Please! hot fix demon hunter!

  1. Fel Bombardment effectiveness reduced by 75% in PVP
  2. Essence break damage increase reduced to 20% down from 80% ion PVP
  3. Fel Fodder damage and healing reduced by 50% in PVP
  4. Elysian Decree damage reduced by 50% in PVP
  5. Soulrend damage reduced by 20% in PVP

Thanks Blizz


can we please get a hot fix on warlocks, being able to solo 3v1 in arena, having to play scared kitten playstyle who hit and run vs a lock, even if your 2 player? oh thanks blizzard,

id rather have lock nerfs than DH


That’s because of the covenant and legendaries. Fleshcraft is 50k shield and with Decimating Bolt they can hit with 40k tick for Drain Soul

me and my friend who is literally gladiator players is trying our hardest with sweat and all to beat a lock 2v1… we go in, play well, but eventually get close to dying while he pops a shield and heals up, so we have to run in and our and naw at his defensives one at a time…

It is the drain life legendary, gives 100% heal and 100% faster cast time.

The df Talent only gives 30% for both.

Only advice wound be silence the drain life, but careful for decimating Bolt and drain Soul. Affliction is to strong atm, but this will slightly change in DF. Demo and destruction will be stronger

Entire prepatch got ruined by this one class. Other classes got heavily nerfed (lots of healer nerfs, heavy ww, enhance and affli nerf) but the most obnoxious and easiest class to play is getting a free pass. I really hope that they rework this class (and nerf them into oblivion until that rework happens). They have half the buttons of other classes and to compensate that every skill of them is overloaded as hell while also giving them a ton of defense and passive life leech.

Designing a class which is far easier than everything else while still allowing it to be even remotely good is bad game design. Also from what I’ve seen they are still solid S+ tier in DF so there’s absolutely no reason to not nerf their dmg by 25% in a hotfix.


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