Random BGs have stopped being fun in BFA

The ilvl gap makes the activity pointless.

You’re playing on your main? You have waaay better gear than 80% of the players and you destroy everybody, no challenge. Boring.
You’re playing on your alt? You have garbage gear and you stand no chance against people who do. Frustrating.

It’s awful.
People who complained about Legion templates back then were idiots and their opinion should have been ignored and dismissed.


That was a bad system :smiley:

Is go good enter on a bg as guardian druid and be imortal. On legion I would die for some random guy on less the 5 seconds as guardian.

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A guy who plays tank in PvP, and didn’t like Legion templates because he couldn’t be overpowered and unkillable.


it has always been like this lol

It was a crap on legion you where a tank who lived less than a dps while doing less dps than a dps.

Plus is not op you simple don’t die easy but you don’t do dps to kill people so is a fair trade.

Stat templates sucked. I stand by that opinion.

But if the choice is between the two depressing scenarios of:
can’t play my alts
the gear i’ve earned on my main is pointless

I’d choose the latter.
I just want to log onto my alt and have fun in a BG, and stat templates allowed that to happen.


Stat templates were the best PVP system ever, this is a crap show of one shots because even with ilvl 200 gear you are faced with people with 45k+ hp with 10x your damage

Aren’t you Legion hater ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes. But just because I overall disliked an expansion doesn’t mean I hate every single thing about it.
Many people have regarded Cataclysm as the worst expansion for a long while. Pretty sure those people still enjoy being able to transmog their items.

Legion was garbage for many reasons: class design, AP grind, timegating. But the templates were a good idea.

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Well with your daily topics and how much the game upsets you maybe take another break because sadly its not going to get any better.

You been saying about pvp for 4 months now and it clearly upsetting you and no news of anything good in 9.1 pvp wise it looks bad for you .

I’d bet a good wodge of money that back when we had templates you were in the “Whats the point of gear if I can’t crush newbs” camp.

Now that gear makes a difference people have all reverted to the “gief stat templates so my mad skills make the difference, not gear!”

It’s an endless circle.

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I wish they didn’t delete the old forums so I could prove you wrong.

Thats why they are called alts. They re not supostuz be compettive characters.

If you number those 1 & 2, what you describe in #2 is how your opponents in #1 probably feel…

There’s nothing in the name “alt” to suggest that they shouldn’t be competitive characters.

Alt. is a currently overused term originally intended to signify a character a player created for a sole purpose… like gathering or making Flasks - and NOTHING else.

Alt’s aren’t MEANT to be powerful, or they’d be, by the original intention of the term, Mains.

What…?! :face_with_monocle:

That’s the fun part!

I live for those Random Battlegrounds where I get to feel like I’m a Super Sayian and that everyone else is beneath me. Looking at the scoreboard at the end of the match and seeing all the carnage I’ve wrought is massively satisfying.

Those games where you are the hero and you completely destroy your opponents and carry your team to victory? Man, those games are the fantasy. It’s good fun.


I find low level BG’s to be the only fun Random BG’s to do, specially at the 40 and 50 brackets, you have the class toolkit and most fights are fair, no substantial gear differences.


It’s stops being fun after 10 games or so, i rather have success and carry my team in something meaningful.


I can’t say that’s my experience. I find it to be a source of infinite fun.

Prosaically speaking, it doesn’t happen often anyway. Getting 10 games where I get to be a literal God in Random Battlegrounds probably requires hundreds of games played where the experience is anything but that.
So you appreciate the moments when they happen. Heaven forbid you ever feel like you’re any good at the game…

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