Pick your number 1 fav name please

A (male) name that matches the following 2 Races :

1.Blood Elf

  1. Undead

and the following Classes :

  1. Demon-Hunter

  2. Warlock

  3. Rogue

The following are the names :

  1. Azerael (6.0 out of 10.0)

  2. Salazar (7.0)

  3. Illidaerius (10.0 out of 10.0 name I think)

  4. Ezedar (9.0)

  5. Exedar (6.5)

  6. Xazedar (6.0)

  7. Xarcudar (4.0)

  8. Cadukar (3.0)

  9. Xadukar (4.5)

  10. Xaredar (9.0)

  11. Xazerdar (6.0)

  12. Xazael (5.5)

  13. Erezim (4.0)

  14. Erethrezim (4.5)

  15. Etherezim (8.0)

  16. Ruah (8.0)

  17. Vorstein (8.0)

  18. Baronstein (6.5)

  19. Rothstein (5.5)

  20. Kainstein (4.5)

  21. Kahnstein (5.5)

  22. Raziel (8.5)

  23. Razrael (9.0)

  24. Kahn (6.0)

  25. Vide (4.5)

  26. Illidar (9.0)

  27. Orhadar (9.0)

  28. Xarcu (7.0)

  29. Eredor (8.0)

  30. Orhador (9.0)

Race 2, class 1, name 3


My personal choices)

Stage 1 :

1,2,3,4,10,15,16,17,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,30 (16 picked)

Azerael, Salazar, Illidaerius, Ezedar, Xaredar, Etherezim, Ruah, Vorstein, Raziel, Razrael, Kahn, Illidar, Orhadar, Xarcu, Eredor, Orhador

And the following is Stage 2 :

8 names : Illidaerius, Orhador, Etherezim, Xaredar, Orhadar, Salazar, Ezedar, Razrael

I can’t say I like any that contain Illid’

  1. Illidaerius (Blood Elf Havoc Demon-Hunter)

  2. Xaredar (Undead Destruction Warlock)

  3. Salazar (Undead Rogue)

DH & Rogue are done

And for Undead Warlock one of the following names :

  1. Xaredar

  2. Etherezim

  3. Xetherezim

  4. Xarethrezim

  5. Xethedar

  6. Ethedar

  7. Zimrahin

I would much appreciate your thoughts :slight_smile:

Many thanks in advance.

Aren’t these names a bit too cliché? They’re basically a demon race/lore character’s name with a different letter.

If I were to see them around I’d think “eh, is this a pun or an attempt to be edgy?”. I’d tell you to go for

which is the only one that doesn’t look like “Nathrezim” but with R

Verdihile maybe?

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