Random disconnects

I’ve been taking a break for a few weeks and came back yesterday and have had DC every 30 min or so on average. I only play era so no retail specific problems. I have 2 types of DC. 1 type, wich is the most frequent is instant DC, with no warning whatsoever. The other one is where I can move around freely, and seemingly being able to type in chat, (unsure if anyone can see it though), but not interact with anything or cast any spells. This last for about 30 -40 sec, then I DC. All other internet connections both games, streaming etc is not having any problems or DC at all.

Latency is fine with a steady 27-28ms. Game seems totally fine and out of the blue I get DC.


Same problem here. Have been fighting with this problem last 7 days. I re-installed game, deleted addons(yep i know… it hurts), called ISP etc. Nothing works. There was one day when i only had like maybe one DC, but yesterday(friday) was worst so far. It lasted whole day and night. It just keeps disconnecting, sometimes it takes hour, sometimes it takes 20min, but it will DC me eventually.

Also it doesnt load my characters when i get DCd, or when i logout. Its just black screen and only thing i see is UI. I have to press “back” and “reconnect” to get it work again. If i let it wait characters to load, it will DC me.

Discord keeps connection during that DC, and every other game works fine.

Edit: WOTLK Classic

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