Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

no one gives a damn about the void elves we never wanted them we never asked for them ion needs to get of his high horse and actually give people what they want before this company goes up in flames

instead of getting some cool allied races we got crap like trash gnomes


News to me.

He did. You have playable high elves.

Also seriously Moontear, your thread was three days from retirement. Give the necromancy a break and let the poor thing rest in peace.

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that’s a new forum insult. very good discussion on topic and not outside forum rules at all. thanks for boosting the high elf thread.


anywayyyy, when are we getting high elves :confused: void elf dual race/choice like zandalari altars maybe ?


Sylvanas is going Alliance cause, well cause you want it to and damn everything else. And she’s bringing the high elves too! Oh boy!

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Playable void elves and blood elves, not high elves. :slight_smile:

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discount blood elves aren’t high elves no matter how much copium you take :stuck_out_tongue:


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It’s a duck.

And here I thought copium was the theme of the thread. :upside_down_face:


actually if does all that it’s most likely a goose

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Void elves cant look like silver covenant elves, the real high elves.

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Can’t believe this thread is still open. Blood and Void Elves for the win :v:

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Not my business and I’m cool with Quel’dorei but jeez aren’t you Alliance folks tired of that aesthetic ? There are some unique, fancy races in the Alliance lorewise. Wouldn’t you like Broken ? Furbolgs ? Jinyu/Ankoan ? Dryads/Grove Keepers ?

third draenei race? ;D that , very little player base playing them.

Yes please but first the high elves. :four_leaf_clover:

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Look how pretty and blonde and blue my Elf is UwU… Its almost like it already exists in this game.

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Honestly I’m still waiting for Void elves with an emphasis on Void. You could go crazy with the creepy and Old God inspired features.

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Quel’thalas belongs to the Horde. Accept that and move on. You greedy high elf fans will never learn not to ask for something that does NOT belong to you.

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Hard agree !!! You can’t wield Void like any regular source of energy, it’s got to be a considerable part of your identity and reshape you. Kinda like what the Fel does to the Illidari

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The Horde is right there waiting for you.

and the moment you enter combat the illusion is stripped from you like ion’s lies exposed to the light of truth :stuck_out_tongue:

those void abominations are not nor will ever be high elves

heck how would the horde feel if ion suddenly said they was going the alliance lightbound orcs they’d f’ing riot


I need a magnefying glass to see this as remotely significant enough to make a third race of a already existing race enough to add to game if I tried my hardest…

Most people who cares to this point are Rp’ers and they are already content enough as it is with the changes we have already got.

This is the dumbest allied race request to date, And biggest troll thread to still stay alive.
You basically got a two in one package of an awesome race. (void elves) And people are still complaining to this extent… It’s insanity.

You can totally get lame treacherous Lightbound orcs if we get humans in return (Fogsail Freebooters or maybe those Syndicate dudes)
I’m so down for that

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