Playing on 1,800 mmr right now and

every single game has 3 people on last season glad mounts, proudly riding on them into battle. I paid attention to like more than 10 games in a row and it’s just like this
on 1750-1850 mmr.

I mean… this game really died and ratings will be deflated till the end of season.
Last season on this mmr people would have 0 reaction to your CDs. Now you face gladiators every game. LOL

Is there a fix even possible ;v


gladiator mount doesnt mean they are some gods that you cant beat, most of the times if you are the same rating as them then you are the same lvl also or close to it, also it depends which glad mount we talk about, if you see last season glad mount then that doesnt really mean that player is good.

not sure why ppl get scared of glad mounts or players in general when in current wow players individual skill is a very small variable… your gear and matchup (what enemy and what comp you play) matters 10x more than the player.


I came back just at the end of last season and it was the polar oposite. Loads of dudes running around with1800-2k while rocking a negative win ratio. Must be a start/mid season thing

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As the monk said, don’t let it put you off.

The vast majority of them are crap, who got gladiator when MMR was insanely inflated


had a gladiator dh on my team tho he had like 600-800 in 2s and was 1,4k stuck and in 3s i didnt look better i think hes inflated like many people from last season. and gladiator mounts are worthless and many people are buying accounts for archievments and merging it with ur own account


This is unfortunately only partially true, a gladiator mount can indeed be the result of an incredibly mmr inflated or severely class-imbalanced season (see bfa s4 locks), but it can equally as often be the result of a genuinely dead ladder, and I will bring up my own experience as an example: Some of the last games for my duelist were vs
2700 hunter
2900 feral
bicmex (lmao)
3k dk
3100 warrior

Keep in mind this is at 2k mmr or thereabouts, so now this poses the question: How is a player completely new to the game supposed to compete ANYWHERE above 1300? One can argue that these 3k men somehow finding themselves at low mmr are just learning a new class and just ride the glad mount they earned on their main since mounts are account wide, and this is fair, but a 3k player learning a new class while possessing vast amounts of knowledge about the game overall is nowhere near a new player trying to push rating on the single class they picked out for gameplay/fantasy/whatever reasons.

The only thing I can think of that would remotely come close to fixing this is introduce acc-wide mmr to attempt to minimize smurfing, which I of course understand sounds completely bonkers and extremely far fetched to be a realistic solution. The second best solution is to try and not get bothered by it, as you said, and continue playing to the best of our abilities. :slight_smile:


this game sucks for rated.

if you dont have the exp 2k+ you cant join LFG groups
so you join " just capping Daily Win " groups
get hard stuck at 1400 rating due to the teams ability to not push past it

you then if you are lucky get to 1600 - 1800 and meet 2.4 Rated players just playing for fun or boosting

wtf is the point, honestly.

they need to revamp Rated pvp. this system doesnt work


the games just dead, population dropped hard, s3 killed it.


we want warcraft to be better but its terrible

i play for pvp

and i cant push past 1400 because of high rated players abusing the system for boosts

i took it a step further and joined one of those " discords for Nova " and guess who is on their boosters list

the r1 players we see in the AWC …

i cant name them due to forum policy . but cmon man.

sort it out

  • you cant join LFG without 2k experience
  • so you join a " daily win just capping " group
  • if you manage to get to 1800 you meet r1 2.4-3k players selling boosts or jsut smurfing

and this is the horrible cycle of trying to play this game solo. i have no intention to " make my own group "

so well done Devs. rated sucks.

  • ( fyi i have never purchased a boost in this way, im jsut trying to expose the elephant in the room )

so please someone explain this. explain why no1 is shedding light on this and not doing anything about it


In Arenas? I have lots of friends who only play arenas ever for the transmogs and never have trouble finding people in the lfg tool to eventually get it. On alliance. I see you’ve got 1.8 transmogs yourself so i don’t see how your xp is at fault when trying to join groups.

Yes it’s an outdated system, and there are bad encounters like everywhere else but to say that you cannot go past 1400 because of that, seems surreal to me.

You have no intention to make efforts to look for other players and then complain you can’t find other players?

I don’t know if there’s a missing context here but to me it seems you’ve simply given up on trying instead of just queuing it up whenever you want to play.

this was jsut to shut up the comments saying " make your own group "

ive never needed to put so much effort since this expac to push rating , and making my own group doesnt resolve the issue

the issue is still presently ingame , from people boosting and getting around the MMR system and toxic players askign for r1 for a 1400 group


I understand that and have the same issue but it’s not the game. It’s the community.
When I say I have 2,1k XP people probably think I am like 1,4k guy, since I see 2,4k+ xp people playing like max 1,8k.

Was just playing with a rshaman on my hunter, the guy was mglad bfa, 2,4k s1 sl, glad s2 and 2,1k s3. He played like s1 1,8k at best.

I’d like to see soloq but also for 2s.

That’s just bs some people say every season while 95%+ of players get an instant invite.

I feel like you’ve made this same post like 3 times.

Just play? Who cares if the other team are on glad mounts. Who’s to say they got gladiator on that spec/class? They’re playing at the same mmr you are, so just play as normal.

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idk who gets instant invite/instant m8s from lfg nowadays, maybe if you are a multi r1, but in that case you are not in lfg…
im currently 2.1k+ cr and im telling you rn 2 days ago i went on, made a grp for 2s, and after like 15 min i legit started watching netflix on the other monitor… after 1 hour i got my first signup which was a 1.8k guy (for some reason?) and then waited 10-20 min again, nothing, so i just left, and im a healer, on dps its even worse, i dont agree that its the population, bcz that is the same like always in this time of a season, the difference is that lot of ppl including even streamers just went to play pve instead of pvp this season bcz its just simply not fun

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by population i meant PVP population, the activity in pvp is the lowest ive seen in years, perhaps ever.


Was talking about the queue. People keep claiming the game is dead while the arena pops pretty much instant. (speaking of 2s here)

Yes, I experienced that every season because most people stop pushing at 2,1k since there is no point. Most people are interested in gear, not in some random number. (+ mount)
It prolly gonna get worse next expansion, just like WoD. If there is no incentive for pushing then… ye… won’t find people at “high” CR. I guess soloq is pretty much the only “solution”.

It’s not. Legion was lower.

am i the only one who dont understand these ppl btw? for me when i get my full ilvl socket etc thats the “start of the game” if i’d stop there then why would i even get gear in the first place? this always made no sense to me but if thats what ppl enjoy…


this season? I’ve not seen any figures…

Or are we both comparing our fingers in the air

Right now some people are still gearing and don’t want to lose their 2,1k+ rating so they play probably their weekly win and that’s it. I also never tried to push further than 2,1k any season because I personally lack the incentive (the weapon was not enough already). I mostly play through LFG and it’s just not worth the time to sit there for hours to wait for a guy who refuses to join discord and will leave the group the moment your win streak is gone. A mount is simply not worth that effort.
In soloq I’d most likely push further tbh, depends on the queue time.

The claim was there every season while some guy posted a thread from legion where someone listed the numbers of some season. Every single SL season had way more arenas queued, especially now with 15k+ and 20k+ it’s nowhere dead.
(the legion thread mentioned like ~6k or ~8k arenas played, feel free to look for it if you are that interested)