Race change - Dark Iron or Void Elf

I’ve been checking google for discussion on this and it’s difficult to find an answer that’ll convince me.

I have too many humans and I’d like to main Warlock in Shadowlands. All that’s left to do is the simple task of race changing to an overpowered Allied Race.

They both have racials that have a damage increase, one has a nice void teleport thing the other runs faster in unmountable areas (given Warlock mobility its likely that I’d prefer running faster).

So naturally I’d have thought the Dark Iron would be my go to. But I find the beards kind of distracting on the transmog now that they always stick out, it kind of clashes with anything that doesnt go with the fire aesthetic even if I change colours. I guess I just need to find some transmog with the right colourations that go with the red, orange, white, black colours.

So that makes me wonder if I’d be happier with the Void Elf which has a blue, purple or white colouration and it doesn’t seem to clash with the aesthetics of the sets.

I felt Dark Iron would work well with Destruction.

Can anyone lend any thoughts on this? It seems so stupid, I know I can pick either and not go too wrong even with the consolidation of modern WoW racials. It’s obviously very nitpicky, but its something I want to figure out before taking the leap.

Cheers guys

Oof, that is a VERY subjective question.

Anyways, I personally would go with the Dark Iron Dwarf as I like their aesthetics more for warlocks than the Void Elves.
Void elves would be my go to for a priest.

The only thing I would REALLY like to see happen is to get an option to change the smoldering hair/beard to fel green. I’d race change to Dark Iron in a heartbeat!

Want a definitive answer? Do a class trial with both races and give them a transmog overhaul. That way you can take a screenshot and decide for yourself.

Yeah that is a good point. Casting animations are fine with both. I do also have a void elf rogue and priest so perhaps Dark Iron should be the no brainer.

I’ll try out the class trials

Personally i like both, but after getting my dark iron max level with cool looking gear i couldn’t stand the running animation, he looks so goofy bouncing like that so i can’t take him seriously and stopped playing him.
Now most of my characters are void elves, the whole void/dark theme is cool af and gear looks better on them.
p.s. void elves take no delay when getting hit while casting which is an advantage too

edit: forgot to mention u can go wowhead dressing room and check them with transmogs on https://www.wowhead.com/dressing-room

The velf racial preternatural calm seems to be really useful for caster classes.

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