Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

The Oder is a river originating from Czechia that runs through Poland and empties into the Baltic Sea. And it turns out it is heavily polluted by what is probably a chemical waste dump. It is so severe that from Wroclaw (mid south of Poland) to Szczezin (coast of Poland) tons of fish are now dead. That is about 400 km of river in which and directly near it everything has died.

This is a catastrophical ecological disaster. The sheer scope of it has to mean some kind of industry is behind it and whoever dumped it into the river is keeping quiet about it. Furthermore whoever is in charge of Polish water management have been really slow on the uptake and took way too long to inform Germany about it or, well, maybe any of the other countries connected to the Baltic Sea.

This will take years before the area will begin to recover from this. This happening and the matter it was handled is terrifying, horrifying and so, so bleak.


Not that it was needed, but yet more evidence that the mantra of “Everyone needs to tighten their belts and recycle more, etc!” is utter horse dooky; it’s corporations. Its always been corporations. Absolute carnage, in the name of profit above all.

I’m so sorry to hear whats happened :pensive: really, really hope they find who caused it, and hand them their backside on a plate.


Thanks for the breakdown. Yeah this sounds like donkey farts alright. And unfortunately all too common where I’m from.

Double Ripple Blade, go (on dragon character)

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I slept for less than an hour and snapped awake as if I slept for ten hours.

That’s why I am here.


The VA for Suyin Beifong in Legend of Korra, Anne Heche, has died following a car accident. Apparently she was DUI of some sort of drugs, which is also very tragic, really. Don’t condone that, as she crashed into a home where a fire erupted and destroyed the home, with all of the tenant’s personal property.

Mental health can be really serious, and apparently she’s also been struggling for a long time. :frowning:

Got a present at work that I didn’t want yesterday. (As a “thank you” from management)
Was pretty annoyed that I had to drag it all the way home in this weather. Gave it to my mum - who I know would like it - today so I didn’t have to just throw it away.
Mum made fun of me for being annoyed with the useless presents from work. Guess next time I’ll just put it somewhere someone else can find it on my way home.

And yes I’ve told work multiple times that I do not wish to get these presents as I find them annoying and useless. Using these exact words because being nice about it didn’t work.
Excuse me for not caring about being socially acceptable on this one topic.

Thank you for explaining. I was so annoyed and angry with everything I just went to bed.


What was the annoying present though?

Don’t wanna share. Nothing expensive.
Just really annoyed with a bunch of things lately and it’s adding up.


Probably going to have to use Vyke’s Spear until I get one of the faith swords (Godslayer > Blasphemous > Maliketh’s is the plan)

Fair. On an off chance it’s a Greek statue, I’ll take that off you gladly for my Vaporwave decor.


I for one blame capitalism.

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Don’t you always? :stuck_out_tongue: ( It -is- responsible for quite a few things though.)

I have to give this reminder of the root cause of these corporate oopsies and why nobody will be imprisoned and the offending institution dismantled for not upholding standards set by laws worth less than the paper they’re printed on.

Would be awsome if I were to actually be wrong for once.

Oh I don’t blame you, worry not. I know what it’s like to live near a river that’s been polluted by the neighbouring country. ( I live near the Westerschelde in the Netherlands, and recently there’s been more and more evidence of it being polluted due to the Belgians dumping all manner of things in there. It’s the river that Antwerp, one of their biggest ports lies along.) Thankfully we’ve not had literal tons of dead fish , but yeah, it’ll be a while before I go to the beach there again…

Recent polling in the UK says that up to 40% of people are now saying that rioting in response to the incredible cost of living crisis that neither party is planning to do anything about is justified

Ruuuuule britannia


Feeling like such a crappy dog owner today. The pair of them are dying to go for a walk down the park but it’s 29C out which will burn their paws… And to top it off a bill has gone out early so I only have enough dog food to last until Tuesday the earliest.

This Saturday feels more like a Monday.

I’m just going to stay out of any natural water source for a while. The danes were pumping raw sewage into the sea not long ago.

Only 40%? There’s that restrained, british stiff upper lip in action. “What would the neighbours think” vs “Awright boyz! 'Ere we go! Waaaaaaaggghhhh!!!”

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Big difference between saying that rioting is justified and actually engaging in the rioting. When push comes to shove, most people will probably just keep calm, carry on and try to scrape by on what they earn.

I’m not sure what it would take to lift discontent to a point where widespread rioting actually occurs in this country.

Popular support for direct action, whichever shape it may take, is an important component in the struggle toward meaningful change.