Please give us more power on being able to report players for AFK

Current BG report system is really flawed–I don’t want them kick but ill be damned if im going to sit there and watch 4 people afk tabbed out, not even getting the debuff, not even defending. Just afking in the corner of the map cause its a “Lost game”

Current report system doesn’t do the game justice or make it possible to even make a come back if you even get 1-2 people who decide ite not worth playing it out, and thats all it takes./change my mind that this report system is ok

Go german realms. They look at people badly if someone tells report afk with not right way.

A lot of people abuse the kick system. I just got kicked, out of the blue. Was not afk, didn’t stand still and was waiting for the others to arrive. So more power, will only lead to more abuse.

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