Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

According to the Great Plan, humans are supposed to be confined to their original homelands in the southlands. Nehekara. Which is now a moon landscape utterly hostile to anyone not a pile of bones.

This is the fate of all mankind in lizardman victory; a great rout from cathay to bretonnia, herded into the desert to perish after failing to thrive in their natural habitat as the gods intended.

I got back into playing V Rising again.

Restarted mind.

Do they still leave you with no option to delete old worlds without digging through hidden files?

You can delete old worlds now finally.

(Also why I stopped playing it)

Wonderful. Iā€™m giving it a few more months of development before I get back into it.

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canā€™t say how long itā€™ll keep my entertained, but i like to nip back in every once in a while and see whatā€™s changed.

Even though every time I do so, i restart.

It keeps tempting me. Thereā€™s something about ā€˜craft and buildā€™ games that justā€¦ obviously finds some lever in my brain marked ā€˜Very Yesā€™ and latches on hard :laughing:

Thereā€™s never been one that quite clicks 100%, cos thereā€™s always some little snag. Maybe someday heh.

With V Rising in particular-- there are some snags that Iā€™d feel would be so much easier to iron out if they just copied minecraft.

Like, I am typing this while locked in my coffin because its day time, you know, if Iā€™m the only person on a server, it should auto skip to night time?


Man, if this version of Wrath Classic is what I played through when I was 13, then Iā€™m clearly remembering a lot wrongā€¦ Even so I can hear the sirens of Nostalgia Make a Tauren Druid then go make a Nelf Huntard with a Legolas name ripoooooofff.

Extra bank holiday confirmed and locked in. Nice one Charlie.


Right, castle walls are built. now for theā€¦ 224 stone bricks needed for the floor.

I fell into the stupid trap again, tried to just start with a big castle.

EDIT: i should probably go start dinner while Iā€™m locked in this coffin. Got enough time, I put most my washing out to dry in the last day phase.

Stop tempting me with creative stuff D:

I will cleave true to the service (addiction) to the Omnisiah; I want to try and get as many bits of gear and upgrades before the final battle is forced. Heck, if I can get it before 75% progress thereā€™s even an achievement I think. Which, given my damage output at the moment, doesnā€™t sound impossible heh!

Maybe its time to talk about getting a V Rising server for ADā€¦

Since I am waiting for stone to be grinded into bricks, I am staying in my coffin while going to make dinner.

A skip function would not go amiss.


Classic almost had me, I was this close from actually making a Nelf Huntard.


I said that with love. I still have my original Nelf (as a human now for that 10% rep bonus) but I yearn going back Nelf once I find the motivation to find an RP guild.


I just realised that Iā€™m on day 25 already.

Donā€™t know where else to drop this. But I know there is a Star wars fanbase on AD thats for sure :eyes:

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TCW Animated series being the only stuff people still have some genuine unabaited love for regarding SW. Filoni once again succeeding where others failed.