Question about " Safe haven"

In the new WoW cinematic. Saurfang asked Thrall where his family are. Thrall says “nearby” looking at the floor and seemed melancholic. Not to mention we see Oshu’gun in the background ?.. are they dead ? is that what he was hinting at ?

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Most likely Blizzard didn’t have the budget/time to involve his family into the cinematic itself.

I’d very much doubt that anything has happened to his family outside of the cinematic.


There was no need to have them there.

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At first I thought that interraction looked weird too.

But on second thought Thrall looks more suspicious than sad. Like he’s not 100% sure if Saurfang is there to greet him as an old friend, and if he’s unsure of that, giving the location of his family wouldn’t be so smart.

So yeah, probably just suspicion on Thralls part.


Yup, that’s how I see it, too. Thrall is extremely defensive in the video. It’s pretty clear he expected someone to come sooner or later, and wanted no part in whatever they were going to drag him into. Like Saurfang says, he is hiding. And if Saurfang is there to drag him out… he is an antagonist, no matter what he was before.

And if that’s the situation it makes sense to keep him at arm’s length, and not to extend much trust at all.

I also really liked Taliesin’s analysis on the video:

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Personally I would be ok with his wife slinging her hook and never coming back. She grated on my nerves something cronic.

I don’t think that is was a lack of need for them to be there so much as the fact that if Oggra was around she would be up in Saurfang’s face telling him to go away and stay away from her husband.

Oggra always struck me as the kind of person who wanted Thrall all to herself. All his attention singularly on her.

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If they were dead, he had absolutely no reason to leave the dying world. He only grabs his weapon (2h shamuns return confirmed?) because his familiy is not save anymore.

… at least, this is how I interpret the whole scene

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