Rate the Rogue name above you!

26/08/2016 11:27Posted by Hi

best name for a burst-one shot spec rogue. lemme know when they implement that
26/08/2016 13:28Posted by Eva

You must have had that locked away for a loooooong time to be able to name yourself that. Good to meet a fellow vanilla player.
5/10. Its original but doesn't mean anything to the class.
8/10. Coz "This is the End" was just freaking hilarious.
5/10 Sounds a bit edgy/generic.
Unique name not bad Vestan (y)

A very striking name for any class... But especially a rogue. Can rogues really be lovers? I'm sure you represent much more of a hateful presence on the battlefield. The oxymoron works strongly for you, in my opinion. Great name!

I'm planning to spend a substantial amount of time on this character. I thought the name would suit my PvP aims quite well? ;)
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Not very creative but fitting for a rogue. It defines the class well. 7/10
Nice name suitable for any class really. Would have been higher score if you had "Ace" which i think is the original name so its kind of an copy you have.

8/10, funny and fun to say.

Am I edgy enough?
02/09/2016 07:07Posted by Scythis
8/10, funny and fun to say.

Am I edgy enough?

10/10 Hail Scythis!

We know.

Nice one for a goblin :)
9/10 sounds mysterious and rogue-ie, i like it!
I give you 10/10 for your sense of humor :D
Otherwise it's disgusting
I rate you 7/10!

Not very Nelfish but it has a nice ring to it none the less!
Devil? Very well suited for a rogue and fairly great in general. Superb name.

Sounds about right...