Rallying Cry and Intimidating shout should share a cool-down

Force Warriors to actually choose whether they want to keep there team alive or Crowd Control. No other class in the game has zero choices and just roll everything out whenever they feel like it. Something has to be done about this utility

Sure warlocks also cast 1 fear and 1 chaos bolt then 30 sec and 12 sec cd after.


just enrage reflect condemn for loliwon.mp3

Curious, every time you make a new whine thread, your suggestions get dumber and dumber :thinking: Wonder what the next will bring.


Probably he’ll add charge to this list and bladestorm


It’s good to know that I can still make a big cup of coffee when I get up and have some Zieitrum content to start the day with.


A relaxing good chuckle at the start of the day!

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When are you finished with your horrible suggestions?


never, people don’t get i that i love just making random whine post to see people reaction! each one, i change slightly until i make them obscene!

This is the dumbest suggestion i have read here in a while. This doesn’t make any sense at all.

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I agree buff rets

Imagine being salty about a 15% temporary heal

Keep it coming, it’s great content

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How are you gonna lobby to put man’s lungs on cooldown.

I think a post about Demonology Warlock stun also being a kick is coming up. gotta bash those specs nobody plays!

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