Pet Peeve: The Undying

Typically uncertainty and fear, as a function of economic uncertainty and social change upsetting priorly held privileges, creating a false feeling of oppression.

Economic factors cannot be underestimated and another great crisis throwing people into poverty doesn’t help. Add that self interested, centrist neoliberal orthodoxy actively grows itself by redirecting the fears and uncertainties of the dispossessed away from the real economic factors and exploitation that fuel this uncertainty, onto convenient outlets for uncertainty like the lower classes, having various groups and identities fight and blame one another while the profits accumulate at the top regardless of the ideological pretense.


I would disagree personally, seeing how alot of these parties actually act.

I would also disagree about culture dissapearing due to refugees/immigration but thats another topic that might not be best to have here.

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Have a like from me tomorrow.

liberal center-left

Liberalism isn’t left-wing.


There is somewhat an issue that in Europe ‘the left’ is largely influenced by the American left which having run out things to fight for in the name of equality has started going (pardon the un PC) a ‘little crazy’.

The fight for equal wages is won, so it becomes ‘men should not open their legs on trains’ or ‘ginger bread men should be ginger bread people!’ and so on.

This pushes people in the middle away from the left and has people on the left drawer closer to the far left.

Horseshoe theory has the far left and far right almost touching in their attempts to remove cival liberties, all that changes is in ‘what name’ they do it. While the right will silence you in the name of 'the king, the country or ‘God’ the left will do it in the name of being politically correct.

Recently in the UK both political parties (that actually matter) have been savaged for not signing up to definitions of group’phobias’ that would also make any disagreement or negative comment on said groups, ‘criminal’ by UK laws.

Likewise what baffles me is the American left pushing to defend a certain religion and promote it as the religion of peace, while claiming to support LGBT rights.

How can you support LGBT rights while also embracing a religion that kills people for being those things?

It makes me somewhat sceptical that anything people on the ‘left’ say is what they truly feel, that they are just constantly looking for a band wagon to jump on.

Which is a problem with the Internet and social media being so USA led.

People embrace the current ‘political’ hot topic trend from the USA, usually birthed from the brains of someone who has never, and will never actually ‘work hard’ in their life, you know the type, white, rainbow hair, possibly a hipster beard, writing about what people six shades darker than them experience on a laptop said people could never afford.

Then the media runs with it for clicks, views and paper sales, inflating it even further, which has more people embrace and go further and further to seem woke.

Understandably this draws a negative reaction

Do I think you should olbige a transperson and call them by their preferred pronoun?

Sure, why not no harm there.

Do I think that trans acceptance means being okay with giving hormone treatments to 12 year olds?

Gods no.

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Horseshoe theory is nonsense and nobody who is taken seriously (that includes just about every trans activist I have ever seen) ever advocates or encourages hormone treatment for young people.

I’d encourage you to find some trans people willing to talk to you about the process and educate yourself from the source.


What even is Horseshoe theory? I’ve never heard of this before until you both brought it up.

The American left is heavily right wing by EU standards.

Also ‘run out of things to fight for’? Hello? Have you ever been to Alabama or Georgia or Missisippi or-

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Can someone tell me how the thread went from Tabloid junkies [by the way best Michael Jackson song] to politics?

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Funnily so yes. The democrats in America is more alike our conservative party here in Sweden or our liberal party, both who are two of the most right-leaning parties we got and part of(or used to be) of the right-party Alliance.

A political theory that claims that far-left and far-right ideology curve toward one another - so rather than a line of left-center-right, it is shaped more like a horseshoe.

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Politics uh, finds a way.

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Indeed, it’s 100% true. I wanted to write this part myself, but I’m doing lazy writing as I’m on a train.
The lack of a severe economic crisis which impacts on everyday life is one of the things that makes me less concerned, so far, about right-wing populism descending into a dictatorship (as some people imply, on occasion). Until people are chill with their life, they will lack the anger to go on rampant crusades: treat your dog well and it won’t bite.

Considering we are looking at the past. You may also add communists setting bombs in banks, advocating for (and enacting) violent rebellions, students sharing pseudo-military attitudes which favor dispotic countries, and the middle-class feeling completely ignored in a struggle between the conservation of privileges of a few and an utopic socialism which advocates for their integration into a system which acknowledges no one of their values.

It really depends on which model you refer to. I said international, and I was thinking about the USA’s idea of liberalism

Ah…Alright. Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile: I know of that theory, I didnt know about the name for it though.

I personally think the truth is more that diffrent ideologies, even on diffrent sides, sometimes overlap on things. It happens. On what and how, it can vary -greatly-

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Those laws will be struck down in the Supreme court, which for some reason seems to be the intent on passing them at the state level.

After all even ‘Orange Man Bad’ himself objects to their over reach.

Basically does it matter if you are being told you can’t say something because it might ‘offend a group’ or that it ‘might offend the magical sky fairy’?

You’re still being silenced.

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It’s also not really taken seriously by anyone but fringe political scientists, it’s certainly not seen much support in academia.

The clinical treatment of 12 year olds who’re diagnosed with gender dysphoria is based on decades of sound medical literature, and does in fact not advocate giving pre-pubescent children hormones; at most, a child will be signed up for puberty blockers while their case of dysphoria is further analysed, and to assess whether social transitioning (“living as the other gender”) causes marked improvements in their life satisfaction.

There’s a bunch of great studies on it, but here’s one!


Being informed of the consequences of your actions is not silencing.

Honestly the ‘cant say anything these days without worrying about offending people’ crowd are boring. Yes, you should consider what you say. Yes, you should change your language if what you say is offensive. That’s what being an empathetic human being is all about.


So many studies, and yet some action is still allowed on this subject below the age of consent.

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Im not for forcing you to not say something. But I’d rather ask you to perhaps not, depending on what it is. Or atleast maybe not say it straight to the face of said group.

To use an analogy Im quite fond of that a swedish comedian used(changing it a bit to better suit english)

Say I meet a guy called Johnathan. And I say “Hi John.”

And he asks me “Dont call me John please, I dont like it.”

It should be fairly sensible to go “Okay then fair enough.” And not, like some people do(Metaphorically), walk up inches away from his face and shout “John, John John John John!”

That is just plain disrespectful.