Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Yes, it’s been discussed here.

I’ve watched the first two episodes, going to watch the third today.

That would be exceptionally kind, thank you

(I need to fix my steam linking first but I’ll DM you)

Meanwhile visiting cat is a calico who’s so silent even her meows are just tiny little soft sounds. And she only meows once to say hello and then only speaks when spoken to.


Well mannered kitty.

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I’m always cautious when it comes to buying into public outrage. So far, it seems as though the haters’ argument boils down to ‘it’s really Middle-Earth in name only.’

I’ve also seen a staggering amount of ‘racists hate it’ pro-Rings arguments, of late.

So, I suppose my question is: is it any good?

Add three to that. My cat Nala is a Chartreux, also known for being very quiet in general, but this one meows alot.

Lots of the people I know/sort of know have said it’s decent. In other words, people who 1) actually have opinions I trust, 2) have actually watched the damn thing.

I trust it’s good enough. Lord of the Rings (trilogy) had its own faults and minor flaws, but overall it was still good.
Most of the ‘criticism’ seems to boil down to ‘buh muh brown elves/hobbits’, which is a stupid and pretty ingrained racist take tbqh. If they have any better points to make, those sorts of people seem unable to actually voice them properly.

Peeve; I rewatched the Terror of Darkshore cinematic, and now I’m sad all over again.
The 180 turn became a 360 back to Terrible-ness. Such a blooming waste…

It’s not paced very well (and I don’t mean it’s too slow, I mean it has interesting hooks intercut all the time by meaningless hooks), the dialogue tries a bit too hard to sound Tolkien-esque (the now infamous “why does a boat not sink” speech for example) and the image fidelity varies wildly to the point I sometimes struggle to comprehend if I’m still watching the same show between some scenes. Like it goes from Dune 2021 to Stargate Atlantis.

Good enough fantasy show, 5/10, I have no idea where all the money went.

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Personally I prefer to watch something before I critiscize it ( hence why I held off on doing that with the Witcher series) but in the case of LotR, while most of them are definetly just Tolkien-taliban, I can understand people being wary of modern writers touching something they hold dear.

Also ironic how the series is being made by Amazon when Tolkien was rumored to not be such a great fan of mass-industrialisation etc.

But yeah, I"ll still watch the series somehow before I decide if it’s trash or not.

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Do you think it’s better than Witcher season 2?

I’d say so far it’s about on par so far. A lot of missed opportunities and, like others have pointed out, if it wasn’t a LoTR show you wouldn’t think about but it is and you do.

I like it, and I’m the kind of Tolkien geek who has read The Silmarillion and studied Sindarin.

It’s not a masterpiece by any means, and it takes some liberties with the setting (no more major than the Jackson LOTR movies), but it’s decent.


I got rank 3 fates in Ultima Thule.

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Slann butt.

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You have now forced me to post this. You monster. I hope you are happy with yourself.


the Great Plan did not account for all this cake


The Great Plan is the name for a collection of Slann butts.

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What if the Great Plan was to expose the entire world to Slann butts all along? :thinking:

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I’m playing a coop campaign alone right now.