Rare mobs daily tracker

Hello I have tried to look this issue up, however I couldn’t find any solution.

I have been using the following macro to track which rare I have killed. Yes pen and papers would do the job but then we can apply the same logic in other situations in-game where we use macros and addons to simplify life and make it more compact.

/run for k,v in pairs({Ishak=57259,Rotfeaster=57273,CorpseEater=58696,AnhDe=57363,HaLi=57344,HoundlordRen=57345,ReiLun=57346}) do print(format("%s: %s",k,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end

After the prepatch the macro stopped working any idea why?

Have they changed NPCID’s? or the macro use some addons that I don’t know which ?


IsQuestFlaggedCompleted() is now C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted()

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Thank you. It is nice working again.

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