Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

…I’ll never understand zoomer humor. It seems to assume a popcultural background I simply don’t possess.


who the hell is steve jobs


I have a particular weakness for deez nuts jokes, such a harmless prank

It also turns out that FF14 rotations are like riding a bike because I got the hang of machinist surprisingly quickly

My Uncle Ben moment :pensive:



I doubt you are that old.

Depends on how old “that old” is!

Lets say 35+

I’m 35, yes. I think of myself as a millennial.

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You arent even old.

Is that with or without subtracting the two fake years that we all lost due to covid?


My main LARP decided to just skip the year they had to skip due to COVID (which makes sense, it’s a choice of damnations) so it’s 1121 there.

this naturally causes zero confusion

Your LARP meets so regularly that you track years in real time?

Yep! We can talk about events like the Albion Civil War of 1098 which happened in real-life 1998 because the world has been continuous for a long time

There are (or were, at least) characters still around who witnessed those events in person

I’m envious. I’ve never LARPed, but I’d like to try.

But from what I’ve seen, a lot of LARP is fighting, and I don’t want to get hurt. Nor do I have any experience with sewing nor a particular desire to learn it.

It depends heavily on the type of LARP being run - the one I play (Lorien Trust) is probably 50/50 combat/non-combat which you can skew in either direction depending on what you get involved in, but the other major LARP system, Empire, can be played entirely as politicking, trading and magic without ever getting into combat.

Some, like the Vampire the Masquerade (and similar) LARPs that are around, are explicitly non-combat with fighting and such resolved via mechanics similar to dice rolls.

(Also worth noting that I’ve been LARPing for about 11 years and my worst injury was probably a twisted ankle, it’s very safe)

So now you’re the uncle… time to start working at Blizzard? (oh no)

I’ve decided that I’m permanently physically 75 and mentally exists on a sliding scale of 12 to 20 depending on the day.
Can’t complain. Would recommend. Time is like a bird anyways.


Bezos replaced them with drones that year huge flocks just dropped out of the sky. Or something.

Yeah… I’m coming around by sheer exposure but there are a lot of holes to fill.

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gonna continue to hype up g-witch
the angst is going to be real

My daughter’s obsession with Frozen has ended. Lion King (animated) is now in vogue.


Same. It probably helps that I was born close to the millenial/zoomer border, ( im 29) so I can still sort of understand them.