R1 solo Q title added

And they exist, so I don’t understand your complaint. What I am saying is that it would make more sense if these rewards were % based, but on shorter seasons.

You don’t give a gold medal to the guy who was #1 halfway through a race and finished 10.

Is that an argument ? Then watch me use it “I don’t pay for your entertainment either”. Okay I said it too. So now I am right, or how does those silly arguments work exactly ? Not too sure.

Yah so having R1 on 0.1%, Glad on, say, 1% despite it being 0.5 before iirc, Duelist on 5% etc, ends up rewarding all the people who actually care and bother not being extremely bad and not invested, because that’s only going to be, at most the top half. And that’s at the very, very most.

Also btw :

About that one though… You pay for what they offer (blizzard here), not for what is in your mind and dreams. Complaining when things are not working as advertised is one thing, but buying, lets say, a seat to a stand-up and then complaining that it isn’t an action movie, that it is outrageous and it should be changed to an action movie based on the sole argument that you paid for an entertainment so now you have the right to decide how it should be performed … that is simply… dumb. I don’t have a better word. If that one offer for entertainment doesn’t entertain you, then do not pay for it. Just find one that entertains you and then buy that one. I honestly can’t understand people who keep claiming everything in wow is bad, has been since cata, no more fun, bad systems all around always, full boring, nothing to have fun with until the godly solo q arrives like the long awaited herald, yada yada, yet have been subscribed for years and drink wow instead of a coffee in the morning. That behavior is an actual disease, medically speaking.

Im sorry, but you are missinterpretting probably everything Ive said so far. I give up explaining. Bye.

Solo queue is 100% a clown fiesta joke bracket and probably only warrants rewards from achievements such as ‘won x rounds’.

But what I think is undoubtedly one of the biggest benefits of solo queue is the removal of reliance on finding 2 competent partners and relying on people having the same time schedule as you.

I’m looking forward to it very much.

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Those of us who only play for fun since its a video game after all, is sadly a forgotten breed :frowning:

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Another one of Beware’s conspiracy theories debunked GG WP.

Do you know how hard it is to log onto wowhead news page and check recent articles with a name related to either PvP or lastest development notes ?

Arguing without knowing the topic is a much easier path to follow.


It’s even funnier when the same guy scrolls through weeks and weeks’ worth of forum posts to find a sentence from one of his essays to copy and paste into a new thread but apparently opening Wowhead and clicking a couple of links is where he draws the line :rofl:

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*several weeks old, by the time he wrote it. Also, would you look through several weeks of patch notes/development notes only to find that single paragraph? He couldn’t even answer if it was posted on wowhead to begin with. All he said was “read it in a blue post a couple of weeks ago”.

Oh look, wrong again. I just don’t close the tabs that often. Still had the tab up, I merely clicked on the one I remembered where it was. Because I knew where it was.

But you two are displaying the most antisocial tendencies I’ve ever witnessed outside of schoolyards. It’s truly disgusting.

inb4 the inevitable reply “but you!”, I already know I am. Lots of people display antisocial tendencies to varying degrees in various circumstances. But you two are in a league of your own.

Is your ego really that big you can’t even say ‘my bad, you were right and I was wrong’? :joy:

If my intended action was to open a forum thread on this exact topic of my own free will, and then to decide, again of my own free will to argue with or against someone who has read the post, yes, I would at the very least attempt to gather information before submitting my ideas to avoid looking like a fool.

So yes, most definitely yes.

You are the first person who answered the original post, taking a shot at someone who hadn’t even written in it yet, and you are trying to tell people that looking at wowhead before answering the topic & randomly leaping at people’s throats is too far fetched an idea ? You need to learn when to retreat.

You know that wowhead isn’t an official, blizzard managed news source right ? He could have read it on a blue post outside wowhead. He never had to tell you it was on wowhead for he might not now whether it was. Wowhead just happens to be the easiest tool to find these information within a minute which is why it is mentioned now. So that you can make use of your post digging skills on a news source about a topic you want to argue about on forums and get information, rather than letting those post digging skills restricted to said forums.

It is a nice pre deflect attempt at what was coming, but I’m sure deep down you realize how what you wrote just above the quote is ironic coming from … well, I guess you know. It is rather common to deflect on others in that sort of situation for people like that.

Yeah if you scroll through all of his posts, beating his own post digging shenanigans, you’ll rarely if ever spot that despite sometimes seeing him claim stuff such as “this is a priest, I know for sure, oh wait it has an energy resource bar, well, I wasn’t wrong, obviously, you just didn’t specify that it had energy so I couldn’t know it was a rogue so clearly my assessment of it being a priest was not incorrect” (keeping wow context because hey why not). Such things are never followed by “I was wrong” when clearly he was. There’s a name for that.


Imo “solo shuffle” isn’t a solo queue. If they wont let me just queue up with “X healer” or “Y dps” then imo its pointless. Perhaps it would be better if they at least let me ban tanks and only queue with healers but it is so unfun waiting 10minutes for a tank/dps game I will probably just avoid it.

Maybe I will give it a go if the queues are fast though.

this is such a weird point tbh.

i agree with you tbh and see where its coming from, but its the minority of the playerbase, intelligent precise play? maybe a multi r1 rmp / awc players on any comp ye okay, but other than that i didnt see any intelligent and precise play since wod, for example i personally dont see any difference when a premade ret warr or a random soloq retwarr runs down a target with all the cds, and dont misunderstand me, ofc you can play ret warr to intelligent and precise way but 99.99% players are not capable of that, and also why would they when the zugzug works too unless you wanna win awc?

ye this will be a major problem for soloq indeed, but isnt this game is like this in every aspect? theres meta, theres classes which work better in 1 aspect of the game and work worse in another one, mage doesnt work in soloq but SS tier in premade 3s, or theres shadow priest, i think the last time it was a viable option for 2s was wod or mop, meanwhile its pretty decent for 3s nearly every season, i agree the gap for soloq is bigger, lot of classes “drop out” from the pool.

this is some interesting point bcz from my understanding theres 2 main thing in an arena game, teamplay and individual skill, and as you probably noticed too individual skill doesnt matter that much like it used to thanks to blizzard design in the past 2-3 xpac, your point stands for the teamplay part but in the other hand, carrying 2 other ppl without voice, and win the match can lead to really big improvements , and i think when someone wanna improve the first thing is the individual skill, so i really think that soloq will help ppl get into arena, they will learn a lot from soloq, and then when they reach that decent level of skill, by that time they will have m8s from soloq or somewhere else and then they can use that experience and work on their teamplay.

overall i think soloq indeed looks like a clownfiesta for a player like you, who have m8s to play with constantly, and also plays a class that is meta in nearly every season, but there are other ppl, especially new players who will get into arena faster and easier with a better learning curve than “sit in lfg for 1 hour then kicked after 1 loss”.


btw https://twitter.com/holinka/status/1578087467827089408?t=GK9sgyUtU5UEzVPmHAU87w&s=19
by Holinka himself
I cant wait for DF!

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They picked all people to Solo Showdown from 3v3 ladder. If this is the case in DF its a joke.

Yeah but because it is a comp based game you can make everything work fine-ish in normal arena games where you build your team with people who expect to play the comp and play it good enough. In solo q if you queue right now as Warrior people will complain once they realize you play Arms, and won’t even attempt to play around Arms strengths because it isn’t meta, so they’ll just lose with you and all DPS will be on 4 wins, you on 0, they are winning that trade even if they throw every round with you solely based on “bro y no furiwar”. Meanwhile if you played with a built group that accepts, or wants, to play around Arms you’d still have a solid comp, not weak by any means.

And so yeah many specs just drop from the pool. I mean Blizzard knows it very well. I believe many people shiuld he able to do 1+1… why was almost a third of the DPS invited an Outlaw Rogue ? Why were some specs not even invited ? There is a best player at every spec, so why not ? Because it would have displayed live how tragically bad their system is, with these specs just losing all or at least almost all rounds vs any meta spec combination.

And the comp. That concept goes beyond teamplay. Each working comp has specific win conditions, CC chains and damage profiles and doesn’t play the same into X or Y. In solo q you lack that. Again it is a comp base format, and solo q ignores that aspect.

What about the new player who decided to play Arcane ? Or Enhancement ? Etc etc ? They have no chance to get to play their chars. Sure, in LFG they were often declined but at least once in a group they could play and try to win because the other person was in it with them. In solo q they will play alright. And lose all rounds. It doesn’t matter to the other DPS, they will win 4 out of 6. Great fun if you’re new, seeing that you lose by default whenever you enter a match against most specs because yours is not as known or good or zugzugy qnd you have no control over who you play with to make up for it.

Not sure if its only me but i see alot of players that are scared of that Solo Q could finish(for good) lfg/3s bracket.They wont be able to boost/gatekeep/play one scripted op comp.So they are really scared to hop into Solo Q where they got to adapt really fast and play different non meta comps with different players.They are just scared of unknown(too used to scripted 3s bracket) or from losing cash/gold from boosting.So some of them really try to trash talk on Solo Q but that wont do anything.
Im really sorry for you folk but most likely Solo Q will be dominating bracket in WoW PvP and R1 title from it will be the only title that will matter from DF onwards.

Soloist sounds a bit weird. Like a musician.

And now the world-famous violin soloist Jito will be performing Sibelius’ Violin Concerto. Please be seated.

:notes: :notes: :notes: :notes:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

…And that is the story of how I became a Rank 1 Soloist.

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Nearly spat out my beer while reading this. Thanks for the decent chuckle.

If I have to make a prediction on what will happen, if what happens in other competitive games is of any indication, it could likely only add even more prestige to the real game (3s), just like there’s more prestige for actual premade teams playing csgo, league and other competitive games over matchmaking/solo queue.

I’m happy that people who don’t like to make teams will get to play, and I’m even more happy that they get a real reward to work for (a seasonal title that’s very cool), but I’m not quite sure rated solo shuffle will make real 2s, real 3s redundant, rather I speculate that they’ll be a gateway to playing rated 2s / 3s for those who don’t do that, which is good for the game probably anyway

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The prospect of spec-specific R1 solo queue title is great. However, the title itself is crap.

i mostly play off meta comps when i play and mostly with lfg and we can make it work depending on the ppl ofc, with lfg i dont use voice so i just write down what to do before the arena and it can work, obviously if ppl dont listen, or lacking the skill to execute the strategy then its a rip, what you saying will be a thing on lower ratings, ppl will see the other1 is not meta or playing worse and just give up/troll when they are in the team with him, but on higher ratings this wont happen, those players will know that if they explain what to do and follow a basic strat/play around the non meta class and enable it then it can be a win, and ppl are selfish why would they do this? well its not bcz they really wanna help that non meta guy, its bcz they need the win too for the rating, and since its spec based titles and rating ppl with common sense and a bit of an iq on higher rating will realize that its a win-win if they play together and try to win even if its a non meta class.

while i agree that its bad in general, but i dont think theres a version of soloq that can solve this, its just the problem that comes with this bracket, just like theres problems with other brackets too that every1 knows and accepted.

for me teamplay includes choosing a comp but you are right about it yep.
but on a personal note, its really sad that comp matter this much, and especially that certain top tier comps and lower tier comps have an insanely big gap.

this has nothing to do with soloq, make an arcane char and try to play with lfg now doesnt matter 2s or 3s, you will get into the exact same problems, the difference is that you will atleast play the game with soloq, bcz with lfg as an arcane or ench you will sit there for a looong time, just to get into a match lose instantly and repeat the first step.
i understand soloq has its flaws as i said above i agree, but dont blame general balancing problems on it, it exists on all brackets.

also a new player will always lose, he can play the meta spec and still lose, we talk about wow pvp while it can be seen easy for me or you, for a new player its insanely overwhelming, BUT they get to play, and the more you play the more you learn, and even more if you lose and know why you lost even on a non meta spec you can win if you are good enough and learn from your mistakes, just like zeepeye probably can get r1 on soloq as ench sham.

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