Punishment for leaving M+ early

why is there no punishment for people leaving a m+ early, its so stupid the amount of pug groups i’ve been in where someone leaves after the 1st pull ( usually the tank ) . there should be a lockout for people leaving before the 1st boss has been killed like in LFR or dungeon finder. there has been way to many times my key has been downgraded because of a noob player who leaves and yet im get 1 who gets punished for it… such a backwards system

Because you made your own group, so blizz is not responsible for what happens in there. And it is discussed quite a lot on the forums and nobody could think of a solution.

But you invited that noob, yet its blizzards proble to fix?

OBVIOUSLY people who make the groups doesn’t know how good the pugs are until they start. mythic + score is a load of bs, and they could have been boosted so that’s irrelevant, so yeah blizzard should add a punishment for leaving early

did you think that if YOU encounter that problem so often then the common denominator could be YOU and the way YOU make groups ?

for example if you invite onl overgeared people with 2k score to your 10s ofc those people will leave on first sign of problem . especially tanks for whom finding new group is like 5 seconds.

invite people with like -5 itlv to what you have and -500 score and they will stay till the end of world.


because it doesn’t only happen when im in the group surprisingly lol. but yeah i see your point it must be me that’s responsible for all other groups having the same problem.

i never invite people based on their mythic score and i always invite people who are around the same ilvl as me, because 1 - higher ilvl players tend to care less and don’t try. and 2 - lower ilvl players dont have enough damage.


That’s the search button, which will answer your question.

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thanks for that input, your so smart. but that’s not the topic of this subject.

The question has been answered a million times. Use the search button, and you’ll have the answer. It’s not hard.

your right, but seems to be alot of people having the same problem and alot of people crying they even suggest a punishment, but as far as i can see no official response, so makes everyone else’s comments mute.

It’s a player created problem, with a player created solution already there. There’s nothing for blizz to do, which everyone creating a new thread would be able to figure out if they spent 5 minutes using the search button.

But yet, here we are, waiting for some kind of magic. :woman_shrugging:

your right it is a player created problem, there is a solution, and there is something blizzard can do to fix it. yeah who knew there was a search function have a cookie for being so smart. and contributing absolutely nothing to this topic. :cookie: :man_facepalming:

No, there isn’t, which you’d know if you’d use the search button.

Kinda fitting contribution of nothing, I might add, because the thread itself adds nothing that the previous thousands did not. Perhaps use the search function, so we can have useful discussion instead of repeating the same things over and over again.

Here, you can have your :cookie: back.

I think that blizzard should at least limit the damage that a leaving player can do. Maybe make a key to downgrade only after the timer expires or the player chosses to do so at the NPC.

I don’t blame the tanks at all, i am fed up too with these slackers dealing low damage and not interrupting. And tank can join another group instantly.

well the magic is already in game - people just openly refuse to accept it.

if people would learn what their skill celling is instead overreachign and making their own and others experience miserable problem would dissapear.

sadly people refuse to stick to difficulties they are comfortable with untill they get experience and gear because they all want that sweet sweet 252 pieces from GV.

instead realising that for example full set of 246 is not that weaker then full set of 252. and to get full set of 246 all they have to do is +12s . or maybe full set of 242 would be also more then ok . and 10s are also significantly easier then 12s.


Common sense is not magic, so people not accepting it is even more tragic. :frowning:


Your posts, I swear to God, they just get further and further from reality.

how so ? for like 95-99 % of playerbase it wont matter anyway as they wont be doing mythic raids/m 20+ so 246 set is more then they need to eventually do hc raids / m+15

thats what im doing atm - instead wasting tens of hours desperately trying to get into +15s with my 230 itlv i just get into +13/14s with relative ease and enjoy the game. those groups also very very rarely break up unless something is really really wrong as people are not so desperate for pushing ranks at this level as people who do like 15-18 .

Well, the statement of full 246 ilvl is not weaker than full 252 ilvl is obviously wrong :grin: It is 6 ilvl difference. The 252 is 100% stronger.

And you can not upgrade to 246 without KSM. You need to run minimum +15’s for that. A full set based on the great vault is a very slow process. I didnt even got that in the last very long season.