Raidfinder too easy!

No it doesnt because it opens up 2 MONTHS after the raid is cleared on mythic/heroic/normal IT HARMS nobody !


I blame the people who claim it is the entry to raiding no matter who it is, never claimed it was strictly lfr guys or raiders :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I know. I took a bit of a liberty there, sorry.

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Not me, the game, There’s a difference.

Maybe “harm” was the wrong word to use but look, LFR as a feature in wow is contradictory to what wow is, it always was, i don’t know about you but the amount of times ive heard people talk about how wow is no longer an mmorpg because of LFR is something i’ve lost count of, its exaggeration of course. But it’s still there, an argument that is all over the internet for all to see, that’s what i meant with “harm” but really it’s more about WoW being completely different from what is used to be. Actually the opposite to what is used to be.

No it doesn’t harm me, it doesn’t harm anyone that plays the game itself.

But if you were to tell someone that an MMORPG with the end content of raiding was doable without a guild or an organized group, then that person looking for a challenging game with a learning curve, he/she would look elsewhere.

And what about the potential casual players? would they be enticed to enter an MMORPG when they don’t really have more than 2-3 hours freetime? very likely not. That’s what i meant with hurting the game.

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I know what you’re saying, I just don’t know what you mean. Before LFR the raiders would still raid and the non-raiders still wouldn’t.

There’s also a myriad of far, far bigger reasons why the social aspect of the game has suffered. CRZ is probably the biggest one I can think of right off the bat, but then there’s also the fact that Blizzard themselves pretty much wiped out 10-man raiding seemingly overnight.

and you’re welcome to go and watch that movie but I, for one, and many like me would like to do it via LFR.

You. Its a matter of choices.

The Biggest issue I have with LFR is people go in there. most just AFK, while the other just zerg the bosses down completely ignoring ALL the mechanics (the very few there are in LFR) They get basically free high level gear and leave with the feeling of ‘oh that was easy, raids are not hard’

They then think there some kind of superhero and go joining norm/heroic runs in the group finder thinking they will be just the same. and what happens ? they usually have no idea of how to actually set the characters up properly, they don’t use enchants, food, pots, flasks etc, they completely have no idea of mechanics, no idea of actually working as a team and completely mess every encounter up for the rest of he group, 90% of random raid groups fall apart because of these people, it ruins the game.

LFR should have mechanics, it should learn people to actually think for a change, it should learn people to work as a group, if they cant be arsed with doing the simplest of things like that they should never be allowed to queue.

Back in the day we had no ‘dungeon journal’ very very few online sources of info, we had work as a team and work out every mechanic ourselves its just pathetic how lazy the game makes people these days.

Its not high lvl gear though really it is far from the best gear ingame so that point is moot .

Thats just pure hyperbole and i lol at this .

I see many LFR players take pride in there gear actually and make more effort then any heroic/mythic player who partakes in LFR .

It does so thats where you are wrong again .

So thottbot being aroud since late classic and tankspot and elitishjerks didnt exist ok gotcha you post is full of fail .

  1. That’s debatable with warforging and Titanforging, Its still equal to Heroic raid gear from the last content we just moved on from less than a few weeks ago.

  2. Yes many LFR, Casual and those with limited play time do take care, do have pride and do read up and check info, patch notes etc, like I said ‘most’ just AFK and don’t care, those that do are the ones who actually kill the bosses.

  3. lol LFR mechanics, the very few that are still in the LFR versions are usually completely negligible and do do anything to punish when not done right, there just a joke.

  4. lol, again, you mention 3, and there the only 3 I can think of myself too (that were worth looking at) , as I said very very few sources of info in comparison to today

You only need 1 site if it has all the info like thottbot did .

ofc you hgave actually source and numbers and facts for this ?

The prize for lfr are irrilevant.
The lfr ppl accepted for normal raid are accepted just when the pugs get in desperate need of ppl. Raider io is supposed to exists to avoid such incidents.
Let us lfr in peace and continue to raid seriously.

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The game resetted. Doesn’t matter what it was 3 weeks ago. But for you information. People who did raid a little or did a little M+ were actually close to 380 last season. And then I am not talking about Mythic raiding. A 370 was useless 3 weeks ago too. And by the time LFR Jaina is available, everyone is 400 ilvl already. In what world should people care about 370 pieces in LFR?

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Want to raid mythic? Just watch a stream.
Want to play this game? Why bother, just watch a stream.
Want to eat? Just watch a stream.
Need some medicine? Just watch a stream.

This ‘just watch a stream’ argument is seriously the most stupid thing I’ve ever seen.

Such nonsense. I’ve literally NEVER seen MOST people afk. If someone did it was 1 maybe 2. And often they were just removed.
Stop this hyperbole nonsense please, it doesn’t help.

I can’t speak for everyone of course, but I would LITERALLY never join an heroic raid PERIOD (current content of course). And the ONLY time I joined a normal raid (in like 8 years or so) was for Uldir, with my guild. To see if I maybe did like raiding again, which I quickly found out; I didn’t.

If YOU don’t like LFR, don’t go there.
I won’t come to YOUR favorite difficulty then, okay? Deal!


Spot on. Can see it now…stop joining our content…rants of “l2p”, go find something easier like lfr….oh wait, we whined about lfr until they took it away :stuck_out_tongue:


The one arguement people have is, “i do LFR for the story” so, watch a stream. No one does mythic raiding because of the story, but good job on completely missing the point.

Same right back at you.

People are playing this game because they want to ‘PLAY THE GAME’. Not watch it being played.

And no, it’s not the ‘one’ argument. It’s one of several arguments.
Your bias is again blinding you from looking at it properly.

But even if we only look at that ‘story argument’, then keep in mind:

The story in an MMORPG isn’t purely played out in cinematics. There’s ingame conversations (voiced or in chat), there’s events that the players themselves help shape or put into motion and, and this is probably the most important; story follows up the player’s actions/gameplay and that ENHANCES the story and your involvement in it and your immersion into it.

Just watching a cutscene can be cool, but it removes all those other elements that make the story into something more. Something you’d care about, because ‘your character was there, you helped do this, you saw the first signs of this in a quest some time ago’ etc etc. MMORPG stories aren’t meant to be watched passively like a movie. They are created with the player actually playing the game in mind.

And no matter how much YOU dislike LFR and may think it’s not really raiding (or even playing the game); it IS for many, many other players.


Nah, you are missing the point of gaming.

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Go watch Method kill Jaina. Now you don’t need to.

Problem solved.

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People who want to take away content from others usually do.