Question about Phoenix Flames

Is Phoenix Flames used on pure single target? It seems mainly needed for burning up multiple bunched targets by spreading ignite.

Yes, during combustion - since it instant and deals more damage than fireball.

Ah, thank you.

Honestly, outside of Combustion, I struggle to find a use for Phoenix Flames. As I understand, the main idea of the spell is to spread Ignite. However, on 3+ targets, you hard-cast Flamestrike, so all targets have Ignite rolling anyway. Therefore, it would seem that the only real use for the spell is to cast it 1) right after a streak of Pyroblasts 2) when there are 2 targets only.

Also If your ST’ing a prioity target you can spread to adds.
Also to fish for heating up during flamestrike spam.
But always try and keep some spare for your combust.

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