PvP stat/item scaling discussion

I’ve heard a lot of people saying that blizzard should reintroduce a pvp specific stat or item scaling similarly how it was back in WOD. I was just wondering how you guys would feel about it?
I personally don’t want any of that as it would completely eliminate cross play between pvp and pve. If I get a new sword from doing the raid I wanna use it in arena, or if I get my gladiator’s badge, it feels good to add it into a pve burst macro.
I can understand people’s frustration when there is a new item that completely breaks arena like Crucible’s absorb gear or drest from Ny’alotha. However, I would consider that a tuning problem rather than an issue with pve gear itself.

What do you think?

I think WoD gearing is an excellent idea.

I’ve had enough of PvE ruining PvP, and I’m sure tons of PvErs have had enough of PvP ruining PvE.

To the extent that can be resolved it should be. WoD gearing is one of the cleanest solutions to at least the gearing issue.


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