Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Well compared between the 3 windrunner sisters. Sylvanas has more experience when it comes to Leadership. Alleria would be second choice but she prefers to do things solo unless its with her husband Turalyon or the champions of Azeroth and Vereesa have only little experience with leadership. So Sylvanas would be best but she would need to get the trust back from the other Alliance High elves after all that has happend when she was the banshee queen before they would let her take the lead. And Sylvanas does have a long road ahead of her. More than what Umbric and his followers have even though they never really joined the horde. They just stayed in Silvermoon continue to study the void magic, well until they were exiled from Silvermoon but they never took part of the Horde’s war against the Alliance.

And I doubt Vereesa would mind Sylvanas taking the lead since she just wanted her sister back as we seen over the years.

Wish that Sylvanas voice was more like her Ranger general voice from the cinematic from now on but seems she will keep her Banshee queen voice.

But it will be exciting to see where Sylvanas story will take her from now on.


How though?
Alleria is not a High Elf, she is a Void Elf, Blizzard have stated this many times, and she regards herself as a Void Elf, not a High Elf.
Vereesa -is- a High Elf, but only leads one segment of that small people, th Silver Covenant, having granted -herself- the title of Ranger-General (She never earned that rank, her actual rank was simply Farstrider Ranger.
Sylvanas is not the Ranger-General of the Thalassian people anymore., she lost that the moment she heroically died to Arthas’s blade. She is a Thalassian Elf. 90% of those are Blood Elves.

She does not deserve one, making her Kerrigan 2.0 will just mean that the Alliance playerbase will have to suck it up, any mockery that the Horde playerbase give them. Because they will deserve it.

She also did not look like Ranger-General Sylvanas either. Her eye colour is wrong. Look at the model. She has blue eyes, her irises. She didn’t have that eye colour whilst alive, her eye colour was the same as Liadrin’s, which is hazel. Her facial features are also wrong. She does not look the same as she did whilst alive, and then undead, as she does now. She’s also missing the extended upper canine teeth that female Thalassian elves (and males to a lesser extent) have. In fact the only thing she has that is the same as when she is alive, is her hair colour. So Either they have totally gotten it wrong and forgotten their own lore, or what Sylvanas is seeing is her idealised version of herself, not her actual self (Which would actually be cooler writing).

I Don’t think Uther is the person who could help her mend. They never met in her living days, she doesn’t even know who he is when he reaches out to her in the cinematic, You’d need a deeper connection to be able to help mend a soul so torn and twisted, other than “I’m a goodie who had bad things happen too!” You’re looking at someone like Alleria (Possibly) Vereesa (maybe) or Lor’themar, as her confidante and previous second in command (Harder to see working, but he probably knows her best as -both- versions of Sylvanas). Nathanos would not be helpful. He dragged her down in real life, and in the afterlife, plus if I see his face one more time on a screen I will throw something.

Tyrande is full of righteous anger. She would -not- accept anything from Sylvanas apart from her committing suicide in front of her face. And rightly so.

Nathanos would start her spiral again and tear her away from what she -was-.

Err, you what? She really did. She did lots wrong…Teldrassil is just the biggie everyone remembers.

Yeah, you also said that High Elves would happen last year. You saying something will happen, does not have a great track record of meaning it will actually happen, you know that right?

I think Moontear is confusing Sylvanas with the protagonist of the Film ‘Fight Club’ and actually thinks she was talking to her imaginary friend Tyler Durdanrunner.

Almost right. That was her actual plan. Everyone knew it. Even the Kaldorei knew it. Tyrande directly says it, Sylvanas says it. In fact Sylvanas even says it during that Warbringers cinematic. “Ready the boats” For what? If her intention was always to burn it, why would she bother giving that order? Why would there even -be- boats there, as they weren’t used during the War of Thorns there was no reason for there to be boats there if that was not her goal -That- is what surprised the Horde leaders. She had literally just said "Ready the boats (to carry our invasion forces over) and then thirty seconds later went “Burn it!” Why do that? Why not just “Right, we’re here now, so Burn it!” “Wha-what?” “You Heard me, Burn it!”

That I agree with. That actually makes a horrible narrative sense “You cannot kill hope” and Sylvanas doesn’t even look at her, but her voice changes “Oh can’t I?” I do kind of think it is Sylvanas’ own hope that she wants to kill, having been reminded what she was in life. Which is a cute narrative touch, although I think too clever for Blizzard.

That comic is garbage. In lore Quel’thalas is back under control, and they couldn’t have went for a jolly holiday picnic with Scourge zombies. They’d have been stopped at the border, which the Blood Elves have secured. They just do that stuff to make Sylvanas seem spooky. Because it’s not like she tells us every other sentence that she is cursed and tormented.

Nah, the sort of depth I’d expect from a sixth form goth who had listened to too much Sisters of Mercy and calls themselves “Obsidian Raven Darkness” at weekends. And I say that -as- a Goth with too much Sisters of Mercy music at my beck and call.

We can never rule out the fact that some fanboys be crazy. Because we know they can be.
Sylvanas in life was a Farstrider, so Nature magic. A bit. Not much. Just the last vestiges of Druidry.
Night Elves, Nature Magic, Elune is knitted in with that Elune isn’t a type of magic herself, she’s Nature Magic, same as The Earth Mother.

Living Sylvanas? “Nature Magic” That is what she would have. She was the “Ranger-General” for goodness sake.

Of course you would. Would you like her to wear a Silver Covenant tabard as well and take a widdle over other High Elf lore whilst doing so?

That isn’t what actually happened. You do get High Elves with fel-green eyes, and you always had Blood Elves with blue eyes, so no, you can’t use eye colour to tell the difference.

The High Elves have -nothing- to do with Ardenweald, stop trying to make that link, because there isn’t one. Are you trying to make a link between the Celtic nature of Ardenweald and the High Elves? If you are, stop it. As a scholar of Celtic legend I can tell you that niche of Elves is already filled, and you’re going to hate hearing it, but they’re more similar to the Tuatha de Danaan, the Ferryshin, The Clurichaun, the Twlwyth Teg. Those kind of Elves. or as they are in WoW, “The Blood Elves” (With the exception of the Welsh Fae, the Twlwyth Teg, who are actually more like Nightborne).

Oh Dear, just as Halindir was raising interesting points, you have to drag the discussion down to a juvenile level, but then, what should we expect.

And Neither of which earned their rank. Sylvanas was given it because of who mummy was, and Vereesa didn’t even have the rank.


The Blood Elves are not an Alliance Race, anyone who thinks they are does not know the lore. Quel’thalas was a neutral nation since the 2nd War, along with Strom and Gilneas and for -exactly- the same reason. Know the funny thing? Turns out those three nations were -right- and the ‘Alliance of Lordaeron’ which doesn’t exist anymore, was -wrong-. So that statement is incorrect.

Another lie. An absolute barefaced lie. For a start, the Nightborne were not an upgraded model. They were a travesty, with the least options and customisations, and the least resemblance to the actual NPC’s, They do not get a pristine Night Elf city, what are you smoking? Have you actually rolled a Nightborne? If you say yes, I know for a fact you are lying. They don’t get a city. Suramar is still just as hostile to Nightborne characters as it is to anyone else. What they -do- get is a tiny little garden in an instance. With no buildings, no vendors, no chairs or tables. They basically get a Patio. They get less than Void Elves do for Chrissakes!

Also, why keep lying. The Horde did not cry for anything louder. They never even asked for Nightborne! No one knew that was even an option at the time, How can the Horde cry louder for something that -NOBODY- knew was going to be a playable option? Tell me, how does that even sound possible.

You can’t can you, because it never happened.

You forget, some of us have played this game since the start, so don’t you try to tell me things happened that never happened, because I will just Truth Bomb you down old boy…

Who also don’t know their own lore, but that’s hardly a surprise, Night Elf fans not knowing their own racial lore…

What, 90% of the race that never belonged to the Alliance anyway apart from in the minds of people who use Tolkein books as a pillow.

By 2nd core Alliance race after humans, what are you on about, Dwarves are pretty cool, and now there are Dark Iron Dwarves too! I mean technically speaking in mythology they don’t actually play well with humans, but if you really like your Tolkein -that- much, then there you go? Or did you want -everything- from myth, including the things that make no sense…like Elves.

I will refrain from commenting, bar a sardonic smirk.

Learn some lore then come back to me lad.

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Blood elves left the alliance after the second war was over. Then they went to Illidan. Then to the Horde. Stay salty alliance fool. Blood elves are ours now. Deal with it.

Nightborne were neutral. THen joined the Horde because they did what is know as DIPLOMACY. They are ours aswell.

Can’t wait for the Scryers and DHs to join us too. Soon enough all important elven places will be part of the Horde and rise as a civilization once more. Not to mention the potential of the leftover troll tribes and remaining goblin cartels. That would be another nice boon to our ranks.

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Uther does not qualify to mentor her? really?
Because she doesn’t know him? Uther does not know her either. He just heard from what Jaina, Thrall, Bolvar and Baine has told him about Sylvanas. Its why when he meets her, he greets her out of respect and says “Well met, Ranger-General!” like 2 soldiers meeting for the first time. But its what they have in common. Arthas and soul splitting. And if it was not for Uther, Sylvanas would still be in a coma and never wake up and would keep torture herself to the point she just wants to die. Its why he says the things he says in the clip. And she does not accept it fast either, it took hours as the scene shows before she accepted her crimes and woke up. And they can help each other and no there are no psychologist in world of wow that can help Sylvanas. Only Uther who also had his soul shattered by Arthas.

She doesn’t deserve redemption? Well Blizzard have already laid the ground work for it. And she can get redemption even if you don’t want her to. As I said she has a long road for it. She won’t get it in one day, it will take years. But its all up to her.

Yeah she lost her title when she dies but that does not mean her leadership and experience died “with” her as we have seen during wow. And she can get her title back, …she can. But only a king can do that. And as it appears she has no interest going back to the horde, or silvermoon. “Im not a Banshee, Im not a Ranger-General, but Always a Windrunner”. That could only mean she wants to see her sisters again.

Nathanos dragged her down in real life, and in the afterlife? Really? That’s not what she thought of him. If so why does she want to look for him in the Shadowlands?? You probably going to see more of him Brigante. Better buy more screens.

“She also did not look like Ranger-General Sylvanas either. Her eye colour is wrong. Look at the model. She has blue eyes, her irises.” I wasn’t just talking about her eyes, her face expression is different from the banshee queen. And her eyes is probably do to the magic her soul was in and her red eye color is gone means her soul is now complete and I actullly like her new eye color and it is slightly different blue color from the High elves. And actually it was Uther who said the jailer had severed their bond so she can become complete so she appears as two different entity’s. Because Zovaal knew the other soul of her would never accept what she have done after she died so she would in an endless loop torture herself. Man Uther talks about this in the clip. Did you not pay attention?

Also Sylvanas says in the clip where the tree burns “There was no other path to true freedom”. Zovaal needed more souls and Sylvanas was going to give him that. Her “Own” plan was to burn the tree but never said to the other horde leaders what her true plan was. Except to invade and capture teldrassil. Its why she started the war in the first place. Sure in the begining when BFA prepatch it looked like she just wanted Delaryn Summermoon to suffer and give up hope. But as we know now, there was more to it. And everyone did not know it. Did you know why Sylvanas sent all the horde druids to Silithus, if they knew Sylvanas was going to burn the tree, they would have taken arms against her to protect the tree. Because Teldrassil was sacred to all the druids, even among the horde.

Alleria is a void elf yes but different from Umbric and his follower. Picture this, if a unknown person would met her for the first time in the street of Stormwind and Alleria is not in her void form. What do you think that person would say? Ohh there is Alleria the high elf, just like her statue at the gates of stormwind. Do you see, she calls herself void elf but anyone that does not know her (In the world that warcraft takes place) ,see her as a High elf. And void elves have never existed before, not as a race anyway. So how would the common folks know the differences of High elf and Void elf.

When I say.

Night Elves Nature/Elune magic
Sylvanas Death/Life magic (Ardenweld Magic)

Sylvanas could use Ardenweld magic in her new reborn form, which is death and life magic (As an idea). And as a Banshee she has used death magic alot until BFA where she learned domination magic. And then use Life magic. Life magic is also known as… nature magic.

“Tyrande is full of righteous anger. She would -not- accept anything from Sylvanas apart from her committing suicide in front of her face. And rightly so.”

Yeah they told us there be a confrontation between them in the new zone. Where Tyrande will meet the new Sylvanas, We shall see what happens between them in 9.2. Btw Tyrande does not have Elunes power anymore so it won’t be OP battle, if it even leads to that. And after giving up Elunes power. In Ardenweld after Tyrande outrage, Tyrande has calmed down abit and having a talk with her daughter.

“The Blood Elves are not an Alliance Race, anyone who thinks they are does not know the lore. Quel’thalas was a neutral nation since the 2nd War”.

High elves were part of old Alliance officially once, and you do mean “After” the second war the High elves went back to being isolationist again (Because stupid reason of few trees burning, same goes for forest trolls having stupid reason for leaving the horde), but that didn’t mean other high elves did work with the old alliance from time to time even if they weren’t officially part of the alliance anymore and also in Stormwind which was rebuilding. as we saw in Warcraft 3 where High elves helped Arthas. And Lorderon Alliance were not infact completely gone. In case you missed it, there were still remnants of the old alliance in outland in TBC expansion which during TBC became part of the Stormwind Alliance. And then there was the survivors of the onslaught that had scattered to wind after Arthas and the Scourge attacked Lordaeron. They only regroup after the Scourge had left and only stragglers of the Scourge were left behind. And the only one who had any real rank was Grand Marshal Garithos who hated any other race except for Humans.

That Alliance army was gathering near Stormwind before they set out on the expedition to go through the dark portal and that was before the Elven king decided give the order to return home. Also not every High elf followed that order. Many of those that Alleria had gathered before the second war to help the alliance against the horde. Decided to stay with their human allies. That’s why we in the Alliance saw High elves in Stormwind and in Alliance outposts and in Theramore before Blood elves were playable for the horde. Even those in Dalaran stayed in Dalaran because they made their home in Dalaran with the humans a long time ago and did not want to leave. Only Keal’thas left with very few High elves from Dalaran to find the survivors and help them. And later joined what was left of the Lorderon Alliance that was scattered around Tirisfal Glades and outskirts that had survived the onslaught of the Scourge. Unfortunately for Kael’thas and his blood elves was that Grand Marshal Garithos was the leader of the survivors of the old Alliance.

And when blizzard said 90% of high elves “IN”…“IN” Quel’thalas died and 90% of the survivors became Blood elves and 10% became High elves. The thing is that not “all” high elves were “IN” Quel’thalas when the Arthas and the Scourge attacked. So how many high elves that was not “IN” Quel’thalas was included in that %. (Blizzard have never given an answer on that). If it was then there would have not been High elves in Dalaran after Scrouge attack, there would not been High elves in Outland at all…now would there? I mean the High elves in Outland have been stuck there for 10 years (Before the second war ended) and had no idea that Quel’thalas/Silvermoon had left the Old Alliance. How could they, Khadgar shut down the portal and not even Alleria knew about it. Hmm? (But even if they had heard it Alleria would never leave the Alliance, she believe in the alliance to the very core and her love for Tyralyon). So Blizzard have not stated…for many years, how many High elves were outside Quel’thalas or in Outland or in Dalaran or Human villages or citys “when” the scourge attacked Quel’thalas (Sure non High elf fans have always said “there are too few of them, they are extinct” and what do they base that on…the 10% of the 10% Of the survivors “IN” Quel’thalas. And blizzard don’t want to respond on that, and always tries to divert the question. Blizzards responds back before TBC was even announced was that there is too few high elves to make them playable. Then TBC was announced and horde was getting blood elves…wait they said there was not enough high elves to make them playable. Then they just are??..oh right blizzard changed the lore which they have for long time, keep changing the lore. Same with Suramar in warcraft 3 sank to bottom of the sea and Illidan raised it and it was just in ruins and “All” the Night elves there drowned. Then in Legion it never sanked?? Because blizzard changed the lore to “fit the story” they had written…for Legion expansion. And all the Night elves/Highborne living there never drowned. Never happened. Hmm…odd right.

Which is why blizzard has stopped using the % on how many individuals exist for a race. And with the addition of the void elves, numbers don’t matter anymore. To make a race playable.

“So…anything is possible in the future” Ion quotes

I do wonder if Sylvanas will be the key in the next expansion that breaks the alliance…Just a thought.

Sorry for long text all.


Yea it turns out having been part of the same civilization 10k years ago doesn’t mean you get to ignore basic diplomacy rules
Sounds unbelievable ik

Btw the elven race I’d absolutely love to see join the Horde is the San’layn, BFA was such a missed opportunity

Ok figured out how that works.

It was just an idea, but you couldn’t read that ofcourse. Well High elves and void magic don’t make sense either but here we are. Yes they are blood elves but as you pointed out in the past they are high elves so that mean high elves using void magic. Blizzard are in charge of wow you know and can go any way they want which is the “Rule of cool”. I however are throwing out ideas (weather it High elves, broken, vrykul or whatever race) and you are only mad (and the non high elf fans) and scared that blizzard might pick up on them ideas, I doubt it but that doesn’t stop me from throwing out ideas. If you weren’t then why are you responding? Same as you can throw out as much ideas for the blood elves in the blood elf customization’s thread. Or a Gnoll race.

I think if Sylvanas did bring in the High elves to the Alliance (Making them playable) They would have a new tabard showing them rebuilding/starting over on a new path. Did you know the Silver covenant tabard is showing their own way of “Remember the Sunwell and Silvermoon”. Right you didn’t since you play horde. In the tabard there is a sun on top with the blue and white to be different from the blood elves and the name Silver is short for Silvermoon. Its their own way remembering those that had fallen but they don’t want to change who they are which is high elf, what they once were and not like blood elves who siphon mana from the very creatures from the forest of Quel’thalas they swore to protect or turn to dark magic to sate their hunger for magic, yes they have the reignited Sunwell now after TBC but the Alliance High elves will not forget what the blood elves did before. They wanted to remain pure and only siphon mana from magical objects which barely was enough but they survived (most of them) and its the reason why the high elves in the alliance lost their eye glow and got more human-like eyes (But somehow gained their eyes glow again for some reason during prepatch of shadowlands. Maybe they found a new source that is yet be explained). But they would not betray what they stood for in the past. So they tried to survive the mana drought as best they could. But as they would have a new tabard for starting over in a new place. They wont need the Silver covenant tabard anymore. Don’t need to remember the past as they would be moving forward and not backward.

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Umm. Yes…really. In the sense of what a mentor means. I mean it does directly mean an understanding of the person under your mentorship, and Uther and Sylvanas have -NO- connection.

Perhaps I took your word ‘mentor’ literally, in which case I am 100% correct, perhaps you meant someone who could try to talk her down from what she became, which is possible.

They have the writing capacity of a 1980’s child cartoon. I do not place faith in their ability to write complex story. I expect Skeletor and He-Man from them at best, not War and Peace.

That is because she is a filthy degenerate like the other Windrunners, who were all written as fanservice for WoW Author’s to basically make a cheap riff on Aragorn and Arwen from Lord of the Rings, because they are insecure manchildren who need to have a hot elven chick to hang off the arm of their self insert human male character. Notice the One-Upmanship? Oh, Alleria and Turalyon had a child together (Cheap LOTR knock off Which doesn’t actually make any sense, but OK first offence, they get a free pass) "Uh, No, in my book bro, Rhonin and Vereesa have -TWO- children together (Let’s leave aside the fact that Vereesa was underage So that is quite possibly the most skeevy thing Blizz have written since Aedelas Blackmoore and Taretha Foxton, which was already as sketchy as Heck. Let’s just put it this way, Rhonin in prison would not be allowed on normal courtyard exercise. For his own safety)
and then, then, when you go “You have one job Blizz, one job, Don’t do this, don’t do this Come on, don’t do it, you’ve went years and it was hinted at since Vanilla, but please, I’m begging you, don’t ruin a whole Elven bloodline…”

They do it.

Amazing. Thanks Steve Danuser. You know Sylvanas is not real, right? She is not going to be your girlfriend? You can abuse lore and rewrite how Forsaken work to make Nathanos some kind of freaked out abomination as much as you like, you will still not end up in bed with Sylvanas, and if you did, that is just so creepy it doesn’t even need addressing! She’s -DEAD- stupid!

As for Sylvanas. she does not have the right eye colour for living Sylvanas, she does not have the same face as living Sylvanas (Or dead Sylvanas for that matter) and she looks nothing like herself in life.

Did you not pay attention?

No. You are wrong. Her plan was to execute Force Majeure, Gunboat diplomacy on an extreme level. You even -See that-.

Why did the Horde Druids go to Silithus? Because there was a massive bloody hole in the planet! Do you think they’d care about Teldrassil? It was an Abomination created by a traitor Druid in service of Ragnaros, do you seriously think they would give a monkeys?

Teldrassil was sacred to -NO ONE-. Darnassus is a different matter. Teldrassil though, who cares? It was created by a bad guy, for bad reasons.
Teldrassil was the exact -opposite- of being sacred to all the Druids. It was one very, very bad person forcing his will upon mother nature to make something unnatural. I’m trying to avoid using the word, four letters, but you know what I mean. that is what Teldrassil was.

Humans Priests seem to be quite good at picking up on that…

Why? What possible logic is there to that?

No! No, that is not the same thing.

During the Second War. For the precise duration of that War. Anyone who says otherwise is incorrect.

No, and indeed, even after renaming themselves “Blood Elves” Kael’thas did lead Thalassian troops to aid the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Yeah we saw how that worked for them.

Wait, are you claiming there are -Two- Alliances now? I’m pretty sure there is just one. But anyway, that doesn’t matter, the Elves of Quel’thalas had left The -only- alliance that existed at the time, at the end of the Second War. They never joined the new one…

Just in case you missed that.

Stop trying to rewrite lore to suit your ideas.

We know the canon figures. We know what happened. By your definition, if Khadgar had shut down the portal, then that would be impressive, or at least it does confirm what Blizz hinted at but never stated, which is that Rommath is the most powerful Mage on Azeroth.

Because he sure as hell opened back independent Portals from Outlands directly to Silvermoon, not even via the Dark Portal.

The High Elves are 10% (Probably less given casualties and lack of a sustainable population, Blizzard’s words, not mine) of the survivors of the Scourge. Which means they are less than 1% of the original population.

Bad luck. Still playable, but let’s not try to rewrite them here…

Yeah, weird fact about that. Lot of High Elf Fans in this thread said that blue eyed blood elves were impossible, despite people going “Umm, what about ones who lived in Dalaran during TBC?” Apparently impossible.

Payback is a beeatch isn’t it?

Also, it is Blizzard who stated that High Elves are ‘Functionally Extinct’.

Now if you had read the thread in full, you would know that I have said that means very little. we know how long Elves live for, and frankly,and morbidly, none of us are, as players, going to be alive when that becomes an issue.

They never avoided the question. They flat out answered it. The High Elves are dying out.

Yeah, in 9,000 years or so. Do you want to have this chat in 9,000 years. I mean I’ll be impressed if we can!

You’ve pretty much described the existence of Night Elves in general. “They should not exist. But they do”

Err…No they haven’t. Those races they gave percentages for, they still keep to.

Void Elves are silly. There are in lore about 40 or so of them. Obviously there aren’t because people love being goth elves. I can understand that, I was a goth from 18 to 33 or something. It’s a power look. But no, Blizzard never stopped with the percentiles on racial survivors. Still 85% extermination for Gnomes, still 90% extermination for Blood Elves, although their numbers are rising, whereas High Elves and Void Elves are lowering, because they are the dominant strain, But like I say, who gives a damn, that isn’t going to matter in game until as actual -people- we as players are going to have been dead for centuries!

Ion knows nothing.
“Blood Elves with Blue Eyes make no sense!”
“Umm, y’know you took over writing game mechanics and not lore, right?”
“Yes, I stand by my statement”
“Yeah, you’re actually wrong, There have been Blood Elves with Blue Eyes about seven months before you were employed by this company…”

I think you have a bizarre misapprehension about my ability to read things, given that doing such is part of my actual job…

Ah, I read your little angry tirade. You had nothing of value to actually say, did you? You started off saying that High Elves and Void magic don’t make sense, you then mentioned Blood Elves that are high Elves so that means they are High Elves using Void magic, Not sure how that works, but fine, and apparently I am mad, and ‘brackets’ and the non high elf fans (So you clearly have not read this thread at all, have you, during which I have given High Elf suggestions) You don’t want people to respond, because that is scary, fair enough…

No. That is not true. That isn’t even why the Silver Covenant were formed.

‘Nabaal the Smiling One, Vindicator’ would like a word, or ‘Special Agent Gallery Fitzjinx of Gnomish Covert Operations’ or 'Sergeant Ginette Nixon" of the Stormwind army would like to have a word with you.

You know people can play both factions, but just post on one character in order to remain transparent, right?

No it isn’t. That is not why Vereesa named it that way.

That…just…Jesus…They should never give High Elf fans anything, they don’t even understand what High Elves are, but let’s continue…

The Phrase you’re looking for is ‘Vermin’ Being a Blood Elf is no more or less evil than being a meat eater.

That I agree with. The Silver Covenant had it’s time, and it’s place, and just as the Sunreavers have now rejoined Quel’thalas, so too, have the Silver Covenant rejoined the High Elves. All of them, including the Highvale, and the Seventh Legion.

I just wish they could have a better racial leader. Ranger-Lord Renthar Hawkspear would be -perfect-.

Yes she is. High elf using void elf powers.

Yes she still is, like Vareesa too.

Why? So what HORDE ever did is all forgotten and forgiven? But now we need scapegoat like Sylvanas to punish for what she did while was abducted or mind controlled by Arthas, Jailer.

It’s anew cinematic design, she does look like true high elf we always wanted to play.

He is not her mentor he is guiding to take right first steps into direction that would help her to heal. He said her wound is more deeper then his, how he could understand her at all or even decide to guide her?

That anger came from ancient warrior power. She chose renewal , all anger is gone. I bet she now understand how person can’t control himself over rage that was caused by not his fault.

She can wear new tabard exclusively designed for the high elves.

They are both ranged generals.

Correct. Horde received alliance races, blood elves and nightborne.

They were high elves, alliance. Then joined horde and using fel magic changed them into blood elves.

It’s not a lie. He said truth.

Every night elf know their lore, night elves did not evolved from trolls. Fact.

Were, now have more.

Nice, did not knew that!

Vareesa doing just fine.

No. She is not. Blizzard have stated this. Repeatedly lying on the matter does not change this.

What the heck? Do you even know High elf lore? You don’t do you? You really don’t know a thing about High Elves, Ok, tell me this. When was Vereesa Windrunner promoted to Ranger-General, and by which authority? Come on, Tell me that one huh?

Also, since when do people retain titles Post-Mortem? When was that a thing? they -Held- that title.

And everything the Alliance has done? What am I saying, I know what your answer will be…

So you agree she does not look like Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner then? It is a new design, right?

OK, So you agree with me. Good.

I thought it came from mass murder? If you remember, the Warrior Power thing came later. Also who is this ‘His’ you talk of? Pretty sure both Tyrande and Sylvanas are female.

My Gods…My Gods…did you just admit the possibility of High Elves and not call them Silver Covenant? Is this the end of days!


Sylvanas was -given- the title of Ranger General by Mommy because Big Sister didn’t want it (Source is the Thas’dorah Artefact knowledge from Legion) Vereesa was -NEVER- a Ranger General, and never ranked above Farstrider Ranger. That is a simple fact. She uh…also was…uhh…kinda…uhh…too young for Rhonin to have impregnated without him deserving to be on some offenders register. She was too young to be a soldier when Rhonin got her up the duff. Given we know elves become adult at the same rate as humans (Edge of Night being the source) this means…yeah…Rhonin and Vereesa…Not OK, Not OK in the slightest!

Neither of which are Alliance races, therefore you are completely, and utterly incorrect, though it is fun pummelling your falsehoods into the floor in the swift and sure knowledge you will not get what you think you want.


You seriously don’t know what you’re talking about!

They were High Elves, a Neutral Kingdom, not Alliance. They didn’t turn into Blood Elves because of Fel you…you utterly mistaken person. I mean you do realise that, don’t you? When do you think they named themselves Blood Elves? When do you think the Fel Crystals used to maintain the buildings were brought back from Outlands to Quel’thalas?

Do you even know the lore?

No, It is a lie. But given your own unfamiliarity with Elven lore, this does not surprise me.

100% incorrect. So we can see. You do not know anything.

From where? A population needs to be sustainable. Blizzard have said this does not apply to the High Elves, that they do not have a sustainable population.

They’re actually probably less than 10% now. Only one branch is going to be growing. Bad luck for you. They wear Red.

Probably because it is not true.

She’s an incompetent Pramface.

To a point, yes.
It was cleansed and blessed by Ysera and Alexstrazsa at some stage. Plus huge losses of natural life is always going to bother them.

But then again, do they actually care about all the Blight?

Yes she is like high-void elf. In game she does look like a real high elf, in books she was called as void elf. So , two in one.

She was born with that rank. you can inherit such ranks.

All alliance ever done was defend themselves and allies from HORDE attacks. Period. Horde should shut up about Sylvanas “crimes” , they are not better.

She does look like high elf.

I am correct Sylvanas and Vareesa are ranged generals.

Yes i do, im not the one who recognized Dalaran as Stormwind. :clown_face:

Night elves are not related to trolls. We did not descended from trolls.

Evolved from them by hanging around the Well of Eternity.

That’s a rumor not a true fact.

[Citation needed - as usual]


You guys are crackhead dark trolls. Get over it and come visit us on family reunions mon

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No, we aren’t. you want us to be. but we are not. :slight_smile:

I don’t want you to be actually. Kaldorei look weird. Makes us think twice before settling around a Well of Eternity LMAO

Wow if you have such issues with the game, why you still here?

He will be her guide and mentor through shadowlands (doesn’t matter if YOU don’t like it), after that she will be on her own.

Lol its a cartoon fantasy game and was never excepted to be based of big books.

Wow why are you still around when you hate the game and its lore. All of its character and lore are based from other fantasy books or games which they made their own characters and their own lore. Lol this is how it is for all games or movies or whatever.

Yes, because they are druids. Whatever reason Fandral Staghelm had, he was not a bad guy until Catalysem. He just didn’t agree alot with Malfurion and did things his way. And when Malfurion had gone to the emerald dream. the Night elf druids look to him for leadership.

Those horde druids are also part of Moonglade even if they are part of the horde and work “most” of time together. It was a world tree like everything else. Even if it wasn’t done in a natural way, its still part of the world of Azeroth.


“The energies of Life , commonly known as nature magic, promote growth and renewal in all things. Death, in the form of necromantic magic, acts as a counterbalance to life. Together, these two forces hold sway over every living thing in the physical universe.”

Druids work with the natural life forces of the world. Druid healing involves life force being drained and transferred. They ask the surrounding nature to lend them their energy in order to cast spells or to aid them in battle. The Verdant Wilds is teeming with the life spirit.”

Yes but became one, well actually they were split in to 3 smaller Alliances. The Grand Alliance was build from the Human Survivors of the Old Lordaeron Alliance (rangeing from Lordaeron, Stromgarde and Stormwind) and with the Dwarves from Ironforge and Gnomeron Gnomes, But the Grand Alliance was build after warcraft 3. And not only the Lordaeron Alliance that was Outland. Jaina too have Survivors from Lorderon with her to Kalimdor.

“Jaina Proudmoore took as many survivors of Lordaeron she could find and sailed west to the forgotten shores of Kalimdor.”

Theramore become the Western Alliance in Kalimdor with human survivors of Lordaeron. They also brought High elves and dwarves with them and In wow they became part of the Grand Alliance. So as long as the people still existed the Old Alliance still existed.

Stormwind was part of the Old Lordaeron Alliance and when Stormwind fell, They fled to Lorderon and after the second war they moved back home and started to rebuild and they were still part of the Old Alliance during before the Grand Alliance was survives of either went with Jaina or fled to Stormwind or stayed and hide in the surrounding areas of Tirisfal Glades, silverspine forest or Hillsbrad foothills and they did not come out until the Arthas and his scourge army left for Northrend, is when they regrouped.

So…you never played warcraft 2 or know its story or lore. The Alliance expedition mission was, to shut down the Dark portal gate on the other side because Terenas Menethil II believed that a second wave of orcs was coming from the other side of the dark portal. However they had to fight against what was left of the old horde there before they could shut it down. Later on Ner’zhul and a group of orcs was left behind by Blackhand to safe guard the dark portal and eventually he got tired of waiting and made himself Warchief of the horde in Outland and started opening several portals. Khadgar and the rest of Sons of Lothar had to stop him before Ner’zhul teared the planet apart. They managed to stop him and closed all the portal…again. Its stated by lore and ingame by khagdar in TBC they had no contact with Azeroth for many years.

Actually Kael’thas and his army went to outland in warcraft 3 expansion by other means and “not” the dark portal. All the lore says is that Grand Magister Rommath went back to Azeroth and while most stayed in Outland with Kael’thas. Its more likely that Illidan open a portal for them by using his fel powers.

No, I know it was because she didn’t trust the Sunreavers and started the Silver Covenant to oppose the Sunreavers. But the symbol is still there of a SUN and its sun rays. Symbolizing the Sunwell. And the Name Silver=Silvermoon and covenant=group
And yes I know you hate them and Especially Vereesa Windrunner.

And also they are part of the Alliance now and not Dalaran. Those high elves in 7th Legion are the Silver covenant.

On his head it says 7th legion and if you hover the mouse over him for info it says Silver covenant.
Same for the 7th legion High elf battle mages.

And they are still part of the 7th Legion even in BFA (As we High elf fans have said for years that the Silver covenant are in the Alliance and more so when Rhonin died at Theramore). They are however in the same boat as the Dark Iron Dwarves. They never were officially joined the Alliance but they are there and in BFA patch 8.2.5 story they supplied High elf Ballistas for the Alliance. In Mists of Pandaria Vereesa and her Silver Covenant helped Kirin tor to bring in the Military power because Jaina asked Vereesa.

But either way Im going play some games now.


and thats why its sad ;/ blizzard horde devs intentionally trolling alliance players…the few left


Blizzard do not state she is a High Elf. They state she -was- a High Elf. That is ‘was’ not ‘is’. Alleria herself does not regard herself as a High Elf anymore, but a Void Elf, So the company who run the game regard her as a Void Elf, the character herself regards herself as a Void Elf, but we’re supposed to drop all that just because it doesn’t suit the Moontear narrative?


Boom. You don’t know the lore.

Which is fine, let me educate you on the matter.

There is only one Ranger-General of Quel’thalas at a time. This is because it is the position that is the supreme commander of -all- of Quel’thalas’ military. Not just the Farstriders. Ranger- General has been that title -before- the Farstriders were even formed.

It was (Because Americans have stupid ideas at times about how these things work) a Hereditary title. Because Hereditary obviously plays a big part in military competence. Said No One Ever.

Still, be this as it may. The High Elf bit is crazy, so Originally, as we know from the Thas’dorah artefact knowledge, the Ranger General title passed on through the Windrunner family. So the line of Ranger-General would have normally went Alleria-Sylvanas-Vereesa-Lirath in terms of age and primogeniture.

With me so far? So, for some reason that makes no actual sense, Alleria refused the title of Ranger-General, so it devolved to Sylvanas, on the grounds that Alleria wanted to be a Farstrider (This makes no sense, Farstriders are military as well as political) Alleria did indeed work her way up to being a Ranger-Captain by virtue of her own merits (The only Windrunner to do so).
For some inexplicable reason, Sylvanas, who was -ALSO- a Farstrider, was able to hold the position of Ranger-General unlike her elder sister. No, I can’t explain that, but we know it happened.

She had competent Ranger-Lord’s under her, like Lor’themar Theron, and Renthar Hawkspear, and also puppets like Nathanos Marris (Who never earned his rank either). She was, until the fall of Quel’thalas, the Ranger-General.

Vereesa was not born with that rank. Only the eldest of the line can be, they can refuse it, but only they can be born with it. Vereesa was also a child. Can we not keep ignoring that, Vereesa was a child at the time of the 2nd War, not old enough to fight, and certainly not old enough for Rhonin to make manly advances towards her.

However it doesn’t matter. Fact is, she never was Ranger General. She never inherited the rank. Simply never happened.

When Sylvanas died, Lor’themar was made Regent Lord by Kael’thas, and he made this mad decision “How about, and this sounds crazy here, but how about we appoint the head of our entire military based on their ability to actually be competent at running a military, instead of just who mommy was?”

Lo and behold, Halduron Brightwing is the new Ranger-General of Quel’thalas. Because he can actually do the job. Vereesa at this point is a Farstrider Ranger.

That is the highest rank she reached in the Thalassian military. Anything after that, she gave herself, no one of authority did.

Not exactly true, but then arguing with people who think Sylvanas is their waifu is rarely a rewarding task.

That isn’t what I said. I said she does not look like Sylvanas Windrunner. Stop shifting the goalposts here.

You are incorrect. Sylvanas -was- Ranger General of Quel’thalas, a situation which ended when she was killed. Vereesa was -Never- Ranger General of Quel’thalas. As you would know, if you knew anything about Elven lore.

Not really sure what that has to do with Elves, in fact, no, let me help you out, that has nothing to do with elves.

There we go. You know nothing about Warcraft Elves. Yes they were, they originated from Dark Trolls who lived in the vicinity of the Well of Eternity.

No, that is indeed a fact.

It is possible to dislike some aspects of something, whilst generally liking the thing, yeah? I mean, I like drinking water, not so sure I like drowning, though the two do involve the same principle…

Quite correct, it does not matter if I do not like it, which is why I am perfectly able to state MY opinion on the matter.

Do you know what a metaphor or analogy is? I don’t -actually- think WoW is based off the works of Tolstoy.

Hmmm, I don’t. Just the Windrunner’s really. They’re elves written by sweaty neckbeards, rather than elves from mythology and legend.

Ermm, yes he was. He just wasn’t an -obvious- bad guy until Cataclysm.

The, aheh, seeds were already there right from the start.

People always try to use this rationale without understanding what a Druid -is-. Of all the classes in game, to use simple general terms as classes, Druids are the class who should have -hated- Teldrassil the most, because it stood in direct defiance of their beliefs. It was -not- a thing of nature, it was a thing of hubris and arrogance, a perversion of Nature, which is counter to all that they believe in. Now if you mean ‘Would they be pleased that it was burned down?’ the answer is an obvious ‘No’. Equally, certainly when it comes to Horde Druids, there would be a slight amount of shadenfreude in a “This is what happens when you try to bork the system of Nature. You get a smack.”
Druids are not Hippies. They are not all about cuddling bunnies and never harming things of nature, That’s not their gig. They are Nature and Nurture, and the thing with Nature is, as the saying goes, sometimes it is ‘Red in tooth and claw’ Which interestingly we see Malfurion himself represent in the ‘Terror of Darkshore’ cinematic cutscene.

So what? The word ‘Cats’ refers to everything from a tabby kitten to a Bengal Tiger, but they are profoundly different things. The Light can be used for growth and renewal, does that make The Light ‘Nature Magic’? It really isn’t that simple. I mean you can heal using Fel, does that make Fel Nature Magic?

That actually sounds a lot like Fel. I mean is that what you are implying? That Druids are Combat Warlocks?

It is a lot more complex than simply ticking a box and going “That is what it is”.

Actually, you are wrong. It was formed of Stormwind, -some- survivors of Lordaeron, the people of Lordaeron themselves are now the Forsaken, and Horde, and it was not formed of Stromgarde at all! Strom, along with Gilneas and Quel’thalas all seceded from the Alliance at the end of The Second War, and for the exact same reasons as each other. They thought Terenas Menethil II was an idiot for trying to raise taxes to put the Orcs into concentration camps, and that he should have just wiped them out.

Know the funny thing? Kings Anasterian, Trollbane and Genn were -Right- about that. If Terenas had listened to them, there would not be a Horde. Simple as that. There’s have been no Thrall to form it, there’d have been no redemption for MU Grommash, There would be no Orgrimmar, the Darkspear would have had no allies to save them from annihilation, nor the Tauren from theirs.

Clearly not that forgotten then. Also, weird move “Oh, the Orcs have seized ships and sailed west, the sensible thing to do would be to sail west”

No Jaina, the sensible thing would have been to have gone -home- to Kul Tiras?

Better it seems than most High Elf fanatics.

I don’t see what any of this has to do with the numbers of High Elves. Mainly because it has nothing to do with the numbers of High Elves.

Yes, that is what I said…

Ehh, That’s Speculation. We do know that Rommath is the most powerful mortal mage on Azeroth, so if anyone could go “Going home now” it would be him, and we do know he went directly to Silvermoon. Let’s be fair, of the Magi on Outlands at the time, he was the most powerful one who could actually Translocate to Silvermoon, as Illidan had never been there.

Thank you, yes, that is correct. That is also something I have stated many times in this thread.

Kinda supposition. We don’t know that. Now if you’re asking ‘Do I think it is likely?’ I’d be 50/50. The symbology works, the colouring not so much. See it is Silver-MOON-. Now whilst the Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei do have a cultural fondness (Though not worship) of Be’lore, the Sun, as is evidenced by so much Sin’dorei unit and battlegroup names, It is still a city called Silvermoon.
Both are shady. Silvermoon is like…two references to an Elune type thing, which given their heritage is not that unusual. Silver Covenant is also weird, It’s another Elune reference, but that makes even less sense, as it was formed by Vereesa who is way, way, way too young for that to have any relevence or be a ‘go to’ cultural reference.

Well you don’t know anything then. I don’t. I think they have been overused, but I don’t especially hate them. I do get annoyed when some muppets think they are the only High Elves left alive, when they quite blatantly are not.

A Character who never existed in Lore until Richard Knaak needed a hawt Elven chick to hang off his human self insert character’s arm to look cool, in a copy of a copy of a copy of a story?

Yeah, she’s rubbish.

I also think it is incredibly sketchy, though not perhaps surprising given current Blizzard goings on, that they think a human adult male and an underage female elf girl having children together is a bit dodgy. (Because let’s remember, that’s why her and Rhonin head off, she is -too young- to have finished military training, not sure Knaak actually did the maths and worked out what sort of person Rhonin therefore was. Frankly, Garrosh did the world a favour nuking that …person who would have had a bad time in prison shall we say…)

But yeah, pathetic, pointless, spineless character who was only created to hang off an insecure author’s self insert’s arm.

As with every High Elf fan statement.

Citation Needed:

Yeah, that’s not the ones I mean…

Are you still here? Still waiting for your apology for calling me a racist because I have a Horde character. You never had the courage to provide one, so therefore anything you say is pretty much a lie.

This the standard of Alliance High Elf Fans nowadays? I remember when people had valid and good points, when we could discuss lore, and potential NPC’s and Racials and Mounts and starting zones.

Guess that all went out the window ey?