Question Orc Racial blood fury about 50% debuff healing

Are Orc get 50% debuff healing affect from get heal you self and life drain aslo heal you
Or are 50% debuff only for get healing another players?

my biggest confuse are life drain and life steal weapon
Do life drain and life weapon are affect 50% debuff healing or not? from blood fury

and about bloodlust from warrior talent do its aslo affect bloodlust from 50% debuff or not?

Lifestealing is technically not healing.
On my paladin i have the ancient hakkari manslayer and the skullflame shield. Both of those items have a lifesteal procc and those effects are not impacted by Mortalstrike for example. I would assume that the Orc racial also does not impact Lifestealing.

All I know is that if you’re popping your orc racial while tanking, I’ma let you die.

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