Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Exactly. Something always come from other ideas that were already made or created or mixed. World of Wacraft is so popular because of LoTR, i would personally love more Tollkien fantasy in this game.

He does not know lore so well as he claims. Perfect, recent example when he said that Dalanar Silver enclave was actually a place somewhere in Stormwind :smiley:

They are everywhere, and most of them are Silver Covenant high elves.

Well written post .

That’s why alliance keep calling horde “pet” faction because they always get what they ask, even alliance races, like high elves or night elves.

What Blizzard said or says is not everything. It’s not my narrative, she have high elf mode, was not changed by void, she does look exactly like a real high elf, she just suing void powers.

I mentioned before using some school of magic does not make you an elf from that magic. Jaina using frost powers doesnt make her “frost” jaina . Alleria was not transformed by void she just absorbed void powers, and she now learned how to use them. She is s till a high elf uisng void powers.

I did not said there were or are several of them. I said that Sylvanas is Ranged General, did i said of Quelthalas?

Vareesa is Ranged General of Silver Covenant.

And yes you was born with that privilege as ranged general.

She is herself an authority, she inherited ranged general rank.

Exactly. It’s always horde starting a conflict.

Vareesa is ranged general of silver covenant, i never said that she is ranged general of Quelthalas. never said that Sylvanas is ranged general Quelthalas either.

Sylvanas formely ranged general of Quelthalas. Now she is almost back, she have all rights to continue being ranged general of Quelthalas once again if she wants it.

Point was/is that you obviously mistaken Silver Enclave in Dalaran with Stormwind.

Incorrect, that is what the titans thought or assumed nighr elves came/evolved from. Which is false. And we are going to find out about that in some other later expansion.

??? Where you read that?

Well, you do not know lore, it is what it is.

Your narrative is irrelevant to the lore, which is written by Blizzard.
Sure, it’s not great right now, but A. Windrunner is a void elf. No ifs, no buts, no coconuts.

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LOTRO exists for a reason. And is free. And is actually pretty cool, even the free to play version. That’s where I get my High Elf kick from, because they fit that setting.

I do. I misidentified one human city for another human city without any broader context. Unlike you, who mistook a Silver Covenant NPC for a Void Elf with High Elf options and identified the wrong one as being the Void Elf, in the exact same picture.

Some of, not most of. Some of. The Silver Covenant are -one- group of High Elves, probably the most famous, but that’s it.

Now, actually, the reason Alliance fanbase keeps calling the Horde the ‘Pet Faction’ is because many Alliance only fans are petulant children.

What? It -is- everything! Your own personal narrative does not supplant what is actually in game?

You are 100% incorrect.

Just because it is bugging me, and it is probably a language barrier thing, so do not take this personally, but the title is -Ranger- General, not -Ranged- General.

This said, ‘Ranger General’ is the title of the chief of forces for Quel’thalas. That’s what it means. Sylvanas never refers to herself as Ranger General post mortem. She is only referred to as that, in the past tense, by Lor’themar, and more recently by Uther.

Vereesa -gave- herself that title, she never legitimately held it. Never, not for a single day. Also, you do have to qualify as a soldier before taking up the title, you do not have the title whilst wearing nappies, you are simply eligible for it.

Actually no, that is not how it works. You can’t promote -yourself- in the Military, that would be stupid. You get promoted by the relevant authority, which is generally a senior officer (There is no senior officer to Ranger General) or the Civilian leadership.

Fun fact, the Civilian Leadership at the point of Vereesa being Exiled was Lor’themar Theron. Who held the title of Ranger Lord. Ranger Lord is the rank below Ranger General. You cannot promote someone to a higher rank, than the one you currently hold. It is therefore impossible for anyone to have promoted Vereesa to the rank of Ranger General. Which is why it is a made up title she has given herself.

Coughs Alliance picking a fight with the Neutral nation of Quel’thalas? Alliance picking a fight with the Neutral Zandalari Empire? Alliance picking a fight with the Vulpera Caravan tribes? Alliance picking a fight with the Pandaren in the Jade Forest? Do I need to continue?

No she won’t. She has zero rights. For a start, Quel’thalas is ruled by the Blood Elves. In life, up to the point of death, Sylvanas was a High Elf. Also, the Dynasty of the Windrunners is over. Unless things massively change unexpectedly, none of the Windrunner sisters will bear Elven Children. That line is dead.

Not exactly difficult, but equally in the same image, you mistook a Void Elf for a High Elf so ehhhh…

No We’re not. Stop saying that things are ‘Going to happen’. You are never right when you say that…

Pretty sure that would have been the handbook that came with the box copy of Vanilla WoW, under the section marked Druid.

I think you’ll find I do.

It is canon lore. Accept that and move on. ALL elves devolved from Trolls. I can provide you with the sources if you want. Your tribalism about night elves is embarassing to watch.

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If we were actually the pet faction then Stormwind would be burning by now and the Alliance being dismantled. You should be thankful that wer are NOT the pet faction. Otherwise your pathetic faciton would be nothing but dust tomorrow.

Not only is there absolutely no reason to doubt the Titans’ words on mortals-related stuff that they have no opposing interest in and that they themselves have witnessed, but even Brann Bronzebeard confirmed the Dark Troll lineage of the Kaldorei. Like it’s totally ok in RP mode to have a Night Elf refusing the reality of that lineage, makes complete sense, but we’re not in RP mode right now, and that stuff is as confirmed as anything can ever be confirmed in WoW.

Also it’s crazy to me that people will say Horde is the pet faction when BFA just butchered its lore and characters.

and its potato pixels with paywall to unlock some races like high elves.

predominantly a human city, but other races also live in it.

I never said anything about that picture you keep mentioning and you know it.

Largest group also.

Why? In game she still is a high elf, despite in a book someone calling her a void elf.

And how you can not say she is not ranger general? )) Even in cinematic she was called this by Uther.

She is ranger general of Silver covenant, like it or not.

Very vague, all alliance ever done was trying to defend themselves from horde.

While they are alive line is not dead.

Yes we will, that new planet Fyzandia or something will give some answer or even after we get back to Azeroth truth will be given for those who still think that elves evolved from trolls. Which is a bizarre lie! Elves did not descended from dark trolls. Titans were proven many times they were wrong…so

Yes you are a pet faction. Even even that princess said that she is horde and proud that she never played alliance. So Yes, tell me how alliance are not her favorite objects to please her favorite horde side.

Night elves are immortal.

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To be fair, there isn’t much in it between the two types of playable elves at all. The Pixels are actually good, it has some things better than WoW, game environment would be one. Some of the character models are a bit clunky, but ehh.

I wish they’d make up their mind what Dalaran was. Built by Elves, then retconned so it was built by humans and Elves, now no Elves really live there much, and I just think they’ve forgotten about the place now.

No, -I- said something about that picture, and you then identified the characters wrongly.

I’d say probably, yeah, almost certainly. Highvale are solid, but small, and also very Ranger-centric, that’s how they survived the Sunwell’s destruction, they simply went “Nope! No Magic at all!” Quel’ithien, well, we all know what happened to them tragically.
As a coherent group, Silver Cov are probably the biggest, yeah.

And Blizzard calling her a Void Elf. And Alleria calling -herself- a Void Elf. I mean you’d have thought if anyone would know, it would be -her-!

Because he is seeing someone by reputation, not by what they became, and vice versa, which is made plain when Sylvanas turns round and goes “Who are you?” Uther and Sylvanas never actually met!

Oh totally. It’s just a made up title she gave herself. I’m the Field Marshall of the Fifth Aerial Dragoons don’t you know? Why? Because I said so.

I just literally gave you four examples of fights the Alliance started. That’s not ‘very vague’. That is about as factual and literal as you can get!

The -Line- is effectively dead. We’re talking -Bloodline- not actual person.

Given that we have no idea what Fyzandians even look like when alive, I would not be so certain on that front. I means we don’t know what they look like in life, we have only met two, in their soulshapes in Ardenweald.

What Princess? What are you talking about?

No they are not. They -were- immortal, however Nozdormu rather famously did not give his blessing to Teldrassil, seeing it (rightly) as an abomination. Nozdormu’s blessing is what gave the Night Elves their immortality. No Blessing?No Immortality. Night Elves do now have the same life spans as all other types of elves (Actually, we don’t know about Void Elves, as that canon statement was made before they were released. Given that Void Elves contain a cosmic power of Entropy and Destruction it is pretty likely their lifespan is not going to be great in comparison to other Elves) All Elves, with the above caveat, live for ‘Several Thousand Years’. Indeed, Night Elves have started dying of sickness, and old age. One of Jarod Shadowsong’s did.

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It could be a lot longer, but I doubt their mental state will last long enough for most to find out.

And stop engaging, you poor soul.

dumbest topic ever, would be like adding taunka to horde, you litteraly already have the blood elf model which “high elves” share

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Taunka hardly compare to the Ren’dorei, who are basically just a handful of High Elves who recently started to delve into the powers of the Void. Tauren and Taunka are distant cousins who look different, have quite different cultures, different histories, and thousands of years of separate evolution.

Not saying I don’t get the appeal for Quel’dorei, they’ve been Alliance for a long time and would have made tons of sense, but at this point Tauren and Taunka really are different races. They’re sort of a Kobold-Grummles equivalent of the Yaungol lineage


Who cares anymore? blizzard has already retconned like half of the Warcraft universe’s lore

my point is they use the same model, the lore behind the alliance races does not matter, it’s only about the models. there are 2 night elf models(night elf, nightborne) 2 blood elf(void/blood) the only reason there’s 2 is so both horde and alliance have acces to these models adding “high elves” who use the same model as blood elves would be the 3rd race with the same model, pointless

im not talking bout lore idkwtf you on about

well, i dont play other games at all, just wow and sometimes hs. I spend so many years here that picking new game would be unwise and actually i better wouls stop playing at all :smiley:

Fair enough. And i actually described other picture then you assumed. :slight_smile:

Ok, but in game she does look exactly like high elf, and elves what we would actually like to play. Based on her appearance and how she use void powers it’s safe and right to say she is high elf using void elf powers.

She wasn’t transformed by void like blood elves.

And what would be wrong with that"? If you are the Field Marshall of the Fifth Aerial Dragoons, then you are.

Yeah because they knew that eventually if they do nothing horde will start conflict anyway.

so as long they are alive blood line or line can continue?

True. But the Titans were proven wrong many times. So what they said or assumed doesnt mean that is actually the truth. Even that nelf vs troll compedium described possibility that it might be that or might be that Ellune created them.


Well, those who were blessed before still are immortal? Most likely immortal anyway, and with new a new grown tree Nozdormu or Ellune can bless it again.

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I used to play it when I was too poor to keep my WoW sub up and running. It’s not actually bad, I mean the FTP Elves are more your Legolas type than your Elrond type, but they don’t actually look any physically different, it’s just style of dress and culture. Think Wood Elves over High Elves basically.

But bear in mind, she is a Faction Leader, or rather, a Racial Leader, They almost always have different models than a player can do, I mean the only ones I can think of, that a player can actually replicate are Ji Firepaw and Aysa Cloudsinger, Kiro of the Vulpera, Rok’han and -maybe- Mayla Highmountain (Not rolled a Highmountain, let alone a female one, so I don’t know.) You can get close to Genn Greymane, but without his cool coat.

I will now use that title tonight, whilst at a House party in Northampton. If I think so, and you agree, then it means I -AM-. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, but to give a real life context, that’s how WWII started. The ‘Goodies’ were the ones who actually declared War on Hitler’s Germany, not the other way around.

Yes -and- No. And unfortunately it is one of those answers that is ‘Yes and No’. The Individuals, are still alive, however in 2 our of 3 cases, the Blood Line is currently not extant, as neither Vereesa or Alleria’s children are fullblooded Elves (I know talking about racial purity is bad, but I am doing this -purely- in the context of WoW Elves, not any horrible racist real life mentality). We also know that in the 3rd case, that being Sylvanas, her tendencies ran the same way, her and Nathanos were romantically involved when they were still alive, which means that had they both not died during the Scourge invasion, the boring over used trope would have continued, and therefore any offspring would have been half elves. Not Elves. So the Windrunner bloodline at that point would be defunct.

For that situation to change, given that Sylvanas is still to our knowledge undead and unable to bear children, either Vereesa or Alleria would have to take a male elf partner and have children with them, or possibly to adopt a pureblooded Elf child as a Windrunner. That is also a possibility. As an Uncle to a tiny adorable niece, even though she is not related by blood to me, being adopted, she has my family name, she is to all intents and purposes ‘my kin’.

That’s what I meant by Lifestyle changes. Currently none of the living Windrunner’s seem inclined to take that step. If they do not, then the Windrunner Bloodline will indeed End once Vereesa and Alleria are dead. Sylvanas is already dead, so doesn’t really come into the equation.

Yeah, but the Titans never told us about the Fyzandians. the Fyzandians did, (and you’d assume they would know! :stuck_out_tongue: )

It is entirely possible that Elune’s worship took on meaning to people from a different planet, but that she seems different to the Kaldorei interpretation (In the same way that Velen refers to Elune as a Naaru). By possible, I mean Probable. Look at a real world example. One thing unites Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They all believe in the same God. Now whether they call ‘him’ Jehovah or Yahweh, God or Allah, all three are in agreement that it is the -Same- God. They just worship differently. And that’s on one planet, who is to say the Fyzandian’s don’t have the same deal going on? Elune is Elune, but they worship her in different aspects.

OK, That image of an Ion and Sylvanas mash-up is just horrifying. It’s -FINE- Moontear! I didn’t need any sleep tonight anyway! Now I have waking nightmares to make sure I don’t sleep! :stuck_out_tongue:

Apparently not, as I said, Jarod Shadowsong’s mother? sister? has died of old age, and she was one of the ‘immortals’. All Night Elves are now mortal. Not that it matters, because like all elves they live for several thousand years anyway. So uh…with the most morbid phrasing, none of us players are going to be alive when that becomes an issue.

Elune can’t grant immortality, it would need to be Nozdormu, who may or may not, but so far, has not.


That’s a whole conveyor belt’s worth of yikes.

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Yikes is a Scooby Doo term, and belongs there. Besides, what is wrong with it? Their children are half elves? Not Elves? I mean we’re not talking a real life interracial marriage (As I clarified) We’re talking two different Species in a fantasy setting.

Alleria’s and Vereesa’s respective partners are/were Humans. Ergo the Windrunner line ends with those two sisters -unless- (As I also stated) something changes in the future.

I’d be cautious about the overuse of ‘yikes’ when everything stated was factually correct even in Blizzard’s own lore, I mean even Alodi was bullied by both Humans -and- Elves for being a Half Elf. What point were you driving at there?


Explain how the line “ends” when both Alleria and Vereesa have children to carry on the name.

I think i can answer that
In wow lore half elves can not get children last time i heard anything about it.
So the children of the windrunners can not have children of their own.