Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

He really did not, no :frowning:

Ethnonationalism is cringe. Turanian theory must be obliterated.



A farily sizeable amount of supporters/voters for the swedish racist party is ironically also living abroad. Mainly in the US, Hungary and Thailand.

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I rest my case.

But, I’d still say this even if those abroad voted in a way I liked. I just think that people who do not live in a place, should not get to influence those that do still live there. For better or worse. Just vote in the place you -live- in.

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supports keep sweden swedish
moves abroad

The inherent hypocrisy of reactionaries and far-righties will always make itself known.


A couple of them(the more vocal ones) are also actually criminals, and partially why they have moved abroad(fled).

The two best examples are two individuals in Hungary and US respectively. A couple of years ago during Trump’s Presidency, there was a period of time where he went on a rant about Sweden. The reason to this was an interview done on FOX with a swedish woman who had according to her own words “had to flee the country due to the rising crime, immigration and prejudice against true swedes”.

In actuality, the woman was/is wanted by both police and our secret service for tax evasion, heavy fraud charges and hate speech.

A similar thing also happened in Hungary where some talk show that was/is very pro Viktor Orban interviewed a swedish man with the same sob story. Convinently not mentioning that the guy was also wanted by Swedish police for a number of charges including: hate speech, harassment, violence towards the police, physical assault, attempted murder, threats and conspiracy to comitt various acts of terrorism. He was/is also a part of NMR(The nordic resistance movement) which is classified as a terrorist organization in the nordic countries.

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Tarnished takes part time job as a bartender to make ends meet.

EDIT: Also, hella funny that you can meme beam an enemy amongst a group and nobody in that group get up to see who killed their friend.


Funny, a fairly sizable amount of supporters for the Estonian Racist Party are also living in Finland. :rofl:

Wonder why that’s such a common trait among all parties in Europe.


From observation, a mix of reasons. Many of them have trouble with the law in their respective country and have moved abroad to flee(Usually violent crimes or tax evasion/fraud). It’s also because for a lot of their talk about their love for the country/etc, its really just a coat of paint to cover up their core belief, hatred towards groups of other people.

A person who truly love their country(without being a full on nationalist/supremacist or belief that the country is superior) will want it to be open and inclusive, and have everyone feel safe and welcomed and to also be able to enjoy themselves and live happily. And also want to improve the faults & flaws that exists.

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so in a talkshow with Yoshi P. Soken and the JP Voice actress of Krile they stated that keyart for 7.0 is all but finished, everythings almost ready story-wise for the expac. Krile will be playing a larger role and will see a wardrobe update like every other scion

krile stans are eating well i see


I didnt make it past Endwalker last I played(due to running out of gametime) but I liked Krile.

Both Lalafells are fun characters.

Krile getting a wardrobe is the biggest news the game has ever received. No more cat hoodie?


There’ll always be cat hoodie;


oh hey that’s a nice head piece, I wonder how it’d look on my hroth-

: (


Also girls only (unfortunately)

EDIT: I mean, they did it with Alphinaud’s HW onwards outfit, can they not remove the genderlock on some others?

If the skirt bit of the stripey thigh highs wasn’t so meh, I could go full catgirl on her.

You can get 14 days free with the current campaign if you haven’t had a sub for 90-days

And the same rewards as if you got RAF’d

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put on the cat ears now. i am no longer asking

If only. Should you run into the peculiar turk who claims turks built all the great empires and and turkish is the root of all languages, powerwalk away.

Hungary gets some of the same brain beetles as a result, to say nothing of assorted balkan nationalists.