(PvP) Blizzard please DO NOT remove the Overwatch (PvP) talent and just nerf Intervene instead

The state of intervene right now for PvP is absolutely terrible.
Intervene used to be an ability for outplaying the opponents, by redirecting their cc to you. When you pulled off a good intervene, you would feel like a better player than your opponents. This is, in my opinion, what PvP is all about.

Now the current intervene is the most scripted ability ever. If you try to pre-intervene a go, then you played bad. You should wait for the opponents to hit their cc and then just intervene to soak up damage. There’s no feeling of outplaying the enemies in that.
The Overwatch (PvP) gives you the ability to outplay cc go’s again with intervene; It makes you feel like you are playing the old intervene in a way. If you remove this, then intervene’s only purpose will be soaking damage for your team, which is probably the most unsatisfying use of the ability.
I could rant on forever on this, but I feel like I hopefully got my message across now.

TLDR: Current intervene is boring. Give us back old intervene and don’t remove Overwatch (PvP) talent


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