Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

this new super orcs can be every class have a complete immunity to crowd control & Aoe for 8 seconds thanks to their Heart of Light passive they that they can trigger every minute will have cool Tatoo’s, scars, better then regular and mag’har orcs in every way

but the horde players would be totally fine with us allies getting this race right :smiley: ?

Ok but do I get cool pirates in the end ? If I get cool pirates you can get freaking overpowered Naaru for all I care

This is some next level stuff. Alliance get a horde race. Just cooler. and then your like ‘‘But what if we got an even cooler one just even better? You horde would still complain right?’’

When this entire thread is a massive Alliance cry campaing because you sometimes turn blue in combat. Even after all you have got.

The f is this?


well one poster said we should be asking for a fancier race then a 3rd elf i had to make it as absurd as possible :smiley:

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but you already have humans their just you know dead and kinda smelly i think their called forsaken …

Oh… Well then my bad… I tried clicking your comment that connie replied too. It wouldn’t let me. :unamused:

Sad thing is… Lightforged orcs have been brought up as arguements before. Unironically… So I may have jumped the gun when I read it.

I mean sure but then Forsaken and humans are way more different than Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei tbh, both in appearance and in culture/personality

Oh well they totally might happen yes, considering how we’ll probably run into AU Draenor stuff again at some point, if only because the Yrel/fanatical Draenei plot has been left unresolved
Like that’s not an absurd or unlikely option in any way

Like a cheap copy of what real high elves or blood elves can look. That haircut make that elf look like from Dalanar sewers.

this request going on since WCIII.

So in other words you didn’t read anything I wrote? I “SAID” much of the story (it seems) will “take place” in Quel’thalas as it is at least hinting at.

But then again we are moving to a “new” Azeroth to explore, were reality has changed. And what I mean that Sylvanas “might” bring in the High Elves in to the Alliance, I mean those who already in the Alliance, (Similar way like the dark iron dwarves) that still been untouched by the void elves (Since nothing more is happening with the void elves, no more named NPCs, buildings, nothing) So why are the devs leaving the Silver covenant High Elves, Allerian Stronghold High Elves, The Highvale Elves alone? (And no they are not dead, the devs just haven’t included them much after Legion expansion) (Probably just to torment High elf fans im sure) The void elves have had no interaction with them at all. Only Alleria has have contact with her Sister Vereesa in the 8.2 patch at the gates of Orgrimmar to provide Ballistas but nothing more. (Vereesa didn’t even have a voice line in that patch either, just followed Alleria around) Also there are many unused ruins of Elven Architecture in Azeroth that the Alliance High Elves could take over and rebuild and make their own home. Many are thousands of years old and are still standing to this day. And belonging to different Night Elven or Highborne Elven clans that was either wiped out or died from an accident long time ago.

But we will see, I for one is want to see more where Sylvanas story goes.


Sure, We just want the race we been missing for so long. The Silver Covenant gave much of that in WOTLK but never became playable. The People who want to corrupt the void elves even further, really just want a Naga race since all the customizations they want is really just Naga customizations. Since the void elf would look like a Naga 2,0 with that.

Broken? Sure Im game and they already are part of the Alliance and some have even moved in to Exodar as we saw in Legion. But I think would be more fitting if their home was in Outland. And they were more Tribal than the other Draenai.

This guy have some idea’s for broken.

Furbolgs? Yeah I like that, but they should have different model than the Pandaren.

Jinyu/Ankoan? Sure.

Dryads/Grove Keepers?..Um How is that going to work? They walk on four legs and never used flying mount or how would they sit on a mount even. Unless we meet Dryads/Grove Keepers that walks on two legs.


Some have also settled in the Swamp of Sorrows, they’re a group called the Broken Exiles and they joined the Alliance later on

That would be a cool change of pace tho wouldn’t it ? The Alliance doesn’t have any “tribal-ish” playable race, when the Horde does have races like the Sin’dorei and the Shal’dorei that contrast with its traditional aesthetics.

If they wanted to add them they’d definitely find a way around this, I have no doubt about that. They could adapt transmogs to their morphology (i.e. Tauren and Trolls), they could give them racials like druidism-related flying forms to make up for the lack of mounts, they could come up with any sort of lore explanation to justify the existence of two-legged individuals, idk. It’s their job as game developers to solve that kind of problems really

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Would be awsome if all three Windrunner sisters are part of the Alliance and leads the Alliance High Elves. I believe she is going to have a redemption arc but it will be different than Grommash Hellscream. She is going to have to “work” for her redemption by risking her life and protecting others.


When she woke up, it didn’t look like the Banshee Queen Sylvanas face. Look more like (To me anyway) that it was Ranger-General Sylvanas that woke up. Uther is probably going to be her guide, to take her first steps to the right path and to accept her past crimes and the consequences. And in turn she will also help Uther to mend.

I wonder if Sylvanas will be helping Tyrande and her people in the future as part of her redemption moving forward. And also find Nathanos, meet her sisters again in a new sisters reunion.

We shall see as the story unfolds.

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She looked like in transition from undead high elf into real high elf.

Except burning Teldrassil she did nothing wrong. She was mind controlled. Like Anduin is now or Tyrande could not control that rage with ancient powers.

That will happen.

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Um she wasn’t mind controlled Moontear. The jailer had lied to her from the beginning.

Like when she said she could convince Anduin to join them willingly and the Jailer said OK. Did he talk to himself? or what?

Same thing that she tried to convince Anduin with the same lie which she didn’t know was a lie but she failed. Because Anduin could see through the lie, and tried to convince her instead to betray the Jailer. But the banshee queen side of Sylvanas stepped in and stopped her. Anduin almost had her on his side.

Which is why jailer didn’t tell Sylvanas that he had an armor made for Anduin to control Anduin.

At the end of the raid Sylvanas realized she had been lied to all this time. She been serving the same master over and over again. Its why she heard Arthas voice, then Lich King voice and then Jailer again.

Sylvanas thought the Jailer would help her break the cycle of death so She could never die and no one could control her fate.
The Jailer feed her with lies and empty promises, He gave her a purpose and a belief and used her as a pawn.

The burning of Teldrassil. The jailer needed more souls in order to break free from his prison. And feed her with a lie that once the cycle of death is destroyed, those souls would live again so She believed it wouldn’t matter.

Well her first plan was to take Stormwind and kill everyone there but it was too well fortified, so they went for Darnassus instead and She told the other Horde leaders the plan was to capture Teldrassil and not destroy. That’s why other horde leaders looked surprised when she said “Burn it”. Even Nathanos was surprised. And when Delaryn Summermoon said “I grief for you, you made life your enemy. And that is a war you never win”. And most likely Sylvanas could see herself in Delaryn Summermoon, “You can kill us but you can never kill hope”. and that’s the same situation as with Anduin. If Delaryn Summermoon could let go of hope Sylvanas could to. then the Banshee Sylvanas remembers why they were doing all this for and tells the other horde leaders to “Burn It”. Even if that was Sylvanas plan all along.

Even in the comic Sisters reunion, Sylvanas plan was to kill her sisters and raise them as undead. But at the very end She never gave the order to attack and her dark rangers were confused. I think She was hearing herself, the Ranger-General Sylvanas.

And I think if we see Arthas again and we get to learn his story. He was never mind controlled either. He was just feed with lies just like Sylvanas.

Deceptively Cunning indeed.


we already have Void elves whats the same thing …

These Pictures of Sylvanas looks awsome. (Yes there is even a Banshee Sylvanas there too)
Seems The Artist used a ardenweld like background for the new Sylvanas.
Hmm Ardenweld magic and Sylvanas.
Night elves = Nature/Elune Magic
Sylvanas = Death/Life Magic
Hmm… :thinking:


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What i meant that without soul body is like mind controlled being.

Yes, but i would prefer her to get back high elf look like in cinematic as she was and continue that way :smiley:

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Aye but im not sure we ever get that since the devs wants to keep Blood elves and High elves different from each other. (Ofcourse blizz did gave blood elves blue eyes and purple eyes so don’t really matter anymore. If blizz really wanted to tell them apart then alliance high elves should have had blue eyes and purple eyes only and blood elves yellow/gold eyes and green/fel eyes to show where power/magic come from from each race). But who knows maybe things will change in 10.0. Sylvanas was the one invited the Blood elves in to the horde maybe she can do the same for the Alliance and invite High elves to the Alliance.

But if we get something closer to High Elf like the new Sylvanas (Sylvanas is really something between life and death, she is different from the other forsaken and so is Nathanos or he was anyway before someone cut his head off) then Void elves, which is going to become eventually an alien race. But doesn’t mean the High Elves that are Alive in the Alliance can’t join her and use the Ardenweld magic too. Use its magic to bring a dead forest to life that is similar to Ardenweld but more Azeroth look.

The Drust used Ardenweld magic in Azeroth but twisted it and corrupted its magic. (Blizzard haven’t explained yet how the Drust found the magic and brought it to Azeroth since its not native to Azeroth). And the Drust even corrupted themselves with the magic.

But we see what happens with Sylvanas in 9.2.

I really looking forward to 10.0 as we return to a new Azeroth. But its long wait until we get some info about the next expansion.


Yep, pet faction gets everything they ask.

True, but who would lead them ? Vareesa or Sylvanas? Maybe both? Both ranged generals.


Technically speaking, the horde got two alliance races with upgrades and cooler versions first.

  1. They got the blood elves, which are an alliance race, got them with upgraded models (did you see the classic models?), total redesign environment, city etc
  2. Then they got the upgraded Night elf models the Nightborne, with the only pristine night elf city they created, initially going to remain with the night elves, but horde cried for it louder already being the substantial vocal majority at that point, and got it another faction swap on an alliance race.

But now it’s so weird to see it is the same horde crowd that cry down alliance night elves that want a cool city from their own lore, upgrades and cool stuff, and moan about alliance Thalassians asking for more stuff on a race that was the 2nd core alliance race after humans… dumbfounded.

Then have the nerve to whinge about them asking for cooler stuff. Does take one to know one huh. All claims to alliance wanting horde elf stuff when it comes to blood elves and Nightborne are void because both of these come from races that were alliance first.

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