Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Who is crying loudly now anyway high elf were always with alliance and still with alliance


They were with alliance yes. They were with alliance even when they renamed to blood elves. Loyal and trying hard to defend azeroth and human kinkgdoms from demons and undead alike.

And what they got in return? General Garithos the Dumb, suicide missions and despect.

When they needed help the most, it was Illidan who provided. When they needed protection, it was horde who answered.

When Varian tried to restore broken trust, it was one of the main alliance heroes, again, who purged Dalaran, taking elven lives in cold blood.

So yeah, tell me more how high elves are with alliance.

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So you mean Blood Elves?

My, what would I give to be this young and passionate again. Don’t worry, you’ll learn to accept the setback™ in sharing your toys with other people. Could have been way worse, like sharing Silvermoon City with them, right?


No, not the blood elf of horde

I mean high elf of th Alliance

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So you mean Blood Elves then?

Because High Elves = Blood Elves, and Blood Elves = High Elves.


Ńo, he only means to troll.

I aint worried. Big daddy blizzard will protect my toys and I wont have to share with alliance ever. At all.

I had a guess that this is the only reason to keep insisting that High Elves are supposedly its own thing rather than being quite literally a Blood Elf that didn’t catch on with the rename.


´For some people concept very difficult to grasp.

I don’t know what you talking about.

Blizzard Made High elf for Alliance and Blood elf for Horde. Why you need Alliance race when you have your own and why you are using mathematics equations ?


Highelves, not blood elves

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so Void Elves then? im confused

Its interesting how many elf fans wants high elves because void elf lore while dwarf players are totally fine with getting Wildhammer tattoos and nothing else.


Highelves what alliance been asked for 15 years are already ingame, perfect example developed faction like silvercovenant.

Noone ever asked to give horde blood elves - voidelves.

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Silver Covenant is more of a Kirin Tor faction pls stop repeating yourself

They are highelves, loyal to the alliance

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loyal to the Kirin Tor, on a branch of the Alliance. They are not Alliance soldiers

Its ok we will get then playable

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