Possible to get this to an 1 button click?

/equipset [nomod,nocombat, noequipped:Fiery Skybreaker’s Molten Band]Skybreaker
/equipset [mod,nocombat, noequipped:Cloak of the Windspeaker]Windspeaker

I have it working fine as a mod macro.
The Skybreaker set includes the cloak that replaces the Windspeaker cloak.
Likewise the Windspeaker set includes the ring that replaces the Skybreaker ring.

But after experimenting with it Ive been completely unable to get it to work like this 1 button switch.

/equipset [nocombat, equipped:Fishing Pole]Elemental
/equipset [nocombat, noequipped:Fishing Pole]Fishing

Hi, try Fishing Poles as an Item Type, it should do the trick. Also equipped option only applies to Item Types but not Item Names, so you can remove it from your original macro, because it always returns true there.

You can’t test against specific items only item types. That’s why fishing pole works and your attempts don’t.

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