Pet Peeve: The Undying

Can relate really bad.

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I can’t speak for anyone else who uses them but I already have a name for my character IC and well try my best to replicate that with my OOC name, using accents opens up the chance for me to use the name I want.

I would prefer Ábél to Heisenburg or Baldywarrior or something like that just personal preference though


I can understand where you’re coming from, but surely the character creation came before you had the character IC?

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Yeah I had most things planned out in advance, the actual character creation comes last so if I say had a character planned out called John you can bet that name is taken in game but that doesnt deter me from using that name for my character.

EDIT: Wait I read that wrong, no actually I create the character concepts first which generally result in starting a new character or racechanging a class to the desired race which also grants me a name change

Not sure if this was patched but you can also delete the character you want the name change for, create a lvl 1/class trial with the same name then restore the original which forces a namechange (due to the name existing on the realm already).

Did that for a while when I wanted to change names but I’m not sure if it’s still valid.

It is valid, but you need second account (doesn’t need to have a sub). It seems to just error when the character you wish to restore has a name that already exists on the same account.


Ah, that’s it.

Well there you go!

NOBODY EVEN TALKS IN DUNGEONS. My Dwarf feels lonely .

The only issue I have with people using accents or special characters for their names is when it’s excessive (ƁëģöÄșéƟ). Aside from that sometimes it gets funny when you know how to actually pronounce some of these “fancy letters” and someone wanting to name themselves a badass suddenly turns into someone declaring their own butt to be sad.

Groups on the English servers already need too much chat communication for simple things!! >I
Staring down a hallway while jumping for attention should be enough to tell people that I want to go that way!


ÁbĂ©l’s and ColdshĂĄde’s (as an example) are pretty easy for me to do since they are just ctrl+alt+letter luckily and most names only use that symbol. means I can write pokĂ©mon properly if i want.

What on earth is THAT? Is that even legal?


It’s special. And reads nothing like Legolas.

I don’t even need any CTRL or ALT magic to do stuff like the aigu (Ă©), grave (Ăš), circonflexe (ĂȘ) and Ă€Ă¶ĂŒĂŸ on my keyboard and it’s still sometimes slightly annoying because WoW’s font makes it hard to see if it’s an Ă­ or an ĂŹ.

I’m aware, but luckily when trying to enter it into the name box wow just flat out told me; “name needs to have letters” so thankfully, something doesn’t count as a letter.

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This is heavily dependant on your language settings and not all have that feature. So for me, Ă€Ă¶Ă”ĂŒ would be dead simple, but Ă© and the ilk would be fair bits more complicated. Simplest solution would be to just not have any.

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hence why I said “for me”


Apparently WoW doesn’t like slavic and turkish letters because LĂ«gölĂŠs is totally fine.

That’d be why then, hah!

Do I get a point for “The accent is part of the name and should be pronounced”?


The last time I tried to be friendly and verbose, I was mocked because of course one of those Roleplayers would be clogging the chat. Consensus was to focus on clearing the dungeon fast like an adult and a professional. Real gamers don’t chat.


Upstairs neighbour is running a circular saw. I don’t think you’re even allowed to. They’re either building furniture or getting rid of a body. I just wanted a nap.

How do you even pronounce Ă«?

They’re building furniture out of a body.


As it is spelled.


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