Realm change


It has been quite a while since WotLK launched, wouldn’t it be appropriate to open up the realms? I’ve been waiting since launch to get to the realm that my friends are playing on and can’t since it has been locked for the past forever. I doubt I’m alone in this - didn’t bother digging through other topics, though.

Anyways, my friends are on Firemaw and I’ve been wanting to play with them for a long time - fortunately I found a group that I could play with on Thekal, but that group has now disbanded and nothings attaching me to that server anymore. So would it be possible to open up the realms? I’m obviously willing to play for the character transfer, but won’t keep paying for the subscription any longer :sweat_smile:

What are your thoughts on this? :thinking:


They are closed for a reason, but you are only level 12 so just make another character on another realm.

This is obviously not my main - also can’t make on the server that my friends are playing, which is the issue.

So your friends are playing either on Firemaw or Gehennas which are from my recollection the only two realms that block new character creation. Yeah it appears everyone has friends on those two realms specifically.

Ah whatever… Do it Blizzard. Open them up. If smaller realms die because of it fine. I needed a solid reason to stop playing anyway.

The “official” tread related to this was closed 1 day ago: Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available-- Updated 22 November - #1836 by Driros-earthshaker

Blizzard announced “Starting January 26, 2023, all AM and EU realms are open for character creation.” here →

But guess what … for me it is still not possible to create new character on Firemaw.

Did you actually read the link you give?

The below realms do not accept paid transfers:

  • AM
    • Benediction
    • Faerlina
    • Sulfuras
    • Grobbulus
    • Skyfury
  • EU
    • Earthshaker
    • Firemaw
    • Gehennas
    • Giantsalker
    • Mograine
    • Pirewood Village
    • Everlook
    • Venoxis
    • Flamegor
  • Any Fresh Start realm
    • AM: Skyfury, Maladath, Angerforge
    • EU: Thekal, Giantstalker, Jin’do

hi there guys

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hi there guys!
it’s stupid about i can’t transfer character to realm where i alrdy have 80lvl chars… and more stupid about they just closed “Transfer Restrictions” topic without any word.
(Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available-- Updated 22 November)

Make a suggestion ingame, but I think it’s a restriction in their systems that doesn’t allow it.

I did.
But did you read my post?

I do not want to transfer … I want to create a new character and on the link it is mentioned “Starting January 26, 2023, all AM and EU realms are open for character creation

What’s odd is that I can make new characters but then again I have characters already there.

I think it’s either not implemented yet for some reason or it’s only if you already have characters on the realm as it has always been.

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