Question about nameplate distance in tbc

Hello, there is a huge deal breakwer in classic pvp for me, the nameplate distance only showing up like 15 yards or so.
Would like to know if this is solved in tbc.
I think it is cuz i played end of tbc and dont remember that kind of strugle.

Also dual spec is good if they bring it. Also if they are bringing other stuff like token etc, i would be buying dual spec for like 25 euros for all acc.

It stayed the same in tbc.
In Wrath i think it was upped to 30y. It might have happened mid-expansion because in 3.1 it looks pretty much same as vanilla. But in ICC the range is significantly improved.


any idea why they dont fix it? maybe the no change people come in wave? it just makes no sense

In cases like this where making a change has many advantages versus zero disadvantages it makes absolutely no sense to stick with the old version just because.
20 yard nameplates add nothing to the game. They need to go.

But hey spell batching added nothing to the game either and Blizz went with it anyway…just to pack pedal a few months later, like usual.
You never know with these devs, they can be very incoherent at times.

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in hyjal

It can make a huge difference in pvp. With the current and correct setting you can actually hide in bushes and get the drop on people.

With 3.3 and I looked this up, the visibility was doubled to 40 yards.
It’s a gamechanger for pvp and not in a good way.
Even just grinding mobs out in the world loses some tension as you can see everything long before it reaches your aggro range.

As long as you have names turned on you can usually see them coming anyway.
Aka red equals dead.

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