Quel'dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

You could say the same about most races. Yet you chose of the the argumentatively weaker race choice.

The difference there is that both factions didn’t try to help the Worgen. Only the Night elves did.

The Forsaken and Horde were the aggressors (As the Legion to the Nightborne).
The Nightborne still have a city to go back to as it wasn’t completely destroyed.
The Worgen do not, it was Blighted by the Forsaken.

The Forsaken made the Worgen their enemy. Forcing them into the bed with the Alliance.

The Alliance didn’t make the Nightborne their enemy, they actively helped to retake their city. Only to be repaid with a turn-coat.


Stop tempting me. I’ve just argued why we shouldn’t advocate for attacking Silvermoon, but the thought of prying it out of your fabulous hands is eerily seductive.

More than anything, really, they joined the blood elves, with whom they have almost everything in common. These two highborne elven cultures evolved very similar, with matching attitudes towards most things.

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The Humans really have an excellent track record of turning their backs on their own.

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No we want High elves not blood elves go away troll.


Go away human …

See, it works the same way.

TBH. I’ve read this thread from when it first started on the old forums and still follow it.

Over that past few months there has been nothing new added by either the pro or anti posters. Together with the fact that recently there have been maybe 6-8 posters regurgitating the same stuff (I could have used :poop: there but didn’t) over and over again.

I’ve already stated that I admire your persistence, but I truly believe that they will not add another elf race as playable characters.

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No i wanna play As An Alliance High elf and we’ll get The High elves soon eneogh it’s just a matter about time.


You might, I agree, 2-3 expansions down the line.

Good luck.

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Then you should know that what you just said has to be THE most regurgitated comment in this entire thread.

Did you read the discussions about racials? Or about heritage armour? Or about hubs? Or about relations with void elves, night elves and other Alliance races?

You see, this topic still gets added to, if you bother to actually pay attention. Thanks for helping us with keeping it active.


And if Sylvanas she dosen’t become a raid boss maybe she sends bats to attack Dalaran as she wants to kill all life so maybe that’d be eneogh reason for blizzard to give us Our High elves.

i have absolutely no intrest in another elf race to be added so i dont care if they add or if they dont add them.

People just want stuff they cant have, if they had added highelves people would have screamed for them to add void elves if they have teased about their existance.


I really appreciate that you point that, well, point. Those talks of “giving Silvermoon to the High/Void/Whatever elf and the Alliance” were highly unpleasant.

On the “giving blue eyes to everyone and makes them the second Pandaren” I… guess it’s not a bad idea. I would like the blue options back for Blood Elves, with explanations. Arcane users going back to Blue, Fel user staying in Green, Light users for Gold, and other magics having the choice of which influence they want to see on their character.


I once pointed that out For a thread called Will the blood elves join The Alliance about giving them the Pandaren choice but i am glad we’ll soon be getting The High elves from Dalaran.

Will we? How do you know?

Well, given how you guys, apparently, REALLY want them, adding High Elves might be utilized as a last resort subscription-saving tactic by Blizzard…

And i’ve heard that a lot of people are unsubbing from bfa.

Including me, but I won’t be back for yet another elf race :wink:

But, if heavy guns are available, I suppose this might be the time to roll them out.

How do you mean?

“Subscriptions’ number dropping rapidly?”
“Activate High Elf safety valve!”


Alright then.

You mean just like night elf fans who had waited since the race was introduced to get its pre-sundering side added, finally to have their rather 1 dimensional 10 year portrayal get a great injection of majesty and style that lived up to the lore - expectation and vindication at its highest ever for them, only to get all of it snatched away and delivered to the horde.

You mean that insult that those who deeply love the night elves on the alliance have had to suffer with the nightborne going horde?

If it happens with Silvermoon and high elves, you will get use to it, just like we have to get use to it with the nightborne. Lose enthusiasm and motivation for the story just like we did and come to terms with the horror of betrayal and feeling cheated it makes you feel just like we did - especially knowing the developers could have formed a better solution that allowed the horde to get nightborne while the night elves still got their pre-sundering civlization back.

But no, their callous and total disregard for the night elf fans whom they’ve teased and baited with ruins and descriptions, with even returning highborne, only to give this grand presentation of night elf arcana, and stab them in the back by giving this portion to their enemies who already had a fancy elven civilization and a fancy elven city with fancy elven majestic elements.

Then alliance fans remember how blood elves were also snatched from them and plucked on the horde, but at least during that era, they had the population excuse to use. Now it was just pure favoritsm.

And where is the compensation for the night elves and the alliance? Destroyed Darnassus, no city, and a token night warrior buff - this is Blizzard justice and sensitivity to their fans.

The night elves of Suramar meant nothing to the blood elf fan base before they saw their city, they couldn’t care less about kaldorei pre-sundering lore when ruins of Dire Maul, Vashj’ir and displaced highborne were all the game had to show for it. It was night elf fans emotionally invested in the race, with hopes and dreams for its development, having to wait expansion after expansion as the other elf race got pumped of glory and victory, other races and horde narrative stories just kept filling expansion after expansion.

Finally it seemed the 12 year wait and dry spell was over, and for the first time it seemed blizzard were doing the night elves some serious development, not of the shabby kind either. But when it comes, the blood elf and horde fans want it, and what do they do… they give it to them, in a total mockery of the night elf players.

If the same happens to the high elves and Silvermoon, know that it happened in a far more grevious way to the alliance and the night elves with Suramar - the city of the majority of the darnassian night elves and the area all their origin lore for that particular group is based on. YES, THEY TOOK SURAMAR HORDE. Malfurion and Illidans city, Tyrande, Jarod and Maiev’s brithplace city… suramar night elves who made the bulk of the night elf army that beat Azshara and the legion and eventually join the alliance.

Yes, those… total spit in their face, for blood elves who’s only attachment was the cool new fancy city they saw and liked and all of a sudden remembered and were for the first time since their release 10 years prior were proudly branding about thier highborne ancestory and identity that they couldn’t be bothered with when ruins and displaced highborne shen’dralar were all the night elves had to show for it.

Pwah… the insult and injustice, unfairness and bias HAS ALREADY happened. And where is the subsequent night elf highborne development? where is the night elven arcane users restoring another amazing city from their past? Where is the attempt by blizzard to fix this maybe by causing the majority of nightborne to defect to the night elves and even change back to night elf forms to fix this? or elevating of the Farondis and other groups to compensate so the night elves as the core race do experience the best parts of their own LORE and heritage rather than it be shipped exclusively to a horde side that already has an elven one.

Tell me the contempt and utter trampling on their fans’ loyalty and dedication to their lore hasn’t happened here.

And if it happened to night elves, what makes you think it won’t happen with high elves? It is the utter lack of progressing the night elves and making them actually amazing and inspiring that has lead to many people wanting the high elves. They don’t make the night elves beautiful, nor as magical, nor as cunning - even though they were even more so in WC3 and in their history.

they make the blood elves win at everything against the night elvse and come out better. Ofc the alliance are going to want the high elves they remember were initially on their side.

And instead of giving the fancy new night elf city (which is actually an ancient one) to the actual night elves, and giving them comparably gorgeous models to even out the scales, they skey them FURTHER to the horde by giving it to the horde.

I mean… you see what I’m talking about?

And I dare anyone to challenge this