Pets Keeping Up With Dragons

I have my pet follow me around, as I’m sure many of you do. But when I land after zooming around on my drake, the pet is no longer following.

I understand the pets have little legs and might be overworked trying to keep up with a drake flying at breakneck speeds around the place, but couldn’t there be something to allow the pet to reappear once you land?

I could easily just resummon them, but when flying in the rest of Azeroth, the pet generally reappears. So why not when dragonriding?

(I’m assuming this happens to the rest of you, but I could be wrong. Do let me know if you haven’t found this.)



If you are using Rematch - and you should be! - try ticking the box Keep Companion in Oprions → Miscellaneous Options. :smiley:

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