Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Was that Yaddle I saw?

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Sad but true… We don’t speak about the Saber helicopter scene from rebels though :eyes: We never saw it… It never happend. I really hope this ones gonna be good :pray:

Indeed was! Hopefully we get an answer to the mystery of her fate since the clone wars.

Rings of Power episode 3 spoilers

Looks like things are finally picking up. Numenor is gorgeous. Still baffled by the decision to give Elrond short hair when every other elf on that fresco has long hair.

Galadriel hiding her ears under hair made me smile because I actually needed to do that once. (I was dressed as an elf at our gaming club, needed to go outside and to the nearby shop, and decided not to take off the ears because gluing them back on would be very time-consuming, so I just hid them under my hair.)

And I could actually understand Galadriel’s Sindarin! Though I didn’t understand what language Arondir and his comrade were speaking, and needed other people’s help to realize it was Quenya.

I was concerned that Elendil had a son and a daughter instead of two sons, but Anarion got a mention, so it’s all good. I have no idea how people not versed in the wider Tolkien lore are going to keep track of all these characters, though.

I’m warming up to it. The writing feels less awkward now, and there’s actual chemistry between the characters. Here’s hoping it stays that way.


Me as a Nox Monk tries to bully my magic samurai girl; “I’m not like other sorcs (I have poise)”


Sooo… the ‘taking on a God (and winning)’ part in Mechanicus turned out to be more literal than I expected :joy:
“How much HP does the enemy have?”
“… Query?”
“Hp = Very Yes.”
“… Oh. I see. Well then-”
Sound of every single powerup activating at once
“Deus Ex Machina, you sonuva-!”

Beta keeps on logging me off it’s annoying.

I need a new face for my sorc, she sort of reminds me of a certain cosplayer and its freaking me out.

Also nothing more satisfying than when Eleonara jumps into the air to do Agheel’s Flame only to be immediately hit with Transcient Moonlight

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Do like that there is now an easy mode for V Rising. Makes killing the bosses so much less stressful.

Spent the whole day chilling with my brother and had a lore discussion about LOTR.

He pulled out a literal map of the Middle-Earth on me.

I guess this is what it feels like to be on the receiving end when I drop a lore citation on someone.



When you see a great meme but it’d get you timed out if you post it.


Did he get on to the topic of the mind goblin? Hard to speak to a lotr nerd without them bringing it up.

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sigma logset

What mind goblin?

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Oh no Lintian, not you…

I can’t do it. It was meant for Telaryn, I never thought I might end up with friendly fire.


It must be done. I’m sorry little one.



[through sobs of mourning]



I can’t believe you’ve done this.

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It was never meant to end like this.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Someone had to, the bait was just too pristine to ignore. The best I could have done for this.

“What a grand and intoxicating innocence!”