Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I agree with Brigante that you are being wrong on all accounts. Alleria is the 1st void elf and that is it. If she wasn’t she would have been like the shadow priests. Why i mention this? Because they don’t have problems arround the sunwell unlike Alleria. Soooo she IS a void elf to the core.


fml some of these are gorgeous :ok_hand:


Thank you! I can’t wait till 9.1.5 hits. I was the biggest hair colour advocate and I refuse to touch the game till I can have nice hair lol.

I’d have preferred new and unique hair colours and customizations though, not copy pastes, but looking ahead for when we get new stuff! The emphasis is on hairstyles, old god eyes, tattoos for both us and blood elves (as well as dark ranger eyes etc for blood elves) and jewellery.

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The fact you canonically bleed purple and wield void powers for your racials mean those people would be right.

The difference between a Blood Elf and a high elf is political, the difference between a Blood/high elf and a void elf is that the later is a void based mutant.

It’s fine you can pretend to be a high elf, but that’s subjective. Objectively, in a way that actually fits how the game is portraying void elves, void elves are something new.


That’s nice ideas for void elves.

She is high elf using void powers. She was not changed like other blood elves into void elves.
The void elves are corrupted with void energy against their will, Alleria is just a high elf ranger using void magic. She does, however, have a void form from her encounter with the corrupted Naaru, but even that doesn’t make her a void elf.

You are just being delusional but oxxx well. It’s not worth the energy to argue with you. Believe what you want.

Until this article changes she is a void elf in my book

remove the QUOTE from the link



As i said Alleria is the first, theoretically the most void-influenced elf. However her skin and other features remain untouched except for her voice.

The void elves are corrupted with void energy against their will, Alleria is just a high elf ranger using void magic. She does, however, have a void form from her encounter with the corrupted Naaru, but even that doesn’t make her a void elf.

Wrong. You know, you’re probably one of the contributing factors to people not taking High Elf requests seriously? Why did you sabotage it in such a way? People had such ideas, really good ones.

Never going to happen now, are they?

Nice one. Hope you’re proud.


Well can you explain me then. IF Jaina use frost powers, why she is isn’t Frost Jaina? XD

Also, created few more void elves. Ok, new hair colors are nice, but that’s not enough! They are void elves and always will be.

Nothing has changed at all.

High elves playable request was before i even started playing wow.

Yes they will happen like vanilla server happened. :stuck_out_tongue:

We’ll get you there eventually.


so? Khadgar absorbed fel magic to defeat corrupted Medivh, why don’t we call him fel human?

Tyrande absorbed night warrior powers, she still was/is a night elf? or what?

Blood elves were TRANSFORMED into void elves.

Alleria absorbed void powers but she was not transformed into a void elf. She is still high elf ranger- general using void powers.

I see a lot of logical leaps and bounds.

I see no citations proving your case.


Because that is her specialist school of study as a Mage. Her race is Human. I mean that is basic stuff. Brigante is a Marksmanship Hunter Blood Elf. His Race is not Marksmanship Elf…

No one yet knows if new Void Elves can be created. No, No, No, that is not what Locus Walker is saying. The only Void Elves in Lore are the ones at the ritual.

I am not surprised by this, given that you do not know High Elven lore.

Yes…and that went -So Well- didn’t it? :smiley:

What are you even talking about! Right, we’ll leave aside the fact that she is a Void Elf according to Blizzard, according to the game, and according to the dialogue the character herself uses, but do you know what really shows me that you have no idea at all what you are talking about?

“She is still high elf ranger-general using void powers”

That would have to damned well involve her ever being a Ranger-General, which she was Not! I mean that’s rather famously the case! She could have been, but decided to honestly work her way up the ranks and earn her position, as opposed to MarySuvanas who went “Yeah I’ll take it as next oldest sister” (Pathetic writing).

Alleria was never Ranger-General. Her rank, when she went into the Portal at the end of WC2 is the same as it is now. Ranger-Captain.

Everything you are saying is wrong…Do you not understand how much you are damaging a cause that you claim to champion? You’re the obstacle. You. High Elves aren’t going to happen, because the only thread talking about them is someone who doesn’t even know Elven lore, so can be safely disregarded.

Why are you doing this to those people who wanted High Elves?


What i said is truth, according to game that is so.

so just because Alleria use void powers she become a void elf?

I know lore, you always trying to misinterpret me in a way to look that i do not know it.

It went well and continue for more servers like for WoLK.

ok ok, no need overreact here. She was supposed to be one. I hope you won’t dream this.

Everything i have said is right. And im just supporting idea of playable high elves which will happen because i know it!

For past 5 years you have been saying same and such things, Yes we will get them playable, mark these words!

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Let’s not say that.

I have made my void elf characters (about 100 of them) into a supposedly “High Elf” look alike “options” and they look pretty okey.

But, every time I do log onto them, I do want to swap back to my blood elves or do dailies at Argent Tournament to cherish the look how really high elves look like.

High elf is the race, but High Elf is also a faction, so while blood and void elves are technically “high elves”, they aren’t The High Elves.

I really hope Blizzard will add and make real high elves playable, so a lot of people could play their beloved race that has been asked for so long. :four_leaf_clover:


Hey Moontear.

Have you seen this? There may still be hope.

Maybe High elves will come in 10.0 and Sylvanas bring them into the Alliance along with her sisters, as much of the story in (it seems) 10.0 will be in Quel’thalas, or at least is hinting at it. We just have to wait for the story to play out first. As Sylvanas also has to prove herself aswell but first it seems she has to go on a journey to find Nathanos. And maybe the corrupted void elves fans get what they want. An alien race that is Naga 2.0 using void magic.

Perhaps the devs have been looking at Ramavatarma stuff.

Also I agree, I always fall back to being a high elf than a void elf. (Been for days at Windrunner’s Overlook and Crystalsong Forest walking around)


The high elf version of Sylvanas is gorgeous ! :blue_heart:



Indeed, I think it might be Overwatch/Heroes of the storm quality. Perhaps wow will be upgraded in 10.0. Or its just the cinematics that will only get upgraded.

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I did, amazing work. Really look promising, And that high elf Sylvanas, like Alleria or Vareesa is what we would like to play, period.

She does look amazing. Really liked cinematic.