PVP is ONLY focused on arenas

Here is the truth… Nowadays and increasingly the pvp is focused on arenas…

You see that in the talents, new abilities and gearing system.

Even the dev response is also focused on Arenas: when Divine Toll is said unbalanced because it cannot be countered (instant cast) it gets nerfed when convoque stay as it is as “it can be countered”… in Arenas yes, and many times not, but in battleground? Not really (open fields and range…)

The most evident is the gearing system… it makes sense in ranked and implemented to please the top end players to the expenses to the larger player base who casually play bg…

Casual pvp is DEAD and cannot be deader… PvP has evolved in a rated state and nothing else matter (with 200 conquest you now irrelevant in random)… yesterday it took me 8 hours (30 games or so) to get my FIRST win in Epic Battleground and this happened to me twice last month… Have played exclusively Arenas on my mains this week and the very first day I play BGs, damn 8 hours to see the first victory with utterly boring and unbalanced games…
Soon Alliance will get gold for playing random and hordies will have to wait 30 mins to enter a random…

Back in the days casual random represented about 45-50% of the global players activity and down to about 5%… this is reflected in the queues being longer, unbalanced comp and players just leaving the game (especially the ones that waited for pvp gear to come back and saw that the system is even more broken as ever). I remember to have to do some pve and gold farming to finance my huge repair bills from pvp activities… lol Now it is over so is the CASUAL random pvp games…

Beside that Arenas are a blast… fast paced games and no queues… still facing some boosters here and there and a few issues but that is the price you have to pay for the new arena leaning gearing system, you wanted it, now you have it :slight_smile:

If I had one suggestion to make is that:

BLIZZARD PLEASE STOP LISTENING TO STREAMERS AND THE SO CALLED THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY. Your customer base is like a Pyramide and those guys represent just the top… focus on the bottom (more players and more money by far) and those top players (as they are good for sure) will deal with it (they are more skilled to do so).

If a Gladiator skilled player with 226 ilvl faces a random 200 ilvl player, he/she will win 100% of the time. If in turn the glad gets the 200 ilvl and the regular joe the 226, the glad shall will like 40-45% of the time (I guess there but should be right, depends also on specs on both side)… So I am with you and all is not gear but for the average player its chance has been multiplied by 50 to infinity where the glad has seen its chances diminish by 2, and oh boy those victory where gratifying.



You posted on a shaman saying convoke can’t be countered. By the only class with a ranged interupt and an ability that can soak 3 seconds of spell damage. With no cap. :ok_hand:t2:

Shaman are probably the best counter to convoke in the whole game. 1 on a team and you can soak every one / interupt other.

It’s powerful - and needs a slight nerf. But it can be countered.

The rest was…I didn’t read it but I’m sure someone will and yeah. …keep up with these posts. Go bobcats! …how about they sports teams eh… here’s a nickel. Go get a hotdog and see a movie.

I have 5 classes at lvl 60… just posted on the charater that was logged in… some people just look for the smallest thing… Hardly playing my enhancement shaman… it is nice but kinda lacking 1 defensive to be kinda viable (for me that being said) in arena…
That being said if you are on Arathi and fighting a warrior or dk… the druid can easily at 40 yeard convoque YOUR spirit… :slight_smile:

You just confirmed the point of thiss post… PvP is ONLY focussed on Arenas. Thanks

I don’t think I did. To be honest. And also. Vs a DK at 40 yards. They can AMZ or shell. War can reflect and leap out of zone.

I am not arguing it’s not powerful. Your argument was there is NO counter to it. Which is. Not. True.

first of all… my shaman is enh :slight_smile:
ok IF you had read the post THEN you would know what I meant… (Here you are an enhancement shaman and fighting a dk - my main is frost DK for over 8 years now - if a druids comes around you are just dead. no way around it, you got convoqued… lol)
The issue is not Convoque the Spirit… so just forget about it.
Please read the post and don’t stop on the first thing that goes into your mind.
Read from start to finish then think about it :slight_smile: you will understand what I meant by you made my point… (i.e. your first answer was considering an arena response… not BG were you cannot plan really next attacker, maybe your def are on cd, maybe his/her offensive are on cd, …)


Get rid of the Premade Russian Groups which destroying our joy in casual random battlegrounds.

Your posts in general are all over the place so I selected your first complaint and addressed that. I was not specifically making reference to your own shaman. But in general, I also have no idea why you think spec matters. You still have grounding totem.

Also. Every single post you create has some magic % of players in which you cite Azmogold as a source. We get it. You like watching streamers and hanging onto every word and don’t like the fact that PvP has rated. I’m sure the list is longer.

Have a nice day.

Not even to have a source to see… alliance had an instant invite to join a bg… now between 2-4 minutes… been told that hordies have like 8 mins wait time (but don’t have hordes, picked Alliance 15 years ago and never went back :wink: )
There is just one point of this thread… though you need to be able two handle several arguments…
Make Random BG great again and by that Blizzard shall stop listening to high end players and focuss on core ground ones. Hence focussing abilities and gearing on BGs not Arena (as it always WAS).
There is no argument that random bgs are nowadays totally inbalanced and Blizzard itself acknoledged it. How long do you think Alliance player will keep on doing BGs if the random winrate is that low? That is the very first time in 15 years that they ACTUALLY acknoledged it (although there is a winrate advantage in rated bgs for alliance)

And to be honest I have absolutely no issues with Druids (beside their OP bear form spam in every spec).

you too mate hope you are having a nice day :slight_smile:

woade his point stands though, arena is instanced and could be balanced within he instanced pvp environment meaning the rest of pvp doesn’t have to be ruined so someone can play 2v2 3v or 5v5 in a basically team death match game.

the fact they wanna go back to WOD gear system clearly shows gear is having a way to wider impact on pvp unchecked.

PVP is all about the level playing field and then going at it with skill or at least not being blown up every 2 seconds.

here is another source, kinda more reliable… 40% less players since january…

(6) HALF of WoW Players Have QUIT! What’s REALLY Happening… Raid Loot Change, 9.0.5 + MORE! - YouTube

Ok. But. Did you watch the video. It does not support your argument of Wow-magadon.

He applies logic. And thought process…

Yeah pvp in this game is focused on 2% of pvp playerbase…no wonder that nobody playing it.

what I say is before during drought people played pvp… you got more competition nowadays but 10 years ago I personally spent like 40+ hours in random bgs… and I had tremendous fun there… I quit pvp 4 years ago when they decided to make Frost DK, my main since wotlk, dual only. I bought the expansion almost 1 year before the launch because they said Frost who be 2h again and there will be PVP gear… I said to myself, yeah I can finally do some pvp!!!.. As many other players we got frustrated with the current state and considering leaving for the first time in 15+ years… Enough is enough

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