Plate classes that works and doesn't in PvP

Hi everyone.

I wish to play a class that I enjoy and at the same time WORKS in BGs. It should also work in WPvP/1v1 situations since I like to do that on the side as well.

I’m struggling atm with figuring out what to play, but I’m certain that I want to play one of the Plate classes.

I have most of my time in WoW played Plate classes and love their armor and 2h weapons, so now I’m on the hunt for the “right” Plate class to play in PvP.

I would LOVE some guidance from the community and opinions on what works and doesn’t :slight_smile:

So between Warrior, DK, and Pally… What works and what doesn’t

  • Does the class work in BGs?
  • Does the class work in 1v1s?
  • Weaknesses?
  • Strengths?

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