, toys and mogs.

A) allied rep factions sell gear, toys, recipes. The AR is additional to this.

B) Allied races are arguably an “account wide” bonus. Comparing them as a trivial measure to say mog items is disigenious. They’re both cosmetic features.

I agree the notion of marketing allied races as the big feature behind BFA and then locking them behind content is douchy however. That said in the early days of BFA maxing the reps was worthwhile in its own right. It seems more pointless now because the gear they sell is weak (note blizz, increase the item levels accordingly).

My suggestion to lessen the burden is that rep vendors sell an item at honoured for a reasonable amount of gold that when active for the next hour world quests no longer grant rewards because instead reputation from them is increased by 300% for the respective faction. This would increase the gains to a much more reasonable 3000 a day. Which when you think about emissaries and such too, would make it a lot quicker.

This would essentially make world quests largely the same as old “daily quests” if you so choose, which people seem to see as less bothersome than world quests (the only difference in my mind is the rep gains. Daily quests were essentially the same world quests every day, with no rewards bar gold. I fail to see how that was better. I hated maxing my ogri la rep and sky guard )

Regarding grinding mobs or dungeons. Eh. Its legitimate. I personally never liked it.

I guess it boils down to player preference.

My main contention with world quest rep time gating is not the delay of rewards. Its the fact its being used to hide how shallow content blis in BFA bar mythic and raid. I say this as someone who does mythics here and there. I get the sense it’s mainly used for this reason rather than anything else.

Okay, I will admit that there is more purpose to the reputations beyond toys, mounts and pets’n’such, but let’s be honest, the gear isn’t exactly that special, at best serve as a stepping stone in case you haven’t gotten anything from the World Quests or from the Emissaries (At least I think they drop gear as well?). Never really paid much attention to the recipes, since… I don’t see many of them offering recipes for anything good for Engineering.

Except not entirely. On paper sure, you unlock them for your account, but really, they aren’t that cosmetic and you aren’t able to drape the skin of a Zandy Troll over your existing characters without paying a premium.

I also don’t believe they’re all that “Cosmetic” either, as it’s a completely different race from the word go. When you have them part of the Barbershop Quartet, then we can talk business.

I think we can all agree with that. “Look at these wonderful allied races you can unlock!” But how do we unlock them? “Oh. We won’t tell you right now, buuuuut we will tell you later that you have to grind reputation slowly over time, little by little.”

At least I don’t remember the advertisements telling us that the races will be locked behind a time-gated grind.

It certainly would make those pieces of gear have a bit more meaning, other than being stepping stones for players to get in to the real gearbringer… The Warfronts. And some World Quests/Emissaries. Whenever you’re lucky to have them that is.

You know… I can get behind that. Just… How much gold are we talking about? Five hundred? A thousand? Three thousand gold? Hopefully not more than the Auction House Dino.

What’s wrong with putting 50/50 or on Chaste?
Though I guess it’s best to keep any of these sliders unused (because discovering via RP is more fun), lustful or chaste doesn’t need to mean slutty.
A married person can be lustful too, but only towards their partner.

The thing is, I have never found denoting my character on the scale to be important for casual observers, and if it had been you would be rightfully concerned.

I like to give my characters Azerothian “celebrity” crushes, completely unrealistic and impossible - so I can roleplay out my characters having some manner of emotion without dealing with the (general) tawdry awfulness of in-character romance.

Yeah, what character doesn’t have a shrine to mommy Jaina in their bedroom?

:triumph: :ok_hand: :100: :sweat_drops:


Every expansion has one, last time it was Dadgar. It just progresses on and on. Think of all those starstruck Horde grunts desperately switching their calendars from Thrall to Garrosh to Saurfang, to Vol’jin. P. tiring.

I have a to-scale body pillow replica of Jaina IC

That’s a weird way to spell “IRL” telaryn.