Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I dunno man, a shaman being split into four elemental spirit versions of himself to confront his repressed emotions sounds fantastical and very Warcraft.

I bet people would’ve found it charming if it was just three spirits instead of four and the quest was called Storm, Earth, and Fire.

The complaints that Aggra doesn’t show up more beforehand in the game is interesting - because in order to do that we’d need more orc stuff. So we got ‘orc fatigue’ due to not having enough orc content.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree that characters and plots shouldn’t be relegated to novels. Cataclysm was very bad for that. But it seems like damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

That ties into:

People will become sick of something a lot faster if their experience with that thing is negative.

So I want to unlock a Night Fae mace transmog for my priest. Should be easy, right? After all, I did the entire Night Fae campaign back when Shadowlands was current content.

Except I did it on a hunter, and hunters cannot wield maces. And since this isn’t 10.2, cosmetic covenant weapons are BoP and I can’t send them to an alt to unlock. Which means I’ll have to do the entire Night Fae campaign again on my priest and then grind anima and grateful offerings to unlock the transmog.

Even when we’re long past Shadowlands, it still manages to annoy me.

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Which in turn ties back into my “no one says human fatigue”. Jaina’s been written like crap for years - far longer than one sort of cringe quest chain. She flipflops constantly, sometimes between patches, sometimes in patches, but no one’s saying “We’ve got human fatigue” because of Jaina (or Anduin, or Varian).

It took until Dragonflight’s 10.2 for people to really ramp up the NElf fatigue complaints, before that their writing issues were just “it’s bad writing”, not “I’m tired of Night Elves being in the story at all”.

So yeah, it feels kinda weird that the Horde race has a decades long spanning meme about racial fatigue in the narrative which even the devs are aware of, meanwhile the Alliance prominent races get their bad writing as just "it’s bad writing and we’ll fix it for them :slight_smile: "

Where’s my redemption expansion for Orcs getting WoD gutted so they could move onto the Alliance-race-packed Legion?

WoD didn’t even have bad writing before they gutted it! It was good! It was fine!

Our troll expansion in BfA with Zandalar was a joke too, frankly, but my complaints about that would fill a dozen posts or more.

Incredibly alt-unfriendly systems which they’ve made zero effort to make better after the fact. I know SLands should be left to die, but they could at least make it easier to pick its bones for the occasional good thing in there.


Maybe that’s the players are (real-life) humans and thus see (fantasy) humans as default and unmarked and everyone else as a special case?

(I don’t, for the record)

It’s like if, say, a shared universe set on Earth began to prominently feature African cultures, and the European audience began to complain how Africans are everywhere and steal the spotlight — never mind that Europeans are still featured even more prominently and always have been. Because you think of your own culture as the default and everyone else as a special case.

Mind you, from Wrath to MoP there was no shortage of complaints about God-King Varian turning the Alliance into the Wrynn Empire, with all other Alliance faction leaders suddenly turned into Varian’s yes people despite him being basically an Alliance version of Garrosh until he got better in MoP.

Man gets over prejudices. Immediately dies.

Prejudice was keeping Varian alive!!

P.S. Elemental Bonds was terrible to me. I was actively playing at the time and thought it was lame, and I’m someone who thinks Baine is a fine character.

I don’t have orc or human fatigue though, so that bit is irrelephant to me.

Axe obtained. I am free.


I think the difference was, as Elenthas has pointed out;

There wasn’t so much ‘Orc fatigue’, except maybe after WoD, as much as there was ‘Character/Bad Writing fatigue’.
You had Thrall’s ‘Green Jesus’ finger pointing (I absolutely remember that being an accusation at the time), the confusion and disconnect between the likes of Stone Talon and Garrosh clearly getting steadily more villain-batted (which feels like, while it could have been done well, wasn’t the best and also flew in the face of WoW moving away from ‘Humans Goodies, Orc Baddies’ of WC1-2) and then ‘everyone who followed Garrosh was a baddie’. Which, y’know, no one likes being villain-batted when they don’t specifically sign up for that (See: Playing Imp Agent or a Sith in SWTOR. Bounty Hunter questionable).

Nelves have had a string of bad character writing/focus, which isn’t out of line with what other groups have suffered (See: Orc characters above, Jaina focus, Sylvanas getting villain-batted, Baine getting woobee-batted in SL, etc) but then also taken a dumpstering of just… well, see above for the various.

I think Forsaken do come close, again with the ‘no one wanted or asked for this’ villain-adjacent labelling, rather than what they used to be which was the ‘spice’ to the combined dish of the Horde; you can’t make a meal that’s nothing but spice, or it sucks, and there we went.
Tauren come in behind on proxy/adjacency to Baine’s bad writing, making one of the more stoic and also deadly Horde races just look kinda… meh?

Did you mention Duolingo recently, or was that a dream?

I did but not sure what it has to do with the Shadowlands.

This is Peeves, it doesn’t need to be related. Unless you mean the response? It was more for your attention.

Anyway, seeing it this morning briefly spurred me on to download and start Spanish. So thank you.


can’t open this stupid new medication bottle for the cat.

I want a krokul. They’re cool. That is all.


It’s good that he died after he stopped being racist though, otherwise he would’ve gone to the Maw instead of…uh…I guess he wasn’t a good enough warrior for Maldraxxus and he never seemed super religious so he’s probably in the lava eel vore afterlife.

Can we acknowledge the fact that they made an expansion around death but it’s not actually death because you can die for real in the “afterlife”?

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In hindsight, it looks as though they watched an episode of DBZ to explain their afterlife and decided yes, that’s how it’s gonna work.

If they died in Dragonball Z, they sometimes got to keep their body if they were found deserving, and they just got a halo on their head. But if they would be killed in that state, they’d be dead for real and never be able to return. The dead there usually stayed in Otherworld, unless Fortuneteller Baba got to take them back to earth briefly.

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I promise to make a rogue with one fist weapon and call them NotZeratul

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Not a peeve: got my Old World books pre-ordered before they sold out

Peeve: now I need to wait for GW to actually re-release Empire miniatures

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I missed all the fatigue chat earlier bc I was busy assembling couches, BUT, I am tired of Orcs and Humans and most specifically I am so tired of elves.

Nelves, belves, Suramar flavour or Void flavour idgaf, I am so tired of elf this elf that.
Most boring fantasy races are and will always be elves, hell they’re more boring than human. There I said it!!

But on the other hand with all the elf propagand it means my fave races don’t get a spot in the limelight to have what shreds of lore they have ruined :^)