That Article says that the theory -does- have some credibility! It literally states that!
Yes, and? I never said it was a -smart- insult, as it does implicate themselves also, but they still made the insult. It is, as could be described a ‘Weird Flex’ but it is still made, which implies that the Elves clearly -do- know this theory in character.
More recent canon sources have also proved it is true, the Kaldorei are descended from Dark Trolls who were altered by the Well of Eternity.
Whats wrong with that? Everybody has to come from somewhere…our own ancestors were not actually Apes, but some Ape like creature.
It is a shame, because this could have been a place to discuss the possibilities of High Elves, instead, it is now simply the Hill that High Elf fan(s) chose to die on, and render their cause ridiculous…
Holy mother of God! Did you read the sentence you actually copy pasted? I said “Our own ancestors were not actually Apes, but some Ape like creature”
And your comeback is “Humans did not come from Apes”
You know that is literally (In the correct sense of the word) what I wrote, right? I mean I literally typed that, and you try to correct me? By Agreeing with me? What are you on?
Trust me most High elf fans are not like this. Join the (Legacy of the Quel’dorei) discord where we discuss this sometimes, but also made many brilliant ideas and transmogs of how to make the Velves “appear” as High elves.
No, it is supposed to mean what the words actually are, “Ape-like Creature” as in they had some semblance of Apes, but were not actually Apes.
I don’t think I could have made that much plainer, to be honest. If I had meant ‘Apes’ I would have typed ‘Apes’, now wouldn’t I?
I’ve always felt that those on the forums are the loud mouth minority of the Helf fanbase.
Hell, I love the new High Elf features for my Void Elves. I can RP as a Quel’dorei Ranger on my Void Elf Hunter and RP my Void Elf Warlock as a “Quel’dorei Sorceress.”
But there are some who accepted the natural skinned Void elves And they made some amazing transmog ideas that made the characters look like 100% High elves.
No because if they were -exactly- like an Ape, they would be an Ape, wouldn’t they? They couldn’t be a halfbreed Ape-Human, because there were no Humans yet to be a Halfbreed with!
Let me just check here, you know the theory of Evolution, right? I’m not debating with some whacked out Creationist, am I?
You’re not in a position to ask anyone to answer anything sonny jim, you’ve spent the last two days dodging a simple yes or no question, until you answer that one, you really are not in a position to ask others to do so.