Pet Peeve: The Undying

Yes, and Asmongold will react to that afterwards.

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I feel like death and it’s all because of my infected gum. Headache, sore throat, sore jaw… Plus I’m overly hot and sweating like mad. Luckily I went to the dentist today and got antibiotics so I hope they work soon.

If you got it, flaunt it.


Why is the Azshara patch youtube ad showing the fight from the latest Saurfang cinematic? The two have nothing to do with each other beyond tangential horde vs horde nonsense. I guess it’s accurate in the sense of the ongoing Horde story but that’s it.

Double peeve with mango relish:

Bedbound again for two days straight. This body sucks and I demand another. That cyberpunk dystopia can’t come quickly enough.

Oh right, we already get the corruption, global corporate oligarchy and misery without the cool sci-fi toys. Those aren’t for the peasantry.

I just want to be able to sit straight, think straight and type like a sapient ape again.

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Taliesin (Just the guy) is so biased toward Blizzard that I’m sure his pants have the Blizzard logo on them.

It was funny but mostly sad to see such lack of self-awareness. He came off incredibly hypocritical and we all know he is… There was also how obsessed he was about money… He kept mentionning money which just screams “How can this guy, which I automatically through my personal biases deemed bad and an a-hole,does better than me with low tier levels of work?”… It reeked of jealousy and envy.

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Goes to show that no matter how nice someone seems to be, once you see their true skin unravel you will see what kind of person they are, like Taliesin did on that infamous stream of his. Taliesin turned out to be yet another hypocrite, that, despite him making quite an amount of money due to him being among the popular WoW content creators, getting 200k+ views on average, he came off as an arrogant, jealous man that even after he apologized to Asmongold, he continued with himself playing the victim card, and belittling Asmon’s viewers. He literally pulls out the ‘‘but muh wife’’ card as well at any given opportunity. Heelsvsbabyface also made a reaction video and he was spot on tbh.

Eh, at least Asmon is who he is. A withered neckbeard that plays WoW, I can find myself in him and most of the times he just is that, even in his real life streams he just remains himself - a withered human being that has spent too much time on WoW, but then again, so have I. :tired_face:

And even if Asmon comes off as rude sometimes, at least he is honest. I’d rather watch a honest person, than a lying, double-faced hypocrite.


It’s a good thing we’re all 6’ tall muscled chads, amirite?

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May I question why/how you’re bedbound? I wanna /pat you cuz you’re a cool forummer and you deserve the best health you can get D:

Are you suggesting you aren’t a alpha male, ripped as Chris Hemsworth, looking guy? Or that the female WoW gamers aren’t all looking like supermodels?

This thread should stop making me want to give FF14 yet another try. >I


it’s pretty good

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I’m still not sure if “You can make the game play itself” is bad game design or something that adequately rewards system mastery. Even the secret optional bosses can be gambit’d and require basically no intervention (which is good because one of them takes literal hours to beat iirc?)

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Between work and mandatory family visits due to summer holiday my rl is starting to seriously impact my gaming life and Bohemia can’t defend itself against Sigismund, half-brother to Wenceslas the Holy Roman Emperor

What game?

Taliesin’s apology vid was hardly about apologizing… It was more of a “I’m sorry you feel that way” a non apology, scoring points, holier than thou attitude.

In a way he reminded me of far leftist in their methods, never truly genuine even in the face of demonstrable facts.

People who got a beef with Asmongold are people who have been made fun of for their gear/progress (Aka complaining about how hard mythic is while never having cleared normal), that feeling of being slighted by Asmon makes them feel justified in hating this “Elitist jerk”.

I’d rather have genuine and brash Asmongold than conniving and sycophants like Taliesin.

Defective equipment in the biomechanical skinsuit and recent conditions really screwed with the operational parameters.

I’m not adverse to discussing it due to sheer familiarity with it breaking down what social barriers I once may have had to complain about it but the forum isn’t the place in its apparent attention seeking moebius loop.

Concisely; I’m ill and can’t do much about it.

N’aww, thanks.

Speaking of which, the bath water “controversy” is a peeve. What the fudge is wrong with people?

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he’s not going to sleep with you


Welcome to youtube apology videos!

Haha, what?


What controversy is this even?

E-celeb(?) sells her bathwater for 30 dollars a jar. Lonely dudes drink it. Get herpes. Apparently.

Yeah that part is fake news.

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