Premades should Q vs other premades ONLY

^Title. So solo players can have a chance and fair gameplay to farm r14.
Furthermore, some kind of personal " secret " mmr should be placed in so we play vs players equally skilled. Will help low skill capped / new peps to the game aswell as they won’t be facerolled.
Or some sort of item lvl brackets where BWL ppl wont meet green geared fresh dinged characters.


I agree with the premade need to be up against premades but i don’t agree with the mmr … the only reason i agree on the premades is because its got so out of hand now and its ruining solo play completely.


That mentality got us Dungeon and Raidfinder. Yes I know it’s a slippery slope fallacy, but it it’s the truth.


Title, the same as so many other posts here, yet you spam another one.

Most of the time, premades do end up facing other premades.


Because its the only important issue at the moment. Thanks for pushing the thread.

Ye good job dottie

They have already mixed old system with new system and its garbage. They need to fix it

They already changed the whole PvP system. We have 1.12.1 AV with 1.6 itemization and a crossrealm system that was never in Vanilla and not even in TBC/Wrath. They also changed how the whole AV queue system works. All we want is a premade vs premade system that fixes the issues that came with Activisions custom changes so the game would feel a lot more like real vanilla.

Please tell us more about this system.

How would ranking and honor be affected with this system? What kind of negative effects can happen etc.

You see, what you ask for have never been done in World of Warcraft, ever. It’s a completely new system, never tried before.

How would it affect bottling and afk leeching if you can easily reach r14 in solo queue pugs by just logging in 24/7. Or will there be some cap or limitation in pugs?

Please, tell us more about your analyze and research!

Another reason to move on to TBC.

I did think hitting 60lvl will be awsome, but after i hit lvl 60 i was super sad, done it by accident. Why? Becouse now i need to now only be against a bwl geared op mages or warriors as a worthless druid, with blizzard knows well - an trash class worth only a healing, still worse than other classes.
I need to fight against a premade FULL of BWL geared persons, and not 1 in 3 or 4 matches. Last 3 days in over 15 matches more then half were against premades. I don’t see worth in paying 25 Euro for afking outside of graveyard on every other bg than AV with is avaible one every 1-2h.

Blizzard i’m trying so much to love this game and i can 95% of it. But the rest 5% is so bugged, so unbalanced, so bad designed and not revamped even 15y has passed and u admit that those were a huge mistakes. Look gear bonuses from druids set, thats just sad and cringy.

I just want to play, not wait 1-2h, not get wrected without even a glimpse of chance. You don’t need to do a retrial here where everything is user frendly, but please Blizzard remember : it’s not anymore a classic from over 15 years. There is now an min-max culture with promotes cheesing and abusing all advantages of the player having a years of knowledge about all bosses, prices of items in each phase, abuses of game engine etc. Understand it and adopt this game, or loose clients.


Just go get gear like everyone else did. You’re complaining that you can’t get equality in a game that is not striving for it.

R14 while possible why would you do it when you can join a ranking guild and get in line and make R14 weeks sooner.

Solo who try to hit R14 get mass reported and get a suspension, while the suspension will get overturned, by then you lost days!

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