Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

If someone were to try and claim that the era of Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Medievil and the like was not Peak, Based, etc, than I shall turn my back on God and Attack :triumph:

Donkey Kong era, lets go, punk!


Get owned hah

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Final Fantasy 7-9, Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider. The list goes on and on… :monkey:

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You fool, you’ve only increased my power!

-Returns to M O N K E-

I had a master system, mega drive and a PS1.

Then Soul Reaver 2 had the audacity to air an ad on TV so that’s when I got a PS2 for that Xmas.

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Base Pilled :fist:

News outlets should be banned from using the words “slammed” and “blasted”.

Distantpeak DESTROYED by local click bait posters.

Let’s get our priorities straight, here.

Ban ‘edged’ first


gonna slam+blast their mums (consensually) lmao


Stone tower EDGED by-


they never use the correct phrase ‘edged out’ mito

it’s always edged

that’s a sex act, daniel


This sounds surprisingly similar to the guys in the Netherlands that keep voting Erdogan despite not living in Turkey…

In other news, I got a new headset on warranty and bought a new mouse. Finally I can press the scroll-wheel again without having to almost wreck my mouse in the process!

Sir is sitting on his cardboard scratcher moofing at me because he doesn’t like what was in his bowl.

What you have not realised is that I never left…


You mean an unfortunate majority of turks living across Europe as for some reason EU isn’t slamming down on mr.Erdogan running his voting campaign outside of Turkey?

Don’t like them, don’t like their president. It should be banned and have some consequences for doing it.


Honestly you should just lose the right to vote if you dont live in the place anymore period. Pretty sure he’d be gone soon then…

Funnily enough, this behavior did allow our PM to go for another term again, because people suddenly found him okay again after he told a Turkish minister or secretary, i forgot which, to gtfo instead of campaigning here.

Ataturk didn’t deserve this as his legacy…

It’s a little funny when you get into some internet debates especially in racial topics (or any other minority-related topics), and then they go ‘anyway go watch this [youtuber]’, so you do and it’s your generic reactionary piss-conservative spiel.

my dude, what did you hope to achieve