Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I have yes, but I wasn’t overly enamoured by the gameplay. Again, Ghost of Tsushima has really spoiled me.

Wasn’t Rise also kinda a-historical/more focused on action and also working in some more ‘gadgety’ gameplay?
I dunno, I’ve not kept up with what’s Current for a long time lol.

Speaking of Current, I’m very glad I got most of the odious rep grinds out of the way while Humans still have a Rep bonus. I’m sure I’ll discover something I wanted to unlock from Old Content after it’s gone, and be sat there going “Nooooooooo!” but heyo.

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rise of the ronin felt more…sekiro-y than tsushima-y to me tbh. still looks a good game but like mito said.

yeah i know 2020 was generally a bad time and everything but like… experiencing ff7 remake for the first time, persona 5 royal, ghost of tsushima? even cyberpunk despite it’s crippling issues at the time

i’m sorry but even 2023 does not top that back to back lineup for me.

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GoT is not four years old, shut up…
(I still haven’t got around to play it, life has been chaos ._. )

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While I got absolutely no experience in programming at all and I’m often quite the opposite of tech-smart, I do know enough of WC3 and how its made, and the world editor to be completely confused how they even managed this?

Because with the way WC3 maps(even the campaign) is designed, you have to manually go in and delete the “inventory” spell from a unit for it to even happen, especially if it’s only to a few handful of characters.


Big hugs to you
Abscessed teeth can go die in a fire


Apparently the Remix servers are cooking? :joy:

did you know that if you put a large number of players in the same spot, it is unplayably laggy?

apparently blizzard does not


Ba dum tss

This is one fine mess if I have seen any…
Jokes aside, it is suddenly running smooooth as butter.

I have no idea, I’m still choosing a character name.

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This is why I’m opting to sit out until way later
but I got inspired and grabbed myself some teriyaki soba cup noodles u_u


I don’t know if it’s the server or the remix itself but I’m having a ton of issues, from stuttering to it just freezing and alt tabbing me out.

anyone else getting the video they’re currently watching as the first recommended video on youtube?

No idea, I have the recommendation sidebar blocked.

A funny variant of the ‘this bear did not have a liver’ situation - killing tigerflies and getting 8-10 legs from them


persona 3 has raised significantly in my estimations since i am now apparently rizzing up what i am assuming is a middle aged woman while playing world of warcraft instead of studying. this is complete with era appropriate internet slang such as:

oh really? O_o

rawr xD


my teenage years are here and i am enjoying reliving them.

edit: also hilariously this person represents the Hermit tarot card. no notes.


Remix does gems/socketing so much better than retail.

I made my Dracthyr on retail a Jewelcrafter, as I didn’t have one, and I’m looking at the stuff going “Oh yeah, this is why I didn’t have a Jewelcrafter.”
Like, my Engineer just finished grinding Outland Engineering, because at least I can still get mounts from that?

So much other stuff just Stops Being Relevant, and I think that sucks for game design, honestly.

I think my first name for WC3 was 1337_1LL1D4N
