Possible to swap Blacksmith specialization?


I am trying to find information about how to swap from Armorsmith to Weaponsmith for upcoming TBC. As I understand it the only way to swap specialization right now is to remove Blacksmithing and relearn it. However I was wondering if it will be possible in pre-patch or in TBC to just buy it from an NPC to swap specialization?

Will need weaponsmith for TBC and I would appreciate if someone could give me a hint if a swap can be bought in TBC or if I need to skill Blacksmithing all over :slight_smile:


Not possible, the game wasn’t as forgiving back then :slight_smile:

The other day I switched from being a Axesmith to Hammersmith by talking to the corresponding npc:s in Winterspring, and it looks like you can unlearn Armorsmithing/Weaponsmithing in the same way and pick up the new specialization you want!

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