PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I don’t think you’re the same person because you disagree with me.

I think you’re the same person because you’re the only guy on this whole thread who thinks “bro tauren should die!!!” is a good insult. Someone else used that several times before deleting all their posts.

You feeling better today? Quest to save video games going well?


I’m saying that exactly because I’ve read the other message and enjoy how butthurt you are, you useless piece of uncooked steak.

Oh, and ofc: Victory for Sylvanas.

Can I join as a Night Elf? We need help to!

Their own servers are death, lmao

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One day I shall teach you the difference between death and dead.

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Aight bro!

Love you too :heart:


damn it feels good to be a tauren


Prose form of “crying soyjack face with happy mask”

Better than being a deluded Sylvanasoid.

Gimme your disc!

My first WoW character was a tauren shaman called Murg. Lost to the ages now but I can’t refute my origins of war stomping people in the barrens and doing the /moo emote on everything.

From Tauren shammy to Human warrior. How come?

Laddae, you’re leaking cringe!

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It’s an interesting needle to thread because I’ve got zero doubt that some characters receive disproportionate hate because they’re women.

Switching fandoms for a second, Micaiah Fire Emblem and Edelgard von Fire Emblem have definitely received hate that they wouldn’t have if they were male characters.

That’s not to say everyone who dislikes Sylv is a misogynist (obvs) nor that all criticisms of her are rooted in misogyny, but considering the fervor with which I have seen some people talk about wanting to “stomp Sylvanas into a pulp” and the like it does make me very :thinking: that I rarely see such terms or attitudes towards male characters, including those that are just as ‘evil’.


that’d be a point if the average sylvanas twitter enthusiast didn’t share their extremely graphic violent fantasies about tyrande every time she’s mentioned and thought to be quite possibly not be entirely into loving sylvanas


No, see, it’s still a point. I’m not making my arguments around “the average Sylvanas twitter enthusiast”, nor am I going to bat for a ‘team’ or defending a ‘side’. If people are being :poop:y at Tyrande in the same way, well wouldn’t you know she’s a woman too, so…


Twitter sylvanoids are that kid that ran around the playground naruto style.


On the flip-side(and this could be a completely personal/subjective experience), from what I’ve seen too, specifically the more aggressive Sylvanas fans(the ones that will insult and all else that isn’t just being, you know, a reasonable person), seem to mostly be guys themselves.

Funnily enough the kind of guys that also loathe women characters otherwise/will make a 5000 page essay on why “women bad” on the forums.

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I like Jaina and Tyrande.
I find Magatha interesting and hope when writing stabilises, she does something eeeevil.
I used to find Sylvanas interesting around Cata/MoP but she fell in the toilet and hate grew like a fungus to me after that.


Also recalling that roleplay event back in BfA following Sylvanas yeeting away from the Horde. The one that got spamgriefed by OOCers(and some roleplayers) yelling misogynistic slurs. Some directed at Sylvanas. Some at women in general.

how else are they going to break into area 51


Dress as an alien.